Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1790: The jealousy of Xiashan

  Chapter 1790 Xiashan's jealousy

  Zi Yi slowly opened her charming peachy eyes and saw Chen Xuan peacefully sleeping beside her. Can't help but start to look at this gentleman Qianqian...

  I can be regarded as a high-cold Fengyun beauty at Qinghumen, how can I become a chirping lady next door in front of Chen Xuan? For this, Zi Yi also feels very curious.

What kind of charm does Chen Xuan have?

  She began to observe Chen Xuan carefully, and every breath seemed very light and calm. The gentleness between his eyebrows and eyes was as gentle as a three-month sunny spring, which made Zi Yi feel gradually intoxicated.

  But Zi Yi discovered that there was a trace of firmness between the gentle and soft, and Chen Xuan was really asleep at this time.

  Because of being babbled by the fat man yesterday, I didn’t have a good rest all night. Now Chen Xuan is indeed very tired and fell asleep peacefully!

  Zi Yi looked at Chen Xuan with breathlessness, but he didn't notice it at all!

  She slowly stretched out her fingers and smoothed Chen Xuanyu’s brows...The golden sunlight hit Chen Xuanjunyi’s face, showing even more graceful youth!

  Chen Xuan's white to feminine face, with his smile put away, he looked so decisive, as terrifying as a demon reborn from the ashes! Isn't he the gentle boy who was in front of him yesterday?

  Which one is the real him?

  Xiashan has been awake for a long time, and he has been seeing his junior sister staring at Chen Xuan, who used the fire of **** to kill the fat man last night! The jealous fire in his heart has filled his whole heart like a new grass in the spring breeze!


  Chen Xuan, how many days can you be proud of? I really don't know where this demon attracts his little junior sister!

  My little sister has never looked at me with such eyes, why? Whether you are a stray dog ​​from the country or a demon crawling out of hell, where exactly is it qualified?

  Xiashan scolded Chen Xuan viciously in his heart!

  The same is true for the younger junior sister. When you see a man, you will jump up? Sooner or later I will let you claw on your bed, and then I will get tired of you...

  Xiashan began to imagine the scene when the younger sister and herself were enjoying themselves, which made Xiashan even more eager to kill Chen Xuan.

  If it weren't for Chen Xuan, the little junior sister was looking at herself with such a look!

  Xiashan finds that his jealousy can no longer be suppressed, and must find a way to stop all of this!

  Chen Xuan's thin lips twitched lightly, and his high nose was as beautiful as a fine art carved by God. Zi Yi saw Chen Xuan seem to be awake and not sleeping, and his face flushed.

  It seems that it’s too late to sleep in this fashion. Zi Yi’s left index finger is still between Chen Xuan’s eyebrows and eyes.

"what's happenin?"

  Chen Xuan’s gentle voice sounded again, as if a gentle sunlight was hitting the beautiful face of the purple-clothed Chu Chu.


  A hint of panic flashed across her elegant and refined face in purple clothes. Chen Xuan found it! How to do?

   "Hehe, did the girl with dirt on my face wipe it off for me? Bother the girl in purple!"

  Chen Xuan’s gentle gaze only glanced at Zi Yi and understood what she had done and thought, and immediately humbly helped her out...

  What a silly cute girl!

"Yes, it is!"

  Chen Xuanqian's respectful smile can always make Zi Yi feel as if there is a lost deer in her heart that is hitting her heart. However, every time she showed embarrassment, it seemed that the young man in front of him, Chen Xuan, had been resolved.

  Xiashan saw the appearance of these two talented women, and the jealousy in his heart became even greater!

  Chen Xuan, you must die!

  Xiashan seemed to have a voice howling constantly in his heart. Of course this is also the voice of Xia Shan, but he dare not show the slightest fierce light, even the weak killing intent to show in his eyes!


  Chen Xuan, this demon is like a dog, and even a little killing intent seems to be able to make him smell it. I don't want to end up with the fat man.

   "Little Junior Sister, Young Master Chen Xuan, are you all awake?"

  At this time, Xia Shan, who had arranged the poisonous scheme last night in his heart, woke up slowly. The look of sleepy eyes really looks very similar to just waking up!

  This also made Zi Yi put his guard down, but fortunately, his brother did not realize that you were just facing Chen Xuan like an idiot. Otherwise, he won't be embarrassed to death.

   "Right, where is that fat man?"

  The girl in purple finally remembered, as if there was one missing person in the cave.

  If the fat man finds his goddess in the sky, and finds himself so late, then he will die without caring about his purpose!

  But he had no chance to close his eyes. After all, the eyeballs in his eyes were chopped into flesh by Chen Xuan and burned out.

   "Oh! When I got up in the middle of the night, I found that he told me that I was a little hungry, so I went out to find wild fruits! Haven't come back yet?"

