Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1773: massacre

  Chapter 1773 Massacre

  The expression in Chen Xuan's eyes towards the judge was also very calm, as if his dantian was very calm and did not receive any harm.

  At this time, the skin on Chen Xuan's body began to change color, slowly turning purple, and slowly swelling.

  Chen Xuan felt as if two BMWs were pulling him, Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to be pulled to the corpse...

  Only at this moment Chen Xuan felt that there was a fire in his body. The power of the fire was so powerful that he could burn his skin.

  Ah ah...

  Rao was so stable that Chen Xuan couldn't help but cried out, but Chen Xuan's eyes were very cold. Although Chen Xuan felt the extreme pain on his body, Chen Xuan's face did not change color.

  The judge saw Chen Xuan like this and nodded. This son is indeed good!

  This kind of painful judge once had tasted it, but he couldn't be as calm as Chen Xuan.

  Sure enough, that white robe to kill the **** is indeed terrible, even the apprentice handed over is so terrible. Don't let people live? However, Chen Xuan didn't notice the judge's somewhat surprised eyes. On the contrary, Chen Xuan felt that the judge was indeed magical.

  This ground fire is also really amazing because Chen Xuan knows that he may not be able to use the advantages of ground fire now! Instead, killing chickens requires using the sledgehammer, but Chen Xuan feels that even so, he still feels a little sorry for the entire fishing village.

   But today either they die or Chen Xuan is dead. Chen Xuan is not afraid of death, but he still wants to be a strong man. So he can't die yet!

  So Chen Xuan’s eyes now began to become fierce and murderous...

  For an instant, the judge's cave seemed to be like a dragon flying and a tiger roaring. Even the evil spirit seemed to be diluted by this murderous aura.

   However, Chen Xuan's current Dantian seems to be much better. Slowly, Chen Xuan felt that the raging fire in his dantian seemed to have turned into a warm current and remained in Chen Xuan’s dantian...

  Chen Xuan’s eyes became calmer, thinking that he would now be able to merge the sky thunder, five directions, and the fire together. The king of the purple fairy stone must have been incorporated by the judge.

  Chen Xuan instantly felt that his body was refreshed and refreshed, as if there was a fresh and celestial air that was constantly colliding with the impurities in Chen Xuan's body!

  This makes Chen Xuan feel incredible. The king of purple immortal stone seems to have already exerted his effect at this time.

  Chen Xuan instantly felt that he was cheaper. How many people on the mainland died of madness for the King of Purple Immortal Stone?

  It seems that he is the only one who has to come now without any effort, so he got the King of Purple Immortal Stone.

   But what Chen Xuan was grateful for was that his own sky thunder and five directions fire seemed to be very good. You can confuse it with ordinary green fire. What does that mean?

  That means that Chen Xuan will not be jealous this time because of this, which makes Chen Xuan very dark.

  There is a feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but Chen Xuan does not particularly care! Because it is the tiger, after all, it is the tiger that Chen Xuan will sooner or later become the only powerhouse in the mainland and even the whole world. But because of this, Chen Xuan felt that he had a long way to go.

  That way, I can't die, so those people in the fishing village can only...

  "You don’t have to be too sentimental, but you know that although your current strength is not strong enough, your mood is definitely one of the few strong people that the old man has seen since he lived for thousands of years!"

   "Even though the people in the fishing village are dead, a strong man like you can appear.

  It is their glory to allow you to live for them from now on. This is absolutely glory for them, and a blessing from the cultivation of the previous life! "

  The judge's voice slowly sounded. The judge found that although Chen Xuan was murderous, he still had compassion in his heart. The judge had to puncture all the window papers.

  Who is Chen Xuan? Chen Xuan passed the test of the King of Purple Immortal Stone because he was the owner of the King of Purple Immortal Stone. How could his future be comparable to those of the rising people?

  If Chen Xuan is dead, then the challenge that Dao will encounter at that time will be unprecedented!

  Chen Xuan's position in the cultivation world is already very irreplaceable. Although Chen Xuan is still a baby now, in the cultivation world, it's not right... not even a baby, Chen Xuan may just be considered an embryo now.

  But this embryo is unique, and his life may not be so important to Chen Xuan. He just wants to become stronger, he wants to stand on the top of the world and overlook everything.

   But for the judge and the white-robed old man, for the true master of the cultivation world who has lived for thousands of years. Chen Xuan seems to be a rising star...

  If Chen Xuan is dead, the cultivation world will face endless darkness again.

