Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2006: Crazy fight

  Chapter 2006 Crazy Battle

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, this woman also knew the secret of the fire snake silver spear, but he was still calm on the surface.

   "Of course I know this, but they are them, I am different from these people." He suddenly smiled at the woman.

   Liu Xiang'er's laughing face was stunned, and then he looked at Chen Xuan with weird eyes.

   "You are really confident."

  He calmly said: "This world naturally requires some confidence, otherwise how to pursue a higher level."

"makes sense."

  The two quieted down slowly, watching the scramble of the people in front of him, although Chen Xuan didn't say anything, he still concealed Liu Xiang'er in his heart.

   "You don't have the ability to own this thing!" Bai Mocheng Xiexie sneered: "This fire snake silver gun will eventually be in the hands of the old man."

  The purple sea bat king took the black and white impermanence, gritted his teeth, and said: "You dream, this thing, even if I fight for my life, I won't let you get it!"

  White Desert City glanced contemptuously at the Purple Sea Bat King, then turned his head and said to Tang Yuan: "You have also seen it. It was originally a matter between us. There are so many people at once. How do you solve it?"

  Tang Yuan was silent for a while, what Bai Mocheng thought he naturally knew, what he was worried about was the things after cleaning up these people, and Bai Mocheng would not be able to take a bite.

  However, there is no way right now. One person fights four people and two people against three. He can still weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this. Although Baimo City is likely to cross the river and demolish the bridge, it is always much better than the current situation. can only use that thing.

  Thinking for a while, he had a count in his heart, and shouted at Bai Mo City.

   "Okay, I promise you temporarily, you and I will clear these three things first."

  I saw the white desert city with a yin and yin smile, the black air in his hand turned, and he was about to attack the purple sea bat king.

  The bat king yelled, raising the sky full of darkness, and countless bats flew out of it.

  Sound waves were emitted around Bai Mo City. Although it was inaudible and indistinguishable on the surface, Bai Mo City in the middle of the attack felt quite deep. This sound wave was slowly eroding Bai Mo City's body and devilish energy.

   "It's just a small trick, let's see how the old man breaks him!"

  Then the black gas envelops itself, isolating the sound waves from the body, and the black gas turns into a giant python, biting together with the huge bat in the sky.

  And Tang Yuan's battle here is a bit difficult. One person can deal with two. Although he can barely cope with it, the burden on his body is still great. Now he hopes that the battle in Baimo City will end soon.

   "Old bat, your little bug is not good anymore. It's not as fierce as it used to be."

   "Hey, your offensive is not the same, it's really weak."

  The two were in a stalemate together, still mocking each other in their mouths.

   "Okay, I won't play with this little bug with you anymore."

  Bai Mocheng lost patience under the stalemate, and the raging devilish energy rose into the sky, slamming into the body of the giant python, and the bat suddenly fell into the wind.


  The bat was bitten by the giant python's wings, and it roared in pain.

"Hahaha, why am I so weak? It turned out to be a wild species, a small bug, what about your previous flying mouse?" Baimo City heard the bat screaming and laughed exaggeratedly. The purple sea bat king is not orthodox. The blood of the beast is somewhat mottled.

  Hearing the harsh ridicule of Baimo City, the purple sea bat king also put a smile on his face.

   coldly hummed and did not answer, but increased the offensive.

  Several oddly shaped bat darts flew out of his body and flew towards Bai Desert City.

   With endless sharp evil spirits, he flew past in a strange route.


  Bai Mo City was unexpectedly stabbed in the back by a dart, and a puff of black blood flowed out, and the contempt in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he climbed up into a cold.

"I didn't expect this broken thing to be trained by you, but it really deserves to be that old fellow's disciple." Bai Mocheng drew out the darts from his back, gritted his teeth and said to the Purple Sea Bat King: "But it's just these side-by-side things. No threat to the old man!"

   "Leave the door? Huh, take me one more trick!"

  The purple sea bat king gave a soft sigh, countless bat darts spread all over the world, and their power was naturally a lot worse than the previous ones, but it was better than the large number, which faintly overwhelmed Bai Desert City in terms of momentum.

   "This kind of bad stuff, what's the use of more?"

  It was as if the demon energy that had materialized turned into armor to completely envelop the White Desert City, which can be said to be armed from the feet to the teeth.

  Bai Mocheng sneered disdainfully. Before, he was completely defenseless before hitting the tactics. Now he is defensive. Don't even think of these things entering him.

   Bats flew in the sky, mixed with a sharp aura and swept away towards the city of White Desert.

  The two collide, and the momentum is overwhelming.

  From a distance, Chen Xuan looked at Liuxiang'er with a weird look.

   "Hey, your people are fighting so fiercely, don't you come forward to help?"

   Liu Xiang'er turned her head and smiled charmingly at Chen Xuan, without speaking.

  This smile made him roll for a while, and he couldn't calm down, rubbing his temples.

  Forget it, this is her business, and it has nothing to do with herself.

  It's just that Chen Xuan didn't notice the weirdness in Liuxiang'er's eyes.

   "Hahaha, old devil, how does bat taste like?" Purple Sea Bat

  Wang laughed arrogantly, his bat dart made Bai Mocheng a big loss.

  Bai Mocheng coughed up blood from his mouth. He just took it carelessly. He didn't notice that there was a strong dart hidden in countless darts, which made him hit a trick.

  White Desert City, he smiled contemptuously, wiped the blood from his mouth, and looked at the Purple Sea Bat King with his injuries and disdain.

   "Do you really hurt me? It's just a little Doer, it's hard to get on the table."

  The Purple Sea Bat King looked at White Desert City in shock. He knew that he had used a bit of strength just now, let alone bear it head-on, it would not be so easy to solve it even by rubbing it to the side.

  Could it be, what opportunity does this old thing have, and its strength has soared?

  The Purple Sea Bat King wondered suspiciously.

  While Bai Desert City suppressed the injuries in his body, he rushed towards the Purple Sea Bat King, grabbing his head with one claw.

  "Distraction is not a good thing, the old man will teach you a lesson."

  The Purple Sea Bat King quickly reacted and greeted him with a palm.

  The imaginary collision did not happen, and the figure in White Desert City in front of him suddenly turned into a cloud of black energy and dissipated.


  Purple Sea Bat King's pupils shrank, and he was about to flee the place, but the black air that suddenly appeared behind him had poured into his head.

   "Hey, in the next life you have to learn to be smart and don't underestimate the enemy."

  The hideous face of White Desert City appeared behind the Purple Sea Bat Queen, and the reflection was even more evil.

   "Boss!!" "Boss!"

  The black and white impermanence who were at a stalemate with Tang Yuan suddenly rushed to the Purple Sea Bat King and let out an exclamation.

  (End of this chapter)

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