Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1761: The Legend of Ziluo Mountain

  Chapter 1761 Legend of Ziluo Mountain

  Chen Xuan nodded, naturally he understood the meaning of Jiang Xia’s words. Jiang Xia meant that as long as he didn't want to kill Chen Da, then he couldn't let Chen Da affect the mood of the discounted price.

   However, Chen Xuan is still thinking, what is the origin of the cheap master behind him? Chen Xuan himself didn't know how big the origin was. But Chen Xuan looked at the appearance of the No. 1 Gua God in the Martial Dao Continent, as if the master behind him should be terrifying.

  Yes, if it’s not terrible, how can you be so generous to yourself? Think of Ziluo Mountain as a place for self-cultivation. Ziluoshan, all the cultivators in the Martial Dao Continent shunned it for fear... That place is really evil...

   "Boy, have you heard a legend?" Jiang Xia saw that Chen Xuan was still thinking, so she wanted to take the opportunity to tell Chen Xuan more information about Ziluo Mountain. After all, the previous Chen Xuan was also a young man from a fishing village, and he received very little information from the practice world.

  And if Chen Xuan is too underestimating against Ziluoshan, then the only thing waiting for Chen Xuan is death. In fact, Ziluo Mountain is said to be a strategic location.

  But he has produced an evil thing, that is, the purple fairy stone. In fact, the purple fairy stone only exists in the legend. Anyway, there are many people looking for the purple fairy stone, because in the legend, the purple fairy stone can prolong life.

  For a cultivator, the most important thing is of course life span. As long as there is an endless life span, you are afraid that you will not reach the strong? But the purple fairy stone legend can extend the life of a cultivator, which is a fatal temptation for all cultivators.

   Those who naturally go to find the purple fairy stone, there is no shortage of strong people, and those strong people have almost reached the terrible realm of rushing to the purple fairy stone. Moreover, those who went to Ziluo Mountain to find the Purple Immortal Stone were some of the most powerful existences in the cultivation world. But even so, not only did they fail to find the Purple Immortal Stone, they were also dead, crazy.

   Crazy, just want to kill, in addition to killing, even more want to kill all living things. But these demons seem to be intolerable by the heavens. After a few days of killing, they committed suicide, but whether their souls can enter the cycle of reincarnation is not known.

  Those who died, it is said that they were directly there, so they couldn't stand the evil spirit over there and committed suicide directly over there. With such strength as Chen Xuan, I didn't know if he would become the first person to come out in the past.

   But Jiang Xia is also very much looking forward to it, and even more curious, whether there is a purple fairy stone in it. In fact, Jiang Xia wanted to go in because of the purple fairy stone. But Jiang Xia just came to the border of Ziluo Mountain, and felt that his Dao Heart was about to be broken.

  At that time, Jiang Xia had just approached the border, but Jiang Xia was lucky. Because Jiang Xia actually got a divine object at the border, that is, a purple gold coin.

   But this is the same, and Jiang Xia’s life was exchanged. However, after Jiang Xia came back from this trip, she had been sluggish for a long time and cultivated for a long time, but Jiang Xia still saw from the hexagram that her lifespan was almost drastically reduced.

   But Jiang Xia was lucky enough to meet Chen Xuan, and it was a gift from heaven to Jiang Xia. After living in Xianshan for 20 years, it seems that Jiang Xia not only made up for the lost life, but also because of the intersection between him and Chen Xuan, his life seemed to have jumped out of the way of heaven.

  It's like Chen Xuan came into this world with a piece of cloth to resist the prying eyes of the heavens. But because Jiang Xia had a relationship with Chen Xuan, the mysterious person behind Chen Xuan also covered Jiang Xia with a piece of cloth. This shows that the current Jiang Xia is also an existence outside the realm of heaven.

  This is also the reason why Jiang Xia admires the master behind Chen Xuan the most. It seems that the mysterious master behind Chen Xuan can deceive the way of heaven very simply. But let alone the Martial Dao continent, Jiang Xia hadn't seen such a strong man in 100,000 years. But what Jiang Xia can be sure of is that he is an ant in front of the opponent.

  Don’t say that you are a **** of hexagrams, this name is for the other party to tease children.

  However, Chen Xuan has such a master, and his future achievements must be terrible. So Jiang Xia still wanted to make friends with Chen Xuan as much as possible, because Jiang Xia felt that having a strong friend is definitely a good thing for him.

   And the backer behind Chen Xuan is stronger than the Sima Zongmen sect! However, Jiang Xia heard that the purple fairy stone can not only prolong one's life, it seems that purple fairy stone also has a size, but also has a king of purple fairy stone.

  It is said that as long as the King of Purple Immortal Stone is embedded on his own weapon, his weapon is the world's number one artifact. In fact, weapons that can be called divine weapons are very rare, but what kind of scary is the world’s number one divine weapon?

