Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1961: Explore Wanyang Mountain

  Chapter 1961 Explore Wanyang Mountain

  Chen Xuan flew across the mountains and forests. Just now, Chen Xuan felt a heart-trembling power emanating from the top of the mountain.

The scene he saw from the corner of his eye was retreating rapidly. Chen Xuan headed straight to the top of the mountain. On the way, Chen Xuan encountered many monsters mentioned by Chu Jianghe before. They were extremely violent, with fishy saliva flowing from the corners of their mouths, rushing into the air. Chen Xuan howled.

  Chen Xuan felt that things were not simple.

  Most of the monster beasts I encountered along the way were relatively docile in character, but those monster beasts were ferocious and violent, and they bit each other.

   There must be something on the mountain that is affecting the monsters, causing the monsters to change their characters, and they have even reached the point of madness.

  Chen Xuan didn’t think much anymore, and set off to the top of the mountain.

  On the way to Wanyang Mountain before, Chen Xuan randomly asked the origin of Chujiang River Wanyang Mountain.

  This Wanyang Mountain seems to have some beginning. Legend has it that the ancient battlefield where the King of Wanyang fell. The huge body has gone through countless years on the earth, and finally turned into the current Wanyang Mountain.

  It is said that in this mountain, there is the Baodan of the God King of Ten Thousand Suns, which is a real **** against the sky.

   Previously, Chen Xuan was just a joke, nothing more than a legend.

   But judging from the fluctuations from the top of the mountain, the legend is very likely to be true, because a very strong fluctuation from the top of the mountain emits endless energy.

  The closer you are to the top of the mountain, the more you can feel the strength of that wave, which also contains the ancient power of fire.

  The fluctuations on the top of the mountain were too strong, and creatures in a radius of thousands of miles were attracted, and all the monsters below the mountainside were densely packed, and many monsters with relatively weak power were trampled into sludge in the beast tide.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to reach the top of the mountain, from a distance, I saw something on the top of the mountain glowing endlessly.

  The mountain peaks slowly split, and the thing in the gap on the top of the mountain is like the sun falling from the sky. It is so hot that Chen Xuan from a distance feels hot.

   Approaching the top of the mountain, Chen Xuan gradually couldn't withstand the damage caused by the high temperature. The skin that had always been extremely tough was burnt red all over.

As a last resort, Chen Xuan could only stop, and stood in the air to observe the monster tide below and the small sun on the top of the mountain from a distance.

  Chen Xuan discovered that these monster beasts did not seem to be afraid of the high temperature from the top of the mountain. The entire body of the monster beast was covered with a layer of fiery red light, and that layer of light seemed to be emitted from the top of the beast's head.

Chen Xuan saw that some of the monster beasts who had just died, the red light began to dissipate, and finally returned to their heads and turned into a very scarlet crystal. The rest of the monster beasts came back to **** the crystal, and then swallowed it with his head. The one in the fusion together.

   "The crystals on the heads of these monster beasts are a bit strange, or I will **** one to see what it does." Thinking like this, Chen Xuan flew down the mountain.


  A monster beast was trampled to death by the surrounding beast tide, and roared unwillingly.

  Chen Xuan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he snatched the crystal the moment he appeared. Then flew into the air.

  Chen Xuan carefully observed the crystal in his hand, the crystal was crystal clear, and there were traces of fiery red liquid in the middle.

Then Chen Xuan held the crystal in his hand and felt it carefully. Unexpectedly, the liquid in the crystal would automatically melt into Chen Xuan's body. Unlike monsters, the liquid did not converge towards the head after entering Chen Xuan's body, but exuded around the heart. The bursts of power fluctuate with the beating of the heart.

  A faint red light appeared around Chen Xuan's body. After this light appeared, Chen Xuan realized that the high temperature at the top of the mountain had reduced a lot for him.

   "If I harvest more of these crystals, maybe I can reach the top of the mountain and touch the little sun." Chen Xuan thought secretly, and then began to move.

   drew out the Sky Profound Sword and slashed towards the surrounding monsters.

The monsters around    generally have low cultivation bases, and most of them are in the appearance of the three heavenly immortals.

Chen Xuan can kill many monsters with a single sword, and the crystals harvested are countless. As Chen Xuan absorbs more and more crystals, the liquid surrounding the heart gradually increases, and in the end it has faintly gathered into a stream. Look like.

  The light outside the body gradually deepened, and now Chen Xuan could hardly feel the temperature anymore when he stood in the previous position.

   Chen Xuan felt that it should be enough, and it was time to go to the little sun on the top of the mountain to find out.

  The little sun on the top of the mountain slowly rises, and has reached the point where it is about to come out completely. The more it comes out, the better the light and temperature.

  Chen Xuan had reached the side of Little Sun, the light was so intense that Chen Xuan couldn't open his eyes. This was also Chen Xuanxiu's advanced level. If he changed to another monk, it was estimated that his body would not even be able to withstand this light.

  Suddenly the fluid around the heart in the body boiled a little, bringing Chen Xuan's heart gradually surging.

  Chen Xuan stretched out his right hand, wanting to touch the little sun, slowly his fingers were about to touch it.


  At the moment when he encountered the little sun, Chen Xuan's mind roared, and countless memories and inheritance poured into Chen Xuan's mind. Chen Xuan's eyes fell into a deep sleep, and his body began to fall uncontrollably.

  It is strange to say that the little sun became dim after Chen Xuan touched it, until it finally lost its light completely and became a pitch-black stone.

  After the small sun dimmed, it slowly fell into the mountain peak, and then the gap between the mountain peaks closed again.

  Chu Jianghe and others, who had finished healing, felt the shock, came to the foot of Wanyang Mountain, and saw Chen Xuan falling down from a distance, and hurried away.

   "Where am I..." Chen Xuan seemed to have entered a dark world and walked slowly forward.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know how long he had been walking, and suddenly saw a glow in front of him.

   "Feishenlu!" Chen Xuan yelled softly, trying to urge Feishenlu to fly over, but was surprised to find that he had lost the spiritual power in his body, including the once tough and powerful body, and was extremely thin at this time.

  It seems that I can only walk there by myself.

  Chen Xuan persisted for hundreds of days, and the red light ahead gradually approached. Although it was slow, it gave Chen Xuan hope and confidence.

   "Counting days, several years have passed, and the light in front is still far away." Chen Xuan took a rest, and as time passed, Chen Xuan began to weaken in this place.

  After decades, Chen Xuan felt that he was about to dissipate, and his body had begun to become transparent, but the red light in front of him was still very far away.

  Chen Xuan gradually couldn't hold on, fell to the ground, and his whole body was about to dissipate. Chen Xuan was unwilling, his eyes fixed on the red light ahead.

  The body was so transparent that it was invisible, and Chen Xuan's consciousness gradually blurred, but Chen Xuan still kept the last trace of clarity in his heart.

  A few more days passed, Chen Xuan finally couldn't hold on, his body completely dissipated, only the last point was still stubbornly resisting.


  At the last moment of dissipating, Chen Xuan roared in his heart, and the belief in his mind told himself that he must never die in such a place!

  The red light in front of him felt Chen Xuan’s faith and was slightly shocked. It flew towards Chen Xuan quickly, wrapped Chen Xuan, and floated in the air.

  (End of this chapter)

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