  Xiashan’s very calm eyes are more real than real!

   "There are many wild beasts here too, shouldn't it be given by wild beasts..."

  The **** of regret suddenly appeared on his face. It doesn't seem to be a bit strange because of lying!

  Even Chen Xuan is about to be impressed by such acting skills. If this child is not a cultivator, he must be a good seedling of an actor. However, at this moment, Chen Xuan's heart was buried with murderous intent. This person had a deep heart, and he would never leave it!

  But Chen Xuan's face still gave people a smile like a spring breeze. Even if Xia Shan rubbed his eyes frantically, he couldn't see Chen Xuan, the abnormally cold demon last night.

  Since Chen Xuan learned of Yu'er's death, the skin he had disguised for himself had long been refined. Naturally, Xiashan couldn't find the slightest difference in it!

   "This way..."

   There were a few more tears in Zi Yi's eyes, which seemed even more pitiful. Xia Shan just wanted to take care of the charming purple clothes as a senior.

   was swept away by Chen Xuan's cold-eyed Xia Shan. He seemed to feel that he was being targeted by a wolf! There was a cold breath from the back of his neck, and his face was glared with sweat, and his shirt was soaked in cold sweat behind his back.

  This Chen Xuan is simply a monster!

  Xiashan slandered to himself in his heart. It seems that I have to constrain a bit now, otherwise I am afraid that Chen Xuan has not been killed by himself, and he would have died under the palm of his refining fire first...

   Thinking of the fat man’s death, he felt a chill in his heart now!

"Are you OK?"

  Chen Xuan’s gentle voice echoed in the purple-clothed world once again like a heavenly sound.


  Zi Yi's sad heart is like a piano string, and it feels that it will soon collapse. And Chen Xuan is like a master of piano repair, his actions, words and deeds are like the best tool to heal Ziyi.

  The breeze gently moved Chen Xuan's white shirt, and the plump and slim purple clothes cried with the beauty of pear blossoms. Chen Xuan couldn't help feeling pity.

   "I... just passed away, a little sad."

  Chen Xuan walked quickly in front of Zi Yi and hugged her. It's like a graceful hero protecting the beauty of the legendary princess. Zi Yi felt that his heartstrings seemed to be completely messed up, and his heart seemed to be moved methodically by him like a piano.

  Xiashan began to curse in his heart. But he found that he was powerless to stop, Chen Xuan, wait for me! If I don't kill you, I won't be surnamed Xia!

The jealousy in Xiashan's heart has reached its peak, but he is still suppressed. It's just the color of resentment in his eyes, but it quickly passed through the eyes.

  But it was still caught by Chen Xuan, and the murderous intent and viciousness that flashed past like a white horse made Chen Xuan really moved.


  Xiashan really wanted to kill himself, and Chen Xuan wouldn't keep half of his hands on those who wanted to kill him. Want to kill yourself just for the sake of Ziyi?

  Sure enough, it is cunning and ruthless! In fact, if it was because he and Xiashan liked Ziyi at the same time, then Chen Xuan would not kill him. A fair lady, a gentleman is so good. This is nothing, everyone just competes fairly.

   But since Xia Shan has a murderous intention on himself, and the gaze that has just looked at Ziyi is still so lustful, it is obviously a **** nature...

   hurt Ziyi and want to kill himself?

  That is too long to live!

   Chen Xuan's personable words and deeds soon calmed the sadness in Zi Yi's heart. At this time, Xia Shan's expressions facing Chen Xuan and Zi Yi also became full of smiles.

  What a good show!

  Chen Xuan said with emotion in his heart. It's just that the actor's acting skills are still not enough, and he didn't hide his eyes. Then wait to die! It's just that you have to deal with the python monster first and then find a chance to deal with you.

  Qinghu Gate is really an interesting place. The Nine Elders are actually related to the Snow Mountain Sect. Chen Xuan showed great interest in Qinghu Sect at this time, and he hadn't joined the sect anyway.

  Qinghumen is a good choice. As long as it is related to the Snow Mountain Sect, if you can follow the vines, you will consider it.

   Chen Xuan's eyebrows frowned, he was obviously thinking about things, but that was just fleeting...

   Soon his face returned to his gentle and jade-like appearance, and a kind smile hung on his face again.

  According to the map in the ancient book, Chen Xuan and his party are getting closer to the Misson Valley, which means that the python demon is only half a day away from them. The battle was approaching, and Chen Xuan, Xiashan and Ziyi also began to guard.

  For a time, the atmosphere between the hunting team was very tense...

  While Ziyi always went to Chen Xuan when he was on the road, Chen Xuan was puzzled. Is this to protect himself? Chen Xuan said with a dumb smile in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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