Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2030: Qinger is in distress!

  Chapter 2030 Qing'er is in distress!

  Chen Xuan is now falling into a strange state, he is feeling it! .

  "Is this the profound meaning of the avenue? Curious, so powerful!"

   Crackling, the meridians of Chen Xuan's body instantly expanded several times, and his breath became stronger again.

  After Chen Xuan's comprehension was completed, he went deep into a hall. He found a lot of things in a treasure pavilion, some of which were called good names.

  Fortunately, there happens to be a book called Qibaolu, which contains many things.

   "This is the Emperor who pays off! This time it can be said to have been full of rewards"

  Walking around in the hall again, Chen Xuan found many records, and he had a new understanding of the upper realm.

  Upper Realm is actually a general term, roughly speaking it is the more advanced world plane in the universe, just like the prehistoric world he is now in!

  There are many continents and Shenzhou in this world, and he is just a corner of Bian Ou now.

  Clean up, clean up, and Chen Xuan returned on the original road, planning to go home.

  I just entered the village.

  An anxious voice came,

   "Master Chen! You went there."

  It was named because Chen Xuan killed those monsters who often came to the village to harass.

"what's happenin?"

  "Go ahead! Qinger is in danger,"

   Hearing that Qing'er was in danger, Chen Xuan instantly became angry.

  As soon as Chen Xuan entered the yard, he heard,

  "Monster, if you can't run away, you can catch it with your hands!" At the same time, a man shouted loudly not far behind.

  Qing'er trembled when she heard the words, and her face turned pale with a "swish", and then turned into white light without looking back, and swept towards the sky.

Chen Xuan, who rushed over, saw this scene and was very puzzled.

   "Qing'er, she is not easy, it fills me up so hard."

   Despite this, Chen Xuan immediately caught up. Although the time to get along was very short, Chen Xuan knew that Qing'er's kindness was real and his eyes would not deceive.

   Just as Chen Xuan hurried to catch up, the man also hurried to catch up.

   "Qing'er, don't run, tell Brother Chen Xuan about something, brother will be the master for you."

   It seemed that Chen Xuan's yelling had an effect, and the white light that Qinger had transformed slowed down.

  But at this moment, the man behind him suddenly accelerated and galloped towards Qing'er.

   Chen Xuan yelled badly when he saw this, but he was already the fastest.

  I saw that the man suddenly turned into a big bird, and his speed was a bit faster, and he had caught up with Qing'er.

  When Chen Xuan arrived, Qing'er vomited blood and fell weakly to the ground.

  Chen Xuan was angry, the power of reincarnation in his body was generally out of control, and a statue was manifested behind him, which Chen Xuan had just realized.

  Two powers broke out at the same time, and Chen Xuan did not reserve this time.

   "No matter who you are, you must die today!"

  Chen Xuan shouted angrily, and the first move was a final move.

   "Reincarnation Dao Jue, Extinction of the Void!"

   "Eternal gods and magic arts, destroy the heavens and the earth!"

  Several terrifying powers thought about the power of that monster man.

  "Is this? The power of the will of the Dao. It is really interesting. In this small place, you can actually meet a strong person who enters the Dao, and it seems that the Dao law is not good."

  The man didn’t panic, and turned into a big bird again, to be precise, a Kunpeng whose wings were like clouds in the sky, and those wings seemed to be able to isolate the sky!

  Kunpeng waved his wings and greeted the giant elephant of Chen Xuan.

   Suddenly, the dust flew up.

   "Boy, this is our Yaozu's business. What does it have to do with you as a human being, please don't be nosy,"

   "I only know that he is my sister, and I want to hurt her unless I die!"

  As soon as he said this, Qing'er on the ground was very moved, with tears in his eyes, and whispered:

  "Brother Chen Xuan~"

   "Haha, kid, you don't know his identity yet!"

   "I don't need to know his identity, I only know that he is a good girl, my sister!"

   "Really? What if she is not a human? What if her demon heart can make you supreme foundation?"

   "Will you still be like this?"

  Chen Xuan is still unmoved.

   "What about people? What about demons?"

   "My way came out by myself, no foreign objects are needed, I don't care what his identity is, I don't allow anyone to hurt her!"

   Chen Xuan's voice was very firm, resounding through the void.

   "Stubborn, since you don't listen to persuasion, what is the Taoist state, how is the Taoism Xiaoshen, you are not the one who died in my hands!"

  Kunpeng waved his hidden wings, whipped up the hurricane, and shot towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan was a little struggling at the moment. The demon clan’s physical body was already strong, and the speed of the Kunpeng clan was their housekeeping skill. Although Chen Xuan was a master of Taoism, how to use it still seemed a bit strange.

  Under the continuous attack of Kunpeng, it also relied on the powerful recovery ability of the Samsara Dao Body to hold it firmly.

  Kunpeng became more and more surprised.

   "Is this tm a human?"

   "You haven't fallen down yet?"

   So, Kun Peng increased his strength and used all his tricks, which brought Chen Xuan to the ground.

  "Brother Chen Xuan,"

  Qing'er hurried to Chen Xuan's side, picked him up, already crying into a cat.

   "Qing'er, I'm sorry! Brother Chen Xuan tried his best, but he failed." Chen Xuan spit out blood and said weakly.

   "No, no, Brother Chen Xuan, why are you so stupid! It's Qing'er that troubles you."

   "Brother Chen Xuan!"

  Chen Xuan fainted again.


  Qing'er let out a heart-piercing cry, resounding through the clouds.

   "Why? Why don't you let me go the most. My father and mother were killed by you and you still don't know what you want to do."

  At this moment, Qing'er's momentum is slowly declining, and she looks like she is no longer the quiet little girl.

  There was a ray of hatred in his eyes, Kunpeng staring at the sky firmly.

   "Tell me, you tell me why?"

  Qing'er has lost her mind, she roared and yelled.

  Suddenly, Qing'er transformed into a nine-tailed white fox, her eyes gleaming with hatred, her body grew bigger, and then bigger again, until it was about the size of Kunpeng's body and then stopped.

   "This is? Is the blood awakened?"

   "Hmph, so what, if you are in the same state as me, I will also respect you three points."

   "The little girl who doesn't have the same hair, dares to fight me hard, she is just looking for death."

  Kunpeng was also unambiguous, and attacked Qing'er frantically.

  But the facts were what he thought. Qinger raised his paws, opened a huge mouth, leaped gently, and bit towards Kunpeng.

  The battle started again.

  Perhaps because of Chen Xuan, or perhaps the experience that Qing'er had suