Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1840: Return to the Dao Heart Continent

   Chapter 1840 Return to Dao Heart Continent

  Chen Xuan's eyes were slightly narrowed. To Secret Forest, he was like a passenger. "I came from chic, and went chic! The world is happy, even if I go to the immortal world, I will do whatever I want."

  Chen Xuan's expression was hearty, but his heart was extremely calm. He stood up against the wind with one sword, one sword and one pot of wine, his white robe fluttering in the air seemed very contented.

  At this time, his heart is very relaxed, as if he was immersed in a spring of medicine a long time ago. But Chen Xuan's eyes were letting go out of the world, and his eyes were wrapped around the entire foot.

After a short while, he returned to the Ulan Empire. At this time, it has been more than three years since he left here! However, in only three years, Chen Xuan had changed from a kid of the sixth rank to a powerful man of the fifth rank.

  However, Chengcheng County was not at all complacent at this time, and there was only peace in his eyes. There was still a faint depressed color under the calm and finally came back. Snow Mountain Sect, let’s walk and watch! Chen Xuan muttered inwardly.

  I don’t know what kind of changes have taken place in the situation on the mainland in the past three years. The Secret Forest is simply a paradise isolated from the outside world, and almost no news about Daoxin mainland can be spread there.

  And that is, without worldly interference, it will be so pure over there. It is more conducive to Chen Xuan's cultivation. But if you want to inquire about the changes in Daoxin Continent in the past three years, you don't need to go to any high-end places.

  All you need to do is to go to some wine shops. There are countless scholars over there generously speaking about their ambitions and analyzing the current situation. It seems that these are the only values ​​in their minds.

  The speaker is not guilty, and these big sects will naturally not condescend to care about these people. And those civilians in Daoxin Continent also need some entertainment after eating and drinking, and naturally they have a place for these people to survive.

  Chen Xuan walked into a wine shop, his eyes filled with endless images. nice! The economic situation of the Ulan Empire seems to have stabilized a lot in the past few years, but this kind of economy must have thrown off the situation of two tigers and one mountain. What are two tigers and one mountain?

  Previously, both the Snow Mountain Sect and the Qinghumen belonged to the Ulan Empire gangs, and the private fight between the two gangs was very intense. Almost either you die or I die. Of course, it is the ordinary people who suffer from the fights of the gods. Chen Xuan secretly guessed.

   Could it be said that this situation was broken? Chen Xuan had an unknown premonition in his heart. If it were broken, Qinghu Gate would be weaker than Xiafeng. Because the strength of Qinghumen is a bit weaker than Snow Mountain Sect.

  It’s just that the overlord of the Snow Mountain Sect was busy fighting internally a few years ago and had no time to take care of Qinghu Gate. But in recent years, the Snow Mountain Sect has become very stable. Helan Chong has a lot of help, and the situation is much better than before.

  In addition to the previous killings of Helanheng and Helan Yuer of the Snow Mountain Zong, the internal enemies have basically been eliminated. Could it be that the Snow Mountain Sect had already given the Qinghu Sect... the more Chen Xuan thought this way, the more he panicked, not because he was flustered by the Qinghu Sect. It's Ziyi! Could it be that the affairs of the Ninth Elders have wiped out the Qinghu Sect?

  Rao is Chen Xuan's calm disposition, and at this time he can't help but panic. Chen Xuan's brows frowned, and a feeling of coldness spread in the current atmosphere.

  The guests coming and going seem to be falling into an ice cellar at this time. Fortunately, it is summer. Otherwise, I'm afraid these guests will leave first and then soon.

   Calm down, calm down first! Chen Xuan told his own heart secretly, even though Chen Xuan felt like he was being severely scratched by a wild cat at this time.

  But his face still brushed like a warm spring breeze. This is Chen Xuan's external skin. Only a soft skin can make Chen Xuan less noticeable.

   "Little Er comes to pot wine."

  Chen Xuan’s voice sounded very hearty, like a chivalrous man. Xiao Er is naturally used to seeing such a knight, he paused and replied.

   "Can you accompany the drinker?" Xiao Er's voice sounded very kind, like a benevolent businessman. Chen Xuan heard it, and naturally understood the meaning. It seems that these wine shops really support the so-called escorts. The accompany is a kind of scholar who asks for inquiries, just like a cross talker, chatting and drinking with the guests when they are drinking.

   "Hmm!" Chen Xuan smiled, as if that feminine face was like a pear blossom in March.

   "Okay... the guest officer wait a minute..." Xiao Er nodded towards Chen Xuan, and looked at Chen Xuan by the way. Chen Xuan was dressed in a white robe and a long sword, just like a young monk.

  And such monks are more likely to be the geniuses of the big gates, who are sent to put down the mountain experience. Xiao Er felt a little bit in his heart, he couldn't afford to provoke such a person.

   did not dare to neglect, and soon sent a storyteller to Chen Xuan with a pot of wine. Chen Xuan did not put on any airs, but gave him a faint smile and told him to sit down.

  But in Chen Xuan's eyes, Gu Bo's calmness was not surprised, which made the storyteller secretly startled. Really a young and promising monk, this son must be extraordinary. "What do you want to ask, sir?"

  While speaking the vernacular with the drinker, he got up and said lightly to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan smiled and returned a salute to him. Every move shows everyone's demeanor.

  "Do you know anything about Qinghumen and Snow Mountain Sect?" After Chen Xuan returned the gift, he was not too polite, but once again let the accompany guests sit down. Pour a glass of wine for him and himself, and then they started to take care of themselves.

   "This... sir!" The drinker seemed to panic suddenly, and his face turned pale. The lips were twitching slightly. Chen Xuan's eyes remained calm as usual.

   "Don't be nervous! I have been practicing in retreat for a while, so I don't know the world!" Chen Xuan smiled and continued. The look of the accompany drinker eased a little, and nodded as if he was suddenly realizing at this time.

  "The son doesn't know something, Snow Mountain Sect doesn't let us talk about these things!" The wine companion lowered his voice and said Chen Xuan slowly, as if he was very tangled in his heart.

  Chen Xuan's heart suddenly tightened! Snow Mountain Sect! It seems that what should have happened has already happened! The Qinghu Gate was actually destroyed by the Snow Mountain Sect! I just don’t know what happened to Ziyi...

  Chen Xuan felt a little uncomfortable, a disappointment and nervousness spread from Chen Xuan's mind to the soles of his feet. Chen Xuan felt like he was cold all over. But the only straw in his heart was telling him that Ziyi might not have something wrong!

  She knows it! She knew there was something wrong with the Ninth Elder, and she knew even better that the Nine Elder wanted to kill her. What if she prepares in advance? Chen Xuan said inwardly. But because of this, he became more nervous.

   "Then...what happened?"

   Chen Xuan asked in more detail, his eyes were full of calmness. It seemed that this calmness could help him suppress fear and tension.

   "Hey..." The eyes of the hostess were full of unbearable expressions, and Chen Xuan's heart became even more repressed. He felt that his heart seemed to jump out completely at this time.

  Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes, it was so uncomfortable to speak with the drinker. There seems to be a reason. He touched his waist pocket, and understood something in his heart. It seems that he has left Daoxin Continent for three years, and he has even forgotten the rules of getting along with people.

  He took off his waist bag, took out fifty taels of silver, and put it in front of the drinker. A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the accompany, as if he were very satisfied. However, he still shied away and said no.

   "Huh? Is it too young?" Chen Xuan frowned and asked faintly. At this time, the accompany drinker feels surrounded by a chill. The terrible aura seems to be able to bring the **** into the ice cellar.

   "This...actually... Snow Mountain Sect does not allow discussion." A trace of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of the drinker.

   "You don't want this silver, do you want my long sword to discuss with you?" Chen Xuan's voice was even more stern, and his face became cold from the initial warmth.

  The cold light gleaming in his eyes made the drinker feel a deep chill.


  Taking a breath of air to accompany the drinker, he felt that the kid in front of him seemed not easy. He seemed to be a monk, not something he could afford.

   "That... well..." The companion hesitantly collected the fifty taels of silver. Chen Xuan ridiculed himself secretly. Humph! These scholars, who usually tell current affairs in the wine shop, have such a fair face at this time...

   "Master, I told you that the Qinghumen either took refuge in the Snow Mountain Sect, or they are already dead!" Chen Xuan was angry, and then there was a pain.

  What's dead?

  What about his purple clothes? Is it also dead?

   "Who died? Do you know the doormaster and the girl in purple clothes?" Chen Xuan asked coldly, as the temperature around him was getting lower and lower. It seemed like the cold air under Jiuyou.

"I...I don't know who died! But the master of the gate must be dead. I put my head on the gate of the city and didn't withdraw it for ten days. As for the girl in purple, she seemed to be reduced to a toy of the Snow Mountain Sect, and then she couldn't bear the humiliation. , Also committed suicide!"

  Chen Xuan's heart aches, and the wine glass in his hand bears Chen Xuan's endless anger and the power of fire. It was just that Chen Xuan suppressed it with all his strength, and the liquid in the wine glass was shaken from side to side.

  But the wine glass was still held firmly in Chen Xuan's hand like a mountain. Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be torn apart at the moment, and tears kept spinning in his eyes.

  But only for a moment, Chen Xuan's face returned to calm again. The accompany drinkers and the like are definitely unable to detect the deep sadness under the calm. "Okay! I get it!" Chen Xuan's voice was very suppressed, as if there was endless anger hidden. He untied his waist bag and threw it on the table.

   yelled at the little second and the companion, “This is all counted as my wine money and your storytelling fee today. You all go, no outsiders can come in this private room!”

  Chen Xuan’s voice still suppressed the last trace of peace...

   Then in the private room, he was the only one and wine left. He is like a sad guest, drinking spirits and reminiscing about his and Ziyi's bit by bit...

  (End of this chapter)

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