Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1787: Knock on the mountain and shake the tiger

   Chapter 1787

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly, like a ghost crawling out of the extreme cold hell. Fatty's face was even more ugly. When did he see Chen Xuan's expression? The Chen Xuan he had never seen before gave people a sense of gentleness and elegance. When he had such a decisive look.

"you you……"

  The fat man saw Chen Xuan's expression a little scared and speechless. The purple-robed boy who had been observing secretly was also shocked by the killing intent in Chen Xuan's eyes. He always thought that Chen Xuan and Fatty were just two wastes.

   But now it seems that Chen Xuan is not as simple as he thought, a fierce look flashed in the eyes of the purple-robed young Xiashan. Chen Xuan's scheming is not under him! Fortunately, I didn't act rashly. Otherwise, even though Chen Xuan Taoist's fifth-tier strength would not treat him well, his impression in Zi Yi's heart would definitely be greatly reduced!

  The purple-robed boy Xiashan slowly condensed the fierce light in his eyes to his heart and slowly fermented, like a jar of poisonous wine...

  Xiashan has long been accustomed to if he doesn't make a move, he will definitely kill the opponent when he makes a move!

  The shock of the fat man slowly calmed down. This made Xiashan laugh in his heart. This stupid pig-like fat man seemed to have a good idea, but as far as I know, this fat man can be regarded as the strength of the sixth-order Taoist, and his Mu Leiquan is also cultivated to the sixth rank. Order now.

  Although this fat man is the registered disciple of his master, he is also regarded as the most beloved registered disciple. It seems that the treatment of his own disciple is not too different, and Mu Leiquan has also reached the strength of the elementary level of Profound Grade! His Dao skills are nothing more than mid-level profound products!

   "Huh! It's just the rabbit jumping over the wall in a hurry, I, a tiger, will you still be afraid of you?" Fatty is indeed a character sent by the big gate and soon stabilized his mind.

  Chen Xuanxie smiled charmingly. In the middle of the night, only the faint sound of water dripping and rustling of the willow on the moon appeared to be particularly infiltrating under the environment. His sharp gaze was as bright as a night pearl, and it pierced the fat man's bloated face.

"I gave you a chance! It's just that your killing intent is getting more and more fierce. I, Chen Xuan, is kind to people, but don't touch my bottom line!" Chen Xuan's voice was extremely calm, as if he was in harmony with the running water. The sound of the sound and the sound of the flame collided together without feeling the slightest abruptness.

   "If you touch it, then go to death!"

   Chen Xuan's voice suddenly increased by an octave, and went straight into the foreheads of the fat man and the purple-robed boy, but he did not disturb the purple clothes at all. Because Chen Xuan had already set up a barrier for Zi Yi when she stood up. At this time, Zi Yi was still in her sweet dreamland, completely unaffected by the words of guns and sticks outside.

  The purple-robed boy was shocked. Chen Xuan wanted to kill the chicken and the monkey? Xia Shan had a higher evaluation of Chen Xuan in his heart, and Chen Xuan was not easy to provoke. Just choose the fat man to make him a chicken, is Chen Xuan too confident?


  The young people are frivolous like the Five Mountains, and they are not afraid of killing chickens and turning back to eat rice? Xia Shan said inwardly. However, Chen Xuan's words just now showed his killing intent. Suddenly outside the cave, it was as if the black dragon was pressing against the realm, and the wind was constantly raging. The fallen leaves in the cave that looked very quiet and beautiful were flying around the sky as if they were beating the drums for this secret battle...

The faint sound of water was now concealed under the gust of wind. The fire that was flickering before and then was like a flattering villain. Seeing such a powerful fighting spirit, it was twelve points. Spirit, I hope I can be spared!

"Boy, do you want the fat man to die? Do you think you are qualified? A fifth-order Taoist boy without discipline and no school is Lao Tzu who killed you, I am afraid that no one will know. Then I will tell you in front of my junior sister Go out in the middle of the night to look for wild fruits, and you can't find them all night!"

   "What do you think I would be concerned about?" The Fatty said with a grin. At this moment, Fatty's eyes were full of fierce light and he was staring at Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was not afraid! Even the purple-robed boy Xiashan was frightened by the fat man's killing intent, but Chen Xuan's face was still like an ice block, not moving at all.

  It's just that the powerful aura of Chen Xuan's body made the fat man not dare to despise Chen Xuan. That was definitely from the experience of the flesh and blood. Who is this Chen Xuan? This is like an emperor who has been in the position for a long time, but he is obviously just a little-known wild boy!

  Fatty suspected that he was dazzled, or was surprised by Chen Xuan's sensitive intuition. Otherwise, how could there be such a crazy idea, how could Ye Xiaozi be a big shot!

   "Huh! I don't know whether to live or die!"

