Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1982: Badly Wounded Iron Wolf

  Chapter 1982 Severely Injured Iron Wolf

  He stretched out his palm and glanced at his palm. His spiritual power became weaker and weaker. He had to find a place to meditate and recover.

  But it is not working here right now. It is estimated that in a while, a torrential rain is approaching. Fortunately, there is a cave in front of him. He didn't think much about it, so he walked in.

  As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the cave, I felt a biting chill to the bottom of my heart.

  The temperature outside the cave is pleasant, but the inside of the cave is as cold as winter.

   Chen Xuan became alert, this place was already weird, he had to pay more attention to it.

Just as he was hesitating to go in, there was a rush of rain outside. This torrential rain was more rapid than he thought. With thunder rolling, the whole sky was like an angry thunder dragon, constantly rolling. Shouting, it seems to be tearing up the world.

   Chen Xuan sighed.

  This place is really weird, even the weather is scary.

   He sighed and walked straight into the cave. The more he walked in, the colder it became. The cave’s walls were very damp and covered with moss.

  Along the way, he hardly saw any creatures.

  Just as he let go of his heart, he suddenly heard a few heavy gasps.

  The sound seemed to come from the depths of the cave, like the roar of a wild beast.

  Are there still fierce beasts here?

  Without much thought, he squeezed the fire technique casually, and the surroundings suddenly became brighter.

   seemed to feel the stranger's approach, and the roar of the fierce beast inside became more and more rapid, as if driving him away.

  Chen Xuan smiled, and raised his voice, "Chen Xuan, I didn't intend to interrupt, just because of the heavy rain outside, I wanted to come in and escape for a while."

  As soon as his voice fell, his voice aggravated again, and this time, the rough voice seemed to circulate in his ears.

  Chen Xuan was secretly surprised that the destructive power of this beast's voice was not weaker than his.

  If he hadn't blocked it with internal force, I am afraid that the eardrum would be ruptured.

  It’s just weird. If such a powerful beast wanted to drive itself, it would have already burst out. Why did it make several noises in a row?

  Thinking about it this way, the voice just now seemed more like wailing.

   Could it be injured?

  Chen Xuan walked in quickly, in Shandong, although it looks small from the outside, but once inside, there is a special cave.

  The more he entered the depths, several forks were separated. Chen Xuan followed the voice and entered one of them. After walking in for a while, he saw the owner of the voice.

   "Iron wolf?!"

  He almost broke out, eyes full of astonishment.

  The iron wolf was curled up in the middle, with a pair of faint blue eyes half-open, and the burrs on his body as hard as a rock. When he saw Chen Xuan, his eyes were full of vigilance and first place.

  A few muffled noises came from his nose, seeming to warn him.

  Chen Xuan didn't take much care, his eyes fell directly on his paws.

"You are hurt."

  The reason why he was so shocked was that it was completely impossible.

  The appearance of this iron wolf is an incredible thing.

He once read this fierce beast in an ancient book. It is an ancient beast with amazing strength and size like a mountain. Its roar is like a thunder. It is the exclusive mount of the Immortal Venerable, and its life span can reach thousands of years. , Follow Xianzun to fight big and small battles, all without defeat.

  Such a powerful existence, now lying in this cave, lingering.

  It is difficult for Chen Xuan to think of who has such strength and wound it so badly.

  Chen Xuan took a step forward, and the iron wolf burrs all over his body.

  It moved, as if it wanted to attack the intruder.

  "Don’t get me wrong, I just think you are injured, I just want to heal you."

  Chen Xuan stretched out a hand and quickly explained his purpose.

  The vigilance of the iron-bone wolf is quite high. In the end, it is an ancient fierce beast, even if it is seriously injured, it still has spiritual protection around it, and ordinary heavenly immortal-level characters are simply difficult to approach.

   And the closer Chen Xuan got to it, the more pressure he felt, like a heavy hammer, pressing on his chest fiercely, making him breathless.

  There is no way, he can only take a step back and gain his trust first.

  But the Iron Bone Wolf is obviously not that easy to fool. Its eyes are angrily open, staring at him closely.

   Chen Xuan felt that the power around him became stronger and stronger, like a giant cauldron, pressing him tightly, which couldn't be more obvious.

  It is driving him away.

  Actually, Chen Xuan should be fortunate, even if it is seriously injured now, it cannot be shaken by a person of his level.

