Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1994: Jealous?

   Chapter 1994 Jealous?

   "Master, what you asked me to do is almost done."

  In the middle of the night, Chen Xuan was sitting in the small courtyard drinking, the wind picked up his hair, his eyes were blurred and he didn't seem to hear his words, and he turned his head for a while.

   "Interesting! I didn't expect that this time, the Axe Gang would be so tolerant. Originally, I wanted to see them jumping over the wall in a hurry. Where is Hong Cang locked up?"

   "In a secret room, but this Tang Yuan is really cunning. The secret room is divided into many layers, and the periphery is connected to the water. The subordinates really don't know which one it is."

  A Fei lowered his head guiltily.

  Chen Xuan took up the wine glass and stopped, "Don't even know you?"

Although    is doubtful, there is obviously a trace of anger in his tone.

  He knew that what A Fei was best at was tracking, and his light skill was particularly powerful, and he could even tie with Chen Xuan.

  And in Cangyun City, there are not many such people.

  This time, he sent A Fei out to squat for so long, but he didn't expect to get this kind of ambiguous answer.

   "Don't worry, Master, give me some more time, I will be able to..."

  "Fall! It's not your fault, and I haven't been to the Axe Gang. The defense force inside is indeed strong. You can go with me tonight!"

  He raised his head and glanced at the bright moonlight. The bright moonlight wrapped a little red in the middle, which seemed to be fainted with a brush, swimming slowly in it.

  Time can't wait any longer. The woman was dying and would die at any time without the ice protection. Now, it is even more serious.

   "Where are you going?"

  Murongxian suddenly appeared, holding the food box in her hand, looking at Chen Xuan with bright eyes.

   "Go and do some private affairs." Chen Xuan replied lightly.

  Through these few days of getting along with Murongxian, Chen Xuan discovered that she was a very simple person, with distinct loves and hates, and very observing filial piety.

   "No matter what, your body is always important. I heard that you have been drinking during the past few days and nights. The night is cold, and you drink cold wine again. How can this body survive?"

  Murongxian took care of himself and opened the food box and served him by Chen Xuan's side.

  Chen Xuan turned his head and glanced at A Fei, he suddenly felt like a man on his back, and quickly lowered his head.

  "Don’t blame him. You are here alone and unattended. I really can’t rest assured, so I made some snacks for you. I hope you don’t dislike it and try it!"

Exquisite delicacies were placed in front of   . Chen Xuan did not expect that such a careless person would even cook carefully.

   "I still have something to do, another day!"

  Chen Xuan directly rejected her, stood up and walked out.

  Murongxian was a little bit lost, but still cried out, you are for that woman, the celestial person who came with you, Chen Xuan stopped, but did not look back, what do you want to do?

   Feeling their arrogant aura, A Fei suddenly became a little scared, will the two of them fight?

  "You are so nervous, could it be that she is really yours..."

  Murongxian was depressed, and she couldn't say the word "inner man".

  "This has nothing to do with you. No matter what you do, I don't care, but you'd better not hit her on your mind."

  Chen Xuan didn't even have an explanation, so he flew away.


  Murong stomped her feet in anger first, since she was young, she has never received such treatment.

Although she is not as beautiful as that woman, she has been held in the palm of her hand to grow up. He wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. Only when I saw Chen Xuan, he ignored him, but she was still shy. On the face, it is really hateful.

   "Miss, don't think too much about it. The woman was entrusted by her master, so she came to take care of her."

  Fly couldn't see it, so he directly explained.

  Murongxian's eyes regained her brilliance, "Really? I know that a character like the master, who is worthy of him?"

  A Fei was a little speechless, but the few days with Chen Xuan really made him admire him even more.

   "Are you coming? It seems that I need to send you back to Murong Fu."

  Chen Xuan's voice was from far to near, although it was very weak, it still made A Fei shudder.

   didn't say goodbye to Murongxian, he just caught up.

  The two sneaked into the axe gang, and A Fei wanted to be the vanguard, but Chen Xuan caught him, "What's the worry? They have already laid a net for the sky and the earth, and they are waiting for us to throw the net for ourselves!"

  Chen Xuan came here and saw the situation in front of him at a glance.

  A Fei slapped his head fiercely, but he was reckless, but this group of people were really quick to start.

  As soon as he walked on his front foot, his back foot was already deployed.

   "Then what shall we do now?"

  I just said that he missed his mouth, and now he just wants to quickly make a fortune, he doesn't want to be sent back by Chen Xuanzhen.

  He feels by his side and can really learn a lot.

   "Let's wait and see, I don't believe they will stay there forever. When there will always be a rotation, we will sneak in at that time."

  Chen Xuan took out a jug of wine from his arms without any hesitation, opened it directly and drank it.

  His wanton and unrestrained appearance really makes people blindfolded.

   "I don't know when this is, or I will lead them away."

  Chen Xuanbai glanced at him, and when he saw his panic, he knew that he was worried about the matter just now.

   "Don't worry, you just stay here, the time is coming soon, besides, I don't want a second person to know my whereabouts in the future. I won't pursue this matter, but I won't take it as an example."

  Chen Xuan's sharp gaze shot past like a knife. Although it was still the same as before, at this moment, A Fei suddenly felt a heart palpitation.

  He nodded quickly, showing his loyalty, "Subordinates understand."

   "You are watching here, if they come to change shifts, you will sound this."

  Chen Xuanzhen gave him a bone flute. This flute could not make a sound, but as long as it was played, only Chen Xuan could hear it.


  Chen Xuan didn't tell him much, but jumped off the eaves, and quickly disappeared in place.

  A Fei didn't ask where he went, he only knew that what Chen Xuan asked him to do, he did what he did, and everything he did had his purpose, he didn't ask if he didn't say anything.

  As Chen Xuan said, he waited a short while before a group of people came to change shifts.

  He quickly picked up the bone flute. Just when he was about to play, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder. He was startled, and looked back, it turned out that it was Chen Xuan.

   "It seems that it's really time for me to come, let's go!"

  A cold sweat came out on his forehead, and Chen Xuan jumped straight down.

  I didn't know what he did just now, but seeing him calmly and relaxed, Chen Xuan followed him.

  The two travelled unimpeded all the way, and soon arrived at the secret room.

  Fly felt strange, and couldn't help but look back, and the group of people were screaming miserably, each holding their stomachs in pain.

"what have you done?"

  (End of this chapter)

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