  Chen Xuan said coldly, his voice was not loud, but he was able to hit his heart directly. The fat man was scared by these short words, but the more afraid he was, the more he wanted to hide it!

  The best way to conceal your fear is to show your strength and get rid of this frightened animal!


  The fat man pre-emptively struck the Mu Leiquan and swept towards Chen Xuanfeng at the same electric speed. The air began to explode wherever the fist went, and the crackling sound made the purple-robed boy Xiashan's creeps!

  This fat guy really underestimated him. This stupid looking guy is really bad, but it's too showy. If he kills Chen Xuan this little monster, he still has to pay attention to him!

Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and the palm of his left hand burned with a blazing cyan flame again. The entire cave seemed to be lit up by the cyan light. At this time, the purple-robed boy Xiashan closed his eyes, and the cyan flame seemed to have a kind of It can make him shudder as if it can be so inspiring.

  The light of the palm of the fire quickly overshadowed the Mu Leiquan’s intent to punch, and the two forces blasted in the air, one green and the other green!


   Countless dust arose in the void, and the top of the cave seemed to have been blasted by these two auras to crack the soil, and a cloud of dust was dancing all over the sky in the fire. It's like countless elves are dancing in the void, but with such a strong fighting spirit, neither of them cares about this style.


   Chen Xuan is actually a talisman maker? The fat man was palpitating secretly, this time he kicked the iron plate. And the purple-robed young man Shan Xin fell to the bottom, but fortunately, Chen Xuan's killing intent had not been discovered by Chen Xuan. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's me who is overwhelmed!

  Just this first round of tricks has shocked both Fatty and Xiashan, and they are very regretful!

  Xiashan is fortunate that he is usually calm and restrained, and he did not act rashly this time. As for his number one enemy, Fatty, I am afraid that this time he will not die and will have to escape the bad luck of being chased by a bunch of monks.

  Xiashan had long heard his master, that is, the nine elders of Qinghumen, had said about the master of talisman. This is a role that everyone wants to recruit, even large sects like Qinghumen regard the talisman master as the jewel in their palms. It's just that the general talisman masters have different disciplines, and there are a lot of masters and brothers behind them, and every master master is a talisman master and a monk at the same time.

  No one wants to offend a character like this!

  Fatty is really miserable this time! Xia Shan slandered to himself in his heart.

   "You...refining the palm of the fire! Are you a talisman?" The fat man's voice began to tremble, and even when he made such a voice, his throat and his whole body began to tremble!

  This time I got into trouble! If you offend the Ninth Talisman Master Ninth Elder, will you protect yourself? Fatty first pinned his hopes on Master Nine Elder, who had always been pleased with his eyebrows, but he turned it down again in his heart!

  Impossible, no matter how he pleases, he is only a named disciple. His direct disciple may not be guaranteed if he offends the Talisman Master! Not to mention himself?

The fat man looked at Chen Xuan’s cyan flame and was racking his brains to find a way for him to survive, and Chen Xuan looked at this frog that was about to be cooked, struggling hard, like the instigator of a frog boiled in warm water. Sensual. It's just that there seems to be a smile on his face, which makes Fatty and Xiashan feel that their skin, flesh and blood, and even every cell is trembling!

  There is no way! Only by killing Chen Xuan, destroying his corpse and destroying the traces, even if the talisman maker came after him, he, Zi Yi and Xia Shan unified the caliber that Chen Xuan went out in the middle of the night and disappeared. I'm afraid that with the shelter of Qinghumen, he can escape the disaster!

  Fatty's eyes flashed fiercely, and the look in Chen Xuan's eyes was as fierce as he was about to divide Chen Xuan's five horses. You guys are not good at learning what others do, and you want to learn how to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but this time the talisman maker, the condition that can make you a tiger has been destroyed by yourself! You can only be a pig, and you can only be a dead pig!

  Fatty said viciously. A Tier 5 Taoist, even if you add the palm of the fire, it can only die! Although Fire Palm is a nominally intermediate-level profound-rank Dao skill, and his Mu Leiquan is an elementary-level Dao skill of the profound grade, the Fire Palm-refining is in the eyes of their cultivators and it’s not as good as a high-level ordinary grade. !

  In this case, your own Mu Leiquan will let this hillbilly have a taste of the true power of Xuanpin Taoism! Fatty once again fought against the sky, and the dust flying in the air seemed to be agitated by Fatty's punch, and along with the fatty's fist, he pushed towards Chen Xuan...


  The momentum was like a towering ancient tree collapsed suddenly, and he ran into Chen Xuan brazenly. Chen Xuan's face looked bright and dark under the blue flame of his left palm.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuanjian flew out into the void like flying like a big peng spreading its wings, moving like a rabbit, and approaching the fat man. He picked up the blue flame in his hand and slashed directly at the fat man...


  (End of this chapter)

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