  If Chen Xuan has any evil intentions, this iron wolf can die with him at any time.

When Chen Xuan saw him like this, he did not force him to take out a few pills from his cuffs, squatted, and put them on the ground in front of him. Yao has been cultivating the pill for a period of time. Here are a few first-grade pill. I finally made it. It should be helpful to your injury. If you don't dislike it, I will put it here."

  After finishing speaking, he retreated. He didn't go far, but there was no oppressive force anymore.

  The iron wolf still didn't drive him out.

  Chen Xuan felt a little relieved, and after a while, he heard a noise coming from inside.

  It is estimated that the pill was taken.

Chen Xuan cleared his throat and shouted inside, "If you can trust me, let me heal for you, nothing else, but this medical technique, I worship the old school of medicine, and I am quite proficient in pharmacology, I see you The sound just now should have been invaded by evil spirits. With the old wounds, the weather will recur once the weather is cold. Why don't I remove the evil spirits for you, and then open up the meridians for you, and you will be able to recover in a few days."

  Chen Xuan has a talent for studying medicine. After only one glance, he figured out how to treat it.

   "No, you guys, none of you have good intentions. What do you want from me? Don't think about it."

There was a low voice, Chen Xuan was taken aback, couldn’t help but smile, “I’m here for the first time, and I don’t know you. Besides, if I cure you, then you will recover. If you want to kill me, wouldn’t it? It's easy."

   "Well, you don't believe me, I won't take this muddy water, goodbye!"

  Chen Xuan lifted his foot and left without any hesitation, but he just walked a few steps and swam over with a trace of aura and grabbed his foot.

  Chen Xuan stopped and didn't struggle. If he didn't want to, this aura could not restrain him.

   "Senior, what does this mean?" Chen Xuan asked deliberately.

  He looked cold and seemed very angry.

   "I just took your pill just now, and I really feel better throughout my body, so you can stay and heal me, and you will be paid after the injury is healed."

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly, "That's it?"

   "What else do you want? You humans are just insatiable!"

There was a roar inside   , and then even with a violent cough, the sound was one after another, forming a sound wave, the sound wave shook the sky, and the whole cave was shaken by him.

   "You can hardly protect yourself now, and I don't have much demand for you. You and I are predestined, so I want to save you, but your attitude is really chilling."

  Chen Xuan stood with his hands folded, with a long body and a cold face.

   "Now that you know it, then I have nothing to return. If this is not the case, I will solve the outside troubles for you after I get well."

Hearing the words, Chen Xuan's brows moved slightly, and there was a smile on his face, "A word is settled."

  He took out the Hidden Blade, directly unlocked the shackles on his body, and walked inside.

   came to the Iron Bone Wolf and checked his injury. At first, it was a little resistant, trembling, and staring at Chen Xuan tightly.

  Chen Xuan didn't feel annoyed, he indifferently healed it, a green light flashed across his palm, and he directly covered the festering wound. The blackened carrion gradually disappeared, and new flesh and blood grew out.

The Iron-Bone Wolf felt cool, and all the previous discomforts disappeared. It sighed cheerfully and couldn't help asking, "Sure enough, it is the apprentice of the old man, that little old man, nothing else can do, but this medical skill has to let him People admire it."

  Chen Xuan laughed, but did not answer.

  Listening to his tone, he seemed to know Yao Lao.

  "Do you know why I was injured?"

  Chen Xuan shrugged, his expression unchanged, "I'm not interested."

  If you are another cultivator, the ancient beast in front of you is injured, their first reaction is definitely to take advantage of its illness and kill it, and its life is its thousand-year inner pill.

  This inner alchemy is enough to save the cultivator from taking hundreds of years of bends and possess pure and supreme spiritual power.

  Seriously, Chen Xuan is not indifferent to such a big sweet potato, but he also knows that things can't help him think.

  This iron wolf looks weak and weak, but in fact it retains spiritual power. If it is taken by force, it will surely be counter-killed by it.

  Now that he came here and met it, he was afraid that it was God’s will.

  "You are very smart. It is also a kind of fate to be sent here. I am exhausted. Even if you cure me, I am afraid it will only treat the symptoms and not the root cause, but only relieve my pain."