  If Chen Xuan gets the King of Purple Immortal Stone, then Chen Xuan is destined to become a strong one. It is even said that the person who gets the King of Purple Immortal Stone will be the next emperor.

  In fact, this emperor does not refer to the emperor of the three continents, but the real emperor. The emperor is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is the emperor. However, the power of this emperor is very large, and his strength has reached a terrifying level. However, the real emperor is the way of heaven, and the three major continents now have no emperor. Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the heavens collapsed, and many of the strongest fell.

  Then the emperor also hurt himself because of the collapse of the heavens, was backlashed, and then dissipated between the heavens and the earth. However, the later Heavenly Dao became even more bizarre and unpredictable, and now the Martial Dao Continent is already so chaotic, and monsters are rampant, that's because of the chaotic Heavenly Dao.

   But will Chen Xuan become the next emperor? However, it was originally a chaos after the chaos, and a chaos after the treatment. Now that the chaos has been for a thousand years, an emperor must be born.

  I don’t know why, Jiang Xia thinks Chen Xuan is very likely...but Jiang Xia didn’t think much about it. After all, it was a figure in the legend, and the emperor was already a legend.

  The king of the Purple Immortal Stone is also a legend, but the evil nature of Ziluo Mountain is true. I don’t know if Chen Xuan can survive this time. However, if Chen Xuan found a few purple immortal stones in the center of Ziluo Mountain, if they were brought out, it would be of great benefit to Chen Xuan!

  I just don’t know if Chen Xuan is a sensible person in his heart. Jiang Xia glanced at Chen Xuan, and then shook his head. Forget it, the boy from the fishing village... I haven't seen gold coins a few times, so I should remind him kindly.

When Chen Xuan heard Jiang Xia's reminder, he also gave Jiang Xia a grateful look. However, Jiang Xia did not see half of the enthusiasm and enthusiasm in Chen Xuan's eyes. Some have only endless depth, and some have only that kind of cold eyes.

   However, Jiang Xia appreciates Chen Xuan even more, and Chen Xuan’s son is indeed very difficult. But that was also for example, Jiang Xia was not surprised at Chen Xuan's mood at this time.

  A young man who has been living in blood and killing since he was six years old, he was very lonely, lonely to the point of being alone, and spent twenty years like this. What a terrible experience that was, even if it was any severe power, it would not treat the disciples under his seat, right?

  The mysterious master behind Chen Xuan is really terrifying, and Chen Xuan is also an evildoer, and he has survived until now. However, the advantage of Chen Xuan's survival until now is that Chen Xuan's aura is able to drive Jiang Xia, the number one powerhouse in the Martial Dao Continent, to madness.

  If you say this, where should Jiang Xia’s face be placed? Chen Xuan is only a twenty-six-year-old boy, but Jiang Xia has lived for more than one hundred thousand years, but this also made Jiang Xia understand why many strongest people can live for thousands of years, but he can only live for one hundred thousand. year……

   Maybe this is the gap. Jiang Xia himself doesn't know why he has put Chen Xuan in the queue of the strongest who can live for thousands of years. But Jiang Xia could faintly feel that Chen Xuan should be this type of person.

  Finally, in their respective meditations and the conversation between Jiang Xia and Chen Xuan, Ziluo Mountain was finally approaching. Because Chen Xuan felt a rush of earth energy, what was even more frightening was that Chen Xuan felt that there seemed to be a direct and violent evil in this earth energy.

  This felt like the killing aura accumulated in the countless corpse mountains and the sea of ​​fire, but Chen Xuan's mood was still very stable. But Jiang Xia already felt that his mind was beginning to faintly restless, Chen Xuan glanced at Jiang Xia, Jiang Xia understood.

   Jiang Xia took Chen Xuan and landed, because Chen Xuan saw that Jiang Xia was feeling unwell. If Jiang Xia is allowed to send it forward, it is estimated that it will affect Jiang Xia's lifespan.

  This terrible evil spirit became stronger when Chen Xuan stood on the ground. But fortunately, Chen Xuan's previous experience in the Youlan Mountains made his mood strong enough, and now he will not be affected by such evil spirits.

  Because Ziluo Mountain was shrouded in such terrible earth and evil spirits, Chen Xuan felt that every tree and every plant seemed to have spirituality. It seemed that they were all looking at Chen Xuan with their teeth and claws, and wanted to swallow Chen Xuan in one bite. Even the weeds on the ground wanted this outsider to pay some blood and flesh.

  Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of it suddenly. Jiang Xia had said to herself before that Ziluo Mountain would have no more grass. It is estimated that these trees, flowers and plants are all transformed by evil, and evil can already transform into these forms.

  It seems that the place of Ziluoshan is indeed very weird... But after saying goodbye to Jiang Xia, Chen Xuan walked forward without hesitation...

  (End of this chapter)

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