Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1784: Go to the Demon Hunter Guild

   Chapter 1784 Go to the Demon Hunter Guild

  Chen Xuan's tone sounds like it can make people's skin out of their own flesh and blood. Originally, this sentence came out of Chen Xuan's mouth, and it sounded like a joke.

   After all, a twenty-six-year-old young man said that he would make the Snow Mountain Sect, a large sect that had existed for thousands of years, regret it, but Chen Xuan's expression and Chen Xuan's tone made the dying Luo Zhen couldn't believe it!

  It's really because Chen Xuan is terrible!

  After a while, Luo Zhen was roasted by Chen Xuan like roast pork. It's just that during this process, Luo Zhen's wailing and death-seeking heart resounded throughout the Chen Mansion. But Chen Xuan didn't have any sympathy, because Luo Zhen's wailing made Chen Xuan feel very dark and refreshing.

  Yu'er and everyone in the Chen family, have you seen it? He Chen Xuan killed a small worm of the Snow Mountain Sect, but even killing such a small worm aroused a sense of revenge in Chen Xuan's heart.

  After dealing with these clutter, Chen Xuan was calm again. Chen Xuan promised to hide his hatred after killing them. Because one's own state of mind can't be controlled by hatred, otherwise Chen Xuan will be the one who will never recover.

   "Boy, you are almost done. Tomorrow will be the Demon Hunting Squad Recruitment of the Demon Hunter Guild! Your current strength wants to be compared with a behemoth like the Snow Mountain Sect, it is no different from ants and giant dragons!"

  Bai Zhe fell asleep for a long time, and stood up and said to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan understood that it was Bai Zhe who let himself hide his hatred in his heart, otherwise, I was afraid that there would be no chance for revenge in the future. Chen Xuan coldly stretched out his left palm again, the sign of the green fire on the palm of the left palm looked very dazzling.


  Chen Xuan's left palm once again ignited a blue flame, and the flame was like a ghost dancing in Chen Xuan's huge palm. Chen Xuan held the ground fire in his hand and walked out of the Chen Mansion slowly. Every time Chen Xuan took a step in his calm steps, the flame in his hand was brighter and fuller.

  After he walked out of Chen Mansion, he threw the green ground fire behind him. It is as if six volcanoes emit hot lava at the same time, burying the majestic and mighty Chen Mansion in the sea of ​​fire.

  Chen Xuan did not look back, he knew that there were too many things hidden behind his back. It's just that I have to suppress all this in my heart. Snow Mountain Sect, from now on you will be my old enemy of Chen Xuan. I want you to be like this Chen Mansion, turned into ashes under the palm of your own refining fire.

  Helan Chong, you will regret coming to this world!

  Chen Xuan secretly swears in his heart that a powerful soul is shouting in his heart at this time. Although no one could hear this shout, it became known to everyone a few years later.

  At this time, Chen Xuan's face once again turned into a spring breeze, like a teenager next door. At this time, the fresh-clothed angry horse was going out for an outing, meeting three or five friends, writing poems and cooking wine together.

  Bai Zhe couldn't help nodding when he saw Chen Xuan's appearance at this time. This son is really good at heart!

  Chen Xuan wandered on this street again and saw pedestrians coming and going. However, he is not part of them at all, just like diving into the water and feeling different from a koi carp.

  Chen Xuan walked to the gate of Luofu for some reason. It seems that I still didn't want to let them go, after all, cutting grass and roots has always been a famous saying that Chen Xuan believed in.

   But this time, they have to let them go. If he kills the Luo family, I'm afraid Jiang He will chase him down now. He was still too small, and still too weak compared to Jiang He.

  Chen Xuan randomly found a hotel to live in again, but when Chen Xuan left the hotel early the next morning, he saw that the street was messed up. The death of Luo Zhen and the ashes of the Chen Mansion are both major events, and they seem to be irrelevant. Luo connected these two things together one day. But no amount of searching is in vain, because there is no proof!

   Chen Xuan, the murderer, came to the front of the Demon Hunter Guild, and it really was a magnificent attic! As soon as Chen Xuan walked in, he felt that this place was really lively and extraordinary. The temporary demon hunting teams one by one are like stalls placed in the attic. However, Chen Xuan glanced at the first floor and found that there seemed to be no one for him. He was ready to slowly walk up to the second floor.

  But this floor is so magnificent and magnificent, row upon row makes Chen Xuan look forward to the second floor even more. However, there seems to be no supervision on the first floor to manage these recruitments. I wonder what scenery is on the second floor?

  "Adults stay!"

   Chen Xuan was about to go to the second floor, but he did not expect to be stopped by a waiter. Chen Xuan glanced back at him, it may be that Chen Xuan's smile made people look very gentle indeed.

  It made the waiter's tone become a lot more relaxed, unlike before, coldly spit out four words. Although the words and sentences are very respectful, there is no warmth in the tone.

