Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1759: Twenty-year agreement

  Chapter 1759 Twenty Years' Covenant

  Chen Xuan looked at the entrance of the cave, he knew that Jiang Xia should have figured out where he was at this time. So there is no need for Chen Xuan to leave here now, because if Chen Xuan was swallowed by a blind beast before Jiang Xia arrived, wouldn't it make Chen Xuan nowhere to cry?

  However, Chen Xuan at this time looked extremely calm, and was not happy because he was about to leave this place. On the contrary, Chen Xuan was a little worried about what kind of test he would face after going out.

  In other words, if oneself is passing the so-called test of Ziluoshan, then Chen Xuan can go to another world. He has become the same Chen Xuan before, but although Chen Xuan often dreams of many things about Chen Xuan before, in his own dreams. But now Chen Xuan does not aspire to become the former Chen Xuan, because the former Chen Xuan was definitely not a leisurely big man.

  Previously, Chen Xuan also licked blood on the edge of the knife, but Chen Xuan had high expectations for the white robe old man in his dream. This person's strength should be far above Jiang Xia, right? Chen Xuan didn't know it himself, but Chen Xuan knew that Jiang Xia was already the most powerful existence in the Martial Dao Continent. If it were above Jiang Xia, what kind of existence would it be?

  Chen Xuan pondered his future, and soon he saw movement at the entrance of the cave. Could it be a beast? Chen Xuan was also very surprised, but then Chen Xuan felt that it should not be. Because Chen Xuan has been in the blue mountains for twenty years, he has long been aware of the breath of wild beasts or monsters, and even unruly adventurers.

  In fact, this is a feeling, but this feeling is more reliable than all rational methods. Just like a person who stays in front of danger for twenty years, then he will be very familiar with the breath of danger, and he will be so familiar with it.

However, despite this, Chen Xuan was very cautious. Chen Xuan had already made an escape posture. Chen Xuan knew the cave very well, because the cave was actually very complicated in terrain, which was conducive to Chen Xuan’s hiding and him. Escape. But even this is not absolutely safe for Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan still needs to risk his life. But at this time Chen Xuan felt that it wasn't the monsters or the adventurers who came here. Because Chen Xuan felt a familiar but very strange breath.

  That should be Jiang Xia, the breath that Chen Xuan has been looking forward to every day for twenty years. Finally, about a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Xia's figure appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes. But this time, the Jiang Xia that Chen Xuan saw was very different from before. The aura that Chen Xuan felt in Jiang Xia's body was a kind of fairy aura.

  That kind of breath seemed to give Chen Xuan a relaxed and happy feeling, and this kind of relaxed and happy feeling Chen Xuan felt that Jiang Xia would never have it before. And now Jiang Xia also looks like a fairy tale. The shaky beard that used to tremble is now firmly attached to Jiang Xia's face.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Jiang Xia, but Jiang Xia's eyes were very hot, as if he could see through Chen Xuan with a single glance, and saw the depths of Chen Xuan's soul. And the thick fog before in the cave seemed to have disappeared because of Jiang Xia's breath. Chen Xuan still looked at Jiang Xia very calmly.

   Jiang Xia's evaluation of Chen Xuan is even higher, this is extraordinary! After twenty years of experience, this son's xinxing has become more profound. It seems that even the current Jiang Xia doesn't know what this child who is more than 100,000 years younger than him is thinking.

  Undoubtedly, the mysterious powerhouse behind Chen Xuan is very effective for Chen Xuan's training method. However, Jiang Xia's evaluation of Chen Xuan was even higher at this time, but even so, Jiang Xia was still not sure whether Chen Xuan could come out of Ziluo Mountain alive.

  Jiang Xia had been to Ziluo Mountain, but it was because Jiang Xia had been to Ziluo Mountain that he was even more sure...Ziluo Mountain was terrifying here, in fact, there were no Sima monsters and ghosts on Ziluo Mountain. There was only that breath, almost completely crazy. At that time Jiang Xia was only on the border of Ziluo Mountain, but this time all Chen Xuan needed to do was to cross Ziluo Mountain.

  In fact, when Jiang Xia came to Ziluo Mountain, he was astonished to the extreme. In fact, there are no monsters in Ziluo Mountain. Because the monster beasts didn't dare to go there, the atmosphere over there was very heavy. And there is demon energy, no one knows why, Ziluo Mountain is just a canyon, but the demon energy is so terrifying.

   is just a rumor, many, many people have died there, and they haven’t dispersed for a long time. Therefore, those who entered were either confused by the breath and wanted to commit suicide, or turned into demons. After they came out, they killed innocent people indiscriminately and were killed by the righteous people.

