Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1963: From the magic way

   Chapter 1963

  A black cloud floated from the direction of Wanyang Mountain, which seemed to envelop the two of them, and then flew towards the position of Chen Xuan and others.

   "Second, there seems to be something wrong here." One of the men in black said to the man in black next to him.

   "There are all mortals in Wanyang Village. Although they are a bit bigger, there are not many monks, let alone conquered them a few days ago."


   "Okay, it's nothing, but you and I are both Seventh Heavenly Immortals. What can happen in this kind of place."


  Although the man in black felt something wrong, he still followed the man in black named the second child.

  Far away, Chen Xuan saw the figure in the dark cloud and asked everyone to hide.

  He was lying in the darkness, completely concealing his breath and fluctuations. As long as his cultivation is not much stronger than him, he would generally not be able to find it.

  As the two men in black landed on the ground, everyone's hearts became tense, one after another, they squeezed the tactics, ready to attack at any time.

   "Go on!" He shouted, and fixed the time when the two men in black were slack, jumped out of the darkness, brandishing the Sky Profound Sword and attacking the men in black.

  Following Chen Xuan's shout, everyone else also emerged from the darkness, pinching up their killer moves and attacking the man in black.


  The man in black was shocked, and quickly performed his exercises. The black cloud surrounded the two of them and turned into shields.

  Under the power of Chen Xuan's destruction, the black cloud shield was shredded and shattered like tofu.

   "Puff--" The two spit out a mouthful of blood and were severely injured by the offensive launched by the crowd.

   Then he placed a ban on the people in black, sealed their cultivation base, and handed them to Chu Jianghe and others to tie them up.

  After solving the man in black, he went to the other side of Wanyang Mountain to detect the enemy.

  After a long time, the man in black gradually woke up and watched the surrounding Chu Jianghe and others laugh evilly, "You have the courage, we are from the Evil God Temple."

  Chu Jianghe heard the words of the man in black and pondered silently that the Evil God Temple is also a big evil sect in the north of Xianyu, with hundreds of millions of disciples.

   is also regarded as a large sect in the north, and the hall master among them is the cultivation base of Tongtian, and he is one of the several giants in the north of Xianyu.

  Chu Jianghe had no choice but to wait for Chen Xuan to return before making a decision.

Although Chu Jianghe was not very afraid of the Evil God Temple, some of them were still very afraid of the Evil God Temple. Among them was a disciple with a slightly humble appearance. Hearing the words of the man in black, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he was thinking. .

  Night gradually fell, the earth was pitch black, and Chen Xuan had not yet returned.

  Chu Jianghe left a disciple to watch the night to prevent the two men in black from escaping.

  "Ha~" The disciple of the night watch looked at the man in black who was silent in front of him, and gradually dozed off.

   "Brother Pastor."

   "Huh? It's Junior Brother Lu Hai, what? Is something wrong?"

The disciple named Lu Hai was exactly the humble disciple during the day. He walked over quickly and said to the disciple who watched the night watch: "Brother Pastor, it’s almost three changes now, and it’s probably not going to show up. What happened, you have been sitting here all night, and I will guard it for you."

  The pastor brother heard what Lu Hai said. He was a little moved. To be honest, he was a little tired after sitting here for a long time. He nodded and said to Lu Hai, "In this case, Brother Lu is in trouble."

   "It's okay, pastor brother."

   After finishing speaking, the disciple who had previously watched the night yawned and went back to the camp to sleep.

  After watching the pastor's brother leave, Lu Hai showed a sly look in his eyes.

   Then Lu Hai walked to the two men in black and awakened the men in black...

  The disciple of the night watch had just returned to the camp and saw Chu Jianghe still sitting on the bed cultivating.

   "Brother Chu, are you still asleep at this late hour?"

   "Huh? Pastor brother, why are you back, where are you in black?" Chu Jianghe opened his eyes and looked at his disciple and asked.

   "Oh, Lu Hai just came over and said to help me watch the night. I think it's almost dawn, so I will come back first."

   "It's broken, the master asked me to stare at Lu Hai before leaving the sect. No, I have to go and have a look." Chu Jianghe was a little anxious, and ran out before he had time to wear his clothes.

   "Hey, Brother Chu, wait for me."

The disciple of the night watch followed Chu Jianghe to the place where the man in black was guarded.

   "It's over."

  Chu Jianghe patted his legs in annoyance, and then the disciple who followed looked at the empty space. Lu Hai and the man in black had disappeared, and said regretfully: "I'm sorry, Brother Chu, it's all my fault."

  "It’s not the time to talk about this. Lu Hai’s identity is mysterious and cunning by nature. I neglected to tell you. The most urgent thing now is to find them first. With the restrictions imposed by Brother Chen Xuan, they should not run far."

   After all, Chu Jianghe and the disciple surnamed Mu divided into two paths to pursue the man in black and Lu Hai.

  At this time, Lu Hai was already unsealing the man in black package and did not know how far he had flown.

   "Hmph, when we return to the sect, we will come and kill them, second child, how far is it?" One of the people in black made a nasty voice and said to the other in black.

"There are still 20,000 miles to the boss." Then the man in black, called the second child, looked at Lu Hai behind him admiringly: "You did a good job this time, and you must be promoted as an inner disciple when you return to the sect. "

  Lu Hai then respectfully said: "These are all the adults I should be."

  Then the three of them quickly flew to the evil city in front of them in the black cloud.

  Gradually it was getting light, and Chen Xuan returned to the camp and found that the man in black was nowhere to be seen.

   asked Chu Jianghe in front of him, and when he heard the result, he sighed lightly, and began to discuss the next countermeasures with Chu Jianghe and others.

  At this moment, on the other side, the two men in black, headed by them, brought more than a dozen powerful men in the magic way, and hundreds of thousands of magic soldiers rushing towards Wanyang Mountain.

  (End of this chapter)

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