  I don’t know when the next new star in the cultivation world will appear, but the judge knows that the old man in white robe behind Chen Xuan is already old. Since he is old, he will come to the end of his life one day.

   Die for tens of thousands of years. In fact, this is no big deal for the Taidou. Life and death are inherently a matter of heaven.

   But in fact, if the way of heaven does not collapse, these heroes can always live forever...

  But since the heavens collapsed, it seems that when the heavens do not obey the rules of the lord at all, all this will change drastically.

  So the judge and the white-robed old man discovered that they actually had a life span. But for them who have lived for thousands of years, these can be endured. It's just that the collapse of the Heavenly Dao must be maintained by one person.

  And this person can only be Chen Xuan. Since the white-robed old man has not much time left for him, then he has not much time left for Chen Xuan.

  In this way, what Chen Xuan saw was a more sinister world and a more sinister environment.

  But Chen Xuan's state of mind was so tough that he was honed in it, which was very gratifying to the white-robed old man.

   "Did you think about it, kid? If you think about it, let's go! Remember that the vegetation will not grow, the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

  When the judge uttered these words, he was still calm and calm. It seems that there is no feeling of pity at all, and no feeling of heaviness at all.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the judge's eyes, and the judge's eyes were still very bottomless.

  It seemed that one more glance would be completely sucked in by the judge's eyes, and Chen Xuan had to move away. Then Chen Xuan settled his mind, looked at the judge and nodded.

  He is indicating that he has a good dignity and inferiority. Now he can go to this test!


   Suddenly, it seemed that it was only a moment, and Chen Xuan instantly felt that his eyes were black. That was an extremely dark illusion. Just like when Chen Xuan had just arrived in the center of Ziluo Mountain, this feeling was a kind of absolute darkness.

  But what is different this time from last time is that the absolute darkness this time seems to have no evil at all. This surprised Chen Xuan.

  It seems that this place is still good, only when you come in, it will be evil and go out without the slightest evil. In this way, Chen Xuan continued to wander in this so-called darkness.

  When Chen Xuan entered the absolute darkness, Chen Xuan would sometimes think of the days he spent in the fishing village, which made Chen Xuan's heart turbulent. In fact, Chen Xuan didn't want to do this in his heart, but Chen Xuan was facing only two paths now, either by himself or by them.

  It would be fine if Chen Xuan had no desires or desires, but Chen Xuan wanted to become stronger now, as if he was obliged to listen to the judges in the cultivation world. But Chen Xuan didn't care about the cultivating world, Chen Xuan only wanted his own to become stronger, and then there would be no such thing as today.

  No one can force Chen Xuan to make a dilemma and dare to threaten Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan would definitely not let them go. Chen Xuan wants to become the strongest!

  Just like that, I don’t know how long I have been thinking about it. Chen Xuan's eyes finally began to brighten slowly, and Chen Xuan knew that for himself, this was coming to the fishing village. For the people of the fishing village, it is a nightmare.

  But the ground fire is the one sent to him by the judge, and it shouldn’t be too painful to slaughter them. After all, at such a temperature, these people should soon be reduced to ashes.

  In fact, the difference between the cultivation world and the civilian world is very big. In the cultivation world, it looks like an ordinary green fire, but in the civilian world, it is a god. Wherever Qinghuo goes, there will be no armor left, or people who encounter Qinghuo will change directly to become ashes.

  For the civilian world, this is simply something that can kill them in seconds.

  Chen Xuan came to the barren hills of the fishing village. Chen Xuan did not want to see these villagers, because Chen Xuan was afraid that he would be unable to do so...

  Chen Xuan did not want to see his father. Chen Xuan was afraid that he would change his mind. In that case, no one came to this barren mountain on weekdays, and although it was located in the west of the village, it was still close to the village.

  Then do it here! Chen Xuan said coldly.


  A faint blue flame appeared in Chen Xuan's right hand, and the flame was aching violently. At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the faint blue flame on Chen Xuan's hand looked extremely gloomy.

  Chen Xuan just waved his hand gently...

After   , Chen Xuan saw his faint blue firelight starting from this west mountain and then spreading across the village. Only for a moment the fire spread to the entire village.


  Death-like silence Chen Xuan knows that this is the so-called no vegetation, no chickens and dogs. Because everyone had lost their lives at the moment, Chen Xuan's expression was extremely calm. As if nothing had happened, Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with a chilly air, which made people shudder!

  (End of this chapter)

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