  His eyes were sad, he sighed, and raised his eyes to look at Chen Xuan. Seeing him bandaging himself carefully, an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes.

  People are about to die, and their words are good.

  Chen Xuan cleaned up the carrion for him, which cost him a lot of spiritual energy. Originally, he came to this cave because he wanted to use his exercises to heal his injuries, but it turned out to be more serious.

  "It’s a great blessing to be able to help you. Just like you said, we are destined when we meet, and I am not helping you in vain. After you are injured, I hope you can fulfill your promise.

  The stone statues outside, Chen Xuan is really unsure, it is better to rely on external forces, but at this time, he must hurry.

  Thinking of this, he strengthened his spiritual power.

  But Iron Bone Wolf shook his head and avoided his treatment.

  "You are a good person. You don't need to waste time on me. Thank you for healing me. Don't worry, I will settle it for you."

  His breath is getting weaker and weaker, his eyelids are drooping, and he is still dying.

   Chen Xuan refused to admit defeat and increased his strength, but the result was still the same.

  Hate that he thought it was because of his unhealed wounds, but he did not expect that the time limit had come. Even if there was a great Luo Jinxian here, I am afraid that he would not be able to recover.

  Chen Xuan accepted his fate, squatted to the side, gasped for a few times, wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, and stared at him closely, "Sorry."

The body of the Iron-Bone Wolf moved. He was originally as tall as a mountain. With this movement, the whole cave was shaken and it was about to collapse. Chen Xuan did not stop it. He seemed to want to show himself something, but he fell down. He was old, this movement cost him immense strength.

   Chen Xuan saw this and hurriedly went to help him.

  He supported its huge body with both hands, and slowly moved to the side, exhausting all his strength, and finally moved a meter away.

  At this time, Chen Xuan saw that there was a light circle under the place where he just lay down.

The aperture was golden yellow. Chen Xuan took a closer look. There seemed to be something wrapped in it. It was a curled up little wolf, the size of his palm, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, and he was asleep. .

  The cute appearance is completely unreminiscent of a fierce beast.

   "Are you doing this to protect it?"

  Iron Wolf nodded, watching the little wolf's eyes full of tenderness.

   "I will leave it to you."

   Chen Xuan heard it and waved his hand quickly.

  "Is this wrong? Why don't you tell me if you have any trusted companions or people, I can pass it on for you."

"If so, I won't be trapped here. For hundreds of years, you are the first person to come here. This is God’s will. I can’t wait any longer, and I can’t wait any longer. This is Destiny."

  Zhang Fei hesitated and didn't know how to face it. If he changed to someone else and got this fierce beast, he would have been happy to bloom, but he could put it here. He knew that the price was not the case.

  But seeing that the iron wolf is really pitiful, Zhang Fei couldn't bear it, so he asked, "Just say it, give it to me, what will happen?"

"You are very smart."

A deep meaning flashed in the eyes of the Iron Bone Wolf, "Don't worry, this will not kill you. You can practice together, but you need to feed it with blood. Every drop of blood is a day in the early stage. Skill."

  Zhang Fei’s eyelids twitched. In a day's work, wouldn't it be a waste of practice?

   Seeing him frown, Iron-Bone Wolf said again, “This only takes ten years. When it grows up and has the ability to be unique, it won’t be needed anymore.”

  A row of black lines flashed across Zhang Fei's forehead, and he sounded like a vessel no matter what.

  When it's useful, take it and use it, and when it's useless, kick it away.

"You are so worried. I said that it grows with you. If you feed it with your blood every day, it will definitely recognize you as its master, and it will become your mount in the future. Although your cultivation base is still low now, You are quite gifted with spiritual roots, and with time, you will surely have extraordinary achievements."

  Iron Wolf believes in his own vision. Judging from Zhang Fei’s calming style, he is not a fish in the pond.

   "What if I don't want to?"

  After thinking about it, Zhang Feisi always felt that the matter was inappropriate.

   was tied to an ancient fierce beast. With his current strength, he couldn't bear it at all.

  Iron-Bone Wolf talks like this, but he never believes easily, not to mention that the other party is an ancient beast, if he is reborn by him, this is no joke.

  "You have no choice. Since you came here, it was God’s arrangement. If you don’t want it, you cannot leave alive, because you know the secret."

  The air condensed in that instant, and the atmosphere was a bit tense.

  (End of this chapter)

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