   There are no exceptions to the people who entered. Jiang Xia also relied on his superb hexagrams at the time, so he had also been there. However, Jiang Xia at that time only went to the surrounding area, only to the border over there.

  However, Jiang Xia's xinxing was greatly affected at the time, and he even directly recommended his divination ability. It also changed Jiang Xia's temperament, making Jiang Xia's breath very evil. Fortunately, the divination was because of the fairy mountain. In fact, Jiang Xia's life span was almost irreparably damaged because of this.

  Fortunately, Jiang Xia met the fairy mountain, but after 20 years of respecting the fairy mountain, Jiang Xia felt as if the previous self had returned. However, Jiang Xia is also a very determined person. Since the previous self has returned, he can continue to study Guashu. In fact, what Jiang Xia wanted was to understand the world. He knew that by helping Chen Xuan in this world, he could help himself achieve this ideal.

   Jiang Xia is still waiting, waiting for Chen Xuan to walk out of Ziluo Mountain alive, waiting for Chen Xuan to take Jiang Xia to see the master behind him. In fact, Jiang Xia had already admitted in her heart that she was indeed inferior to Chen Xuan. In fact, his own strength is even worse than Chen Xuan. But what about that?

  Behind Chen Xuan is a wicked master! It is normal to be inferior to Chen Xuan, but while Jiang Xia is looking at Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan is also looking at Jiang Xia.

   Jiang Xia seems to have had a pretty good time in the past twenty years. The evil spirit on Jiang Xia seemed to have been completely subdued. If the evil spirit on Jiang Xia's body was completely subdued, then Jiang Xia's fortune-telling skills would definitely rise.

   However, Chen Xuan knew that Jiang Xia could find his specific position so easily, I'm afraid this Jiang Xia is already very extraordinary. "Boy, you really are a monster! You can actually survive in the blue mountains! Only a person who survives like you is qualified to go to the only place in Ziluo Mountain. I don't know why the old man thinks that you can You can survive in a place like Ziluoshan as the devil!"

   Jiang Xia’s voice seems to be a lot less vicissitudes of life than it was twenty years ago. It seems that Jiang Xia is much younger, because when Chen Xuan met Jiang Xia twenty years ago, Jiang Xia gave Chen Xuan the feeling like an old man.

   When Jiang Xia was talking, the aura in the cave seemed to be much clearer, after the dense fog in the mountains subsided. The mountains seemed to have become warmer. Chen Xuan didn't know whether it was the cause of the fire or the arrival of Jiang Xia.

  Chen Xuan saw the faint golden light revealed by the cave, and Chen Xuan knew that this was a sign before dawn. Chen Xuan didn't know why it seemed to be earlier than usual. But what Chen Xuan knew was that he was about to leave soon. Since this place called **** didn't lock him Chen Xuan, then there would be nothing to lock Chen Xuan in the future.

"Old man Jiang Xia, it has been gone for twenty years...Chen Xuan is saying hello to Mr. Xuan!" Chen Xuan's voice was very respectful, and Chen Xuan paid a respectful respect to Jiang Xia after saying this sentence, looking very pious and respectful .

  After all, to Chen Xuan, Jiang Xia is half of Chen Xuan's master. If there was no method of calculation, Chen Xuan would have died here long ago. Therefore, Chen Xuan still respects Jiang Xia very much in his heart.

   Jiang Xia was also not hypocritical, but just nodded slightly. Jiang Xia knew that this was Chen Xuan's gratitude for teaching him the skill of divination. Jiang Xia naturally felt that his technique of divination could bear this worship. The price of your own divination is a sky-high price for you, and you are a **** of divination, and your own hexagram is a sky-high price. And sometimes it is still impossible to obtain the sky-high price. Chen Xuan learned his own divination, what does it mean to worship himself?

   But soon, Chen Xuan's expression returned to his indifference, his eyes deepened, and Jiang Xia knew that it was time to set off for Zijin Mountain. After Jiang Xia entered the Purple Mountain after Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was able to get some benefits from the expert behind Chen Xuan regardless of life or death. The expert behind Chen Xuan in the hexagram already hinted at Jiang Xia.

  Jiang Xia is really curious about the expert behind Chen Xuan, what kind of person can influence the way of heaven. Even changing the hexagram, it feels like a real god. Because Jiang Xia once believed that only the real **** can control the way of heaven. Only the way of heaven can be changed, but it seems that the mysterious person behind Chen Xuan can do it.

   Jiang Xia feels as if this person can influence the way of heaven, and even formulate the way of heaven, but mortals like Jiang Xia can only obey the way of heaven. Only by obeying the way of heaven can they have their blessings, and rebelling against the way of heaven is only a curse for them.

  And the person behind Chen Xuan seems to be able to directly reward Jiang Xia’s existence...

  (End of this chapter)

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