Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1973: The second assessment (four)

  Chapter 1973 Second Assessment (4)

  I saw that the chaos in front of Chen Xuan gradually became deeper. If you observe carefully, you can still see the stars, as if it contains galaxies.

  With the passing of time, his understanding of the world is getting deeper and deeper. This feeling is very strange. He seems to be the creator. The multiplication and destruction of this universe are all within his own thoughts.

It seems that after more than a dozen epochs, it seems that there is only a moment. In this chaos, the first planet was born, and countless lives were gradually born. Life began to multiply, and time began to evolve, and gradually appeared in this small planet. Countless cultivators.

  The chaos of the universe world from the very beginning, slowly turned into the real universe, the planets gradually increased, one, two, and countless at the end.

  The order and laws of the universe are gradually improving, becoming a complete biological chain.

Duan Lao on the side has nothing to say. Although the world he created is much stronger than Chen Xuan's universe, the rules and order in it are far less than that. This gap cannot be made up, although now Chen Xuan Xuan's universe world is still not as old as Duan.

  But when Chen Xuan becomes strong, the horror of this world is beyond the imagination of Duan Lao. Maybe Chen Xuan can really get there.

At the moment when the universe world was about to complete, something happened suddenly. In the sky of Wanyang Mountain, there seemed to be a pair of extremely ancient eyes, their eyes directly penetrating the world of the saint of medicine, shining on Chen Xuan who was perfecting the universe world. Body.

   "Huh? This is..."

   Medicine Saint suddenly looked like a big enemy, looking at the sky, his originally vacant body was trembling slightly, the horror of that gaze was really beyond ordinary people's imagination.

  If Yao Sheng guessed right, it was really the most terrifying thing in these millions of epochs. He didn't know what Chen Xuan did, and he actually attracted this taboo to come and check it out.

   Chen Xuan himself, who was stared at by these eyes, was stirred up by a violent wind and waves, and the cosmic world outside his body had a faint sign of collapse.

  Fortunately, that gaze only stayed on him for a few breaths and then disappeared.

After recovering, Chen Xuan was dripping with cold sweat, his mind was trembling, and his body almost collapsed. It was too terrifying.

Duan Lao beside    was silent for a long time, and his heart was trembling too, not for anything else, because the owner of that gaze was an existence that could not be imagined at all.

Chen Xuangang wanted to speak, but Duan interrupted him. He looked up at the sky, still feeling a little lingering, and then looked at him strangely and said, "I know what you want to ask, but he (she) is not what he is now. You can know, when you become stronger in the future, you can know one or two."

  Old Duan thought in his heart, what kind of terrifying talent it was that made everyone notice that Chen Xuan really gave him too many surprises during this period of time.

"You have passed the assessment this time. As for the world you created, I will help you seal it up. Only when you break through the nine-fold Immortal Venerable and reach the Immortal King, can you continue to improve this world." Duan Lao solemnly said to him .

   "Oh, by the way, there is little Tianling. These days, I will take care of it. When the time is up, I will let the medicine saint convey it to you."

   "I see, Duan Lao."

   Putting aside the doubts in his heart, he came back to his senses, and felt a little reluctant to think about the time to be separated from Xiao Tianling.

"Don't worry too much about Tianling. He will be very good with me, and he will slowly become stronger. One day maybe he can accompany you to roam together. If you miss him, you can talk to your master and come to me. Look at him." Duan Lao said again: "Now you are ready to prepare for the next assessment. After I help you seal your world, I will send you to the next assessment."

  Chen Xuan agreed, and sat down cross-legged to recover the fluctuation caused by the gaze.

  About half an hour later, he got up and held a fist to Duan Lao and said, "Duan Lao, you can start!"

   Duan Lao gave a hum, floated over, and directed him to sit cross-legged, sitting opposite him.

  With Duan Lao's soft drink, he saw the blue power flowing in his hand, turning into mysterious runes, circled in circles, gradually approaching Chen Xuan's universe and slowly suppressing the past.

   "This will cause some harm to your world, but it is also impossible. There will be some pain, you hold back!" He said to Chen Xuan, his hands were more brilliant.

  Chen Xuan has already felt a little bit, Duan Lao's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the unformed world even sends out a message of resistance on its own, blocking Duan Lao's seal.

  This made Duan Lao even more shocked. He had not fully formed yet, but had developed his own defensive consciousness. Sure enough, Chen Xuan could not be measured by ordinary people's standards.

   With this layer of defense resisting, Duan Lao's seal was very unsatisfactory, he could only speak to Chen Xuan.

  "Your world has developed a sense of automatic defense. You can communicate with your world and let it accept the seal."

   Chen Xuan agreed, and his consciousness penetrated into the universe, slowly comforting the will of the world.

  In the end, Duan Lao succeeded in sealing it, and the world turned into a rune, which was printed on Chen Xuan's chest.

  Lao Duan's body was a bit transparent and looked very weak. Chen Xuan hurriedly asked Duan Lao about his condition.

  He waved his hand to indicate that he was not in a serious condition, and then cheered up and said to Chen Xuan.

  "This seal has somewhat consumed my soul power. I can rest for a while. You have completed my second test, and you should set off."


  Xiao Tianling looked at Chen Xuan ignorantly, as if she knew he was leaving, her little face lost her liveliness, and she looked at him a little bit dissatisfied.

   "Brother... are you leaving?"

What Tian Ling said made his heart sink, but he still suppressed the thousands of thoughts in his heart, touched Xiao Tian Ling's head, and said: "Brother must become stronger to protect Tian Ling, and Tian Ling must work hard. I can see my brother sooner."

  Chen Xuan looked at Tianling with a bit of doting.

  Xiao Tianling looked at him with big eyes, and his immature face was full of firmness. "Well! Tianling will definitely become stronger, just like brother!"

   "I...I will miss my brother, brother, go, don't worry about Tianling."

  "Okay, Tianling must practice obediently. When my brother completes the assessment, my brother will come back to see you."

  Chen Xuan's face was full of relief, he knelt down and hugged Tianling, then got up and looked at Duan Lao.

   "Lao Duan, let's start."

  The old man looked at the two men who looked like father and son and brothers, and felt full of emotion in his heart. Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Duan Lao put his thoughts away.

  He raised his hands, and there was a silver-white door in front of Chen Xuan.

   "Lao Duan, goodbye, Tianling, goodbye!"

  Chen Xuan smiled and waved to the two of them, and then stepped into the portal.

  (End of this chapter)

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