  "My lord needs a pass to go to the second floor, I don't know you..." After the waiter said this, he looked at Chen Xuan by the way. This ordinary looking teenager is like a child in his own family, and there is nothing special about it. It should not be enough to go to the second floor.

  Fortunately, I have sharp eyes and quick mouths, otherwise it is not just this harmless teenager who will lose his head. Maybe add your own! Those big people upstairs, even the boss of the Demon Hunting Guild, dare not easily offend him!

   "What pass? I don't know the rules when I come here at the beginning of the next year. I hope my brother will give me advice!" Chen Xuan's tone once again made the waiter feel like a spring breeze.

  But when the waiter heard that Chen Xuan didn't know the pass, he was glad that he was not careless. It turns out that the pass is necessary for the Demon Hunter Guild to go to the second floor, that is to say, the cultivator's qualifications must reach the fifth level of the Taoist before they can go to the second floor. Because the second floor is full of young disciples from some sects, they came here to recruit partners to form a temporary demon hunting school team.

  Of course, the selection of personnel will be stricter. After Chen Xuan learned that he didn't say much, he went with the waiter to test and wait for the order.

  But what the waiter never expected was that Chen Xuan was actually above the fifth level of the Taoist master. This shameless young man seemed to be much stronger than the surface. The waiter was thankful that he didn't offend the young master like before, otherwise he might really lose his head.

  Chen Xuan came to the second floor and found that it was really different from the first floor. It looks very elegant here, as if bricks and tiles are made of precious materials. The first floor is compared with the second floor. The first floor is like a nouveau riche while the second floor is like a real rich house.

  Since Chen Xuan came to the second floor, he naturally gained the respect of many waiters on the second floor. However, the waiters did not interfere with Chen Xuan's choice. Chen Xuan just walked and watched.


  This is to enter the Secret Forest! The announcement of a booth attracted Chen Xuan's attention, and now only one person is recruited. Chen Xuan looked at the three members of this team, and Chen Xuan's spring-like smile obviously made the purple-clothed woman in the lead feel a little favored.

  The two next to the purple-clothed woman were fat, and looked very aggressive. At this time, they looked at Chen Xuan and looked very unkind. Next to the fat man was a teenager in a purple robe, and when his eyes scanned Chen Xuanzhi, Chen Xuan could vaguely feel the fierce light hidden in his eyes.

  Somewhat interesting, it seems that these two people are not good!

  It’s just that this purple-robed boy looks as if he has a deep heart, and he makes a tough shot. But how this scheming escaped Chen Xuan's eyes, his 20-year experience in the Blue Mountains was not in vain. The perception of danger and cruelty has long since fallen into the woods!

   "Three friends are going to Secret Forest?"

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, as if the sun was shining on Chen Xuan's cheeks. And Chen Xuan's eyes are like the brightest stars in the dark night, which makes people unconsciously attracted by a glance.

  The purple-clothed girl nodded shyly. And the fat man next to the purple-clothed girl, seeing the purple-clothed girl's blush, seemed to look at Chen Xuan even worse. It was as if he was about to swallow Chen Xuan into his belly full of fat in one bite.

  "Will you let me join?"

  Chen Xuan glanced at the announcement casually again, feeling a bit interesting. All three of them were actually disciples of the Qinghu Sect, and they were from the same school. It seems that he is a stranger, hehe... Chen Xuan laughed mockingly in his heart.

   "Then what is the strength of the son? Then which sect leader is it?"

  The girl in purple is a child of the martial arts school, her shy face turned into a gentle and polite smile and asked Chen Xuan.

  In fact, the purple-clothed girl felt that Chen Xuan had joined the sect, and it was logical that she was the leader of the sect. Because Chen Xuan seems to be in his twenties now, he can go to the second floor at this age. If there is no school and no school, it is like a rare treasure of heaven and earth!

  Even if Chen Xuan's age can make it to the second floor, among the five major sects, I am afraid they are all the disciples who are focused on training!

  However, Qinghumen and Snow Mountain Sect have always been mortal enemies. Snow Mountain Sect ranks third among the five major sects, and Qinghumen ranks fourth, so becoming a mortal enemy is justified. So the purple-clothed girl didn't want anyone from the Snow Mountain Sect in her hunting squad.

  I have to say that Chen Xuan's gentle and jade-like appearance will indeed make many people feel inexplicably good for him. It's just that if Luo Zhen saw Chen Xuan's handsome appearance, he would suspect that it was a ghost who really killed him, or that Chen Xuan had a fellow demonic brother. But Luo Zhen really has no chance to see it!

  Those who saw Chen Xuan as cold as a block of ice, I am afraid that they will not be able to live in the end.

   "My strength is that I have just entered the fifth rank of Taoist masters, and I have no school or school. It is a great prize to say that I am a leader!"

  Chen Xuan’s voice is more gentle like a breeze.

  (End of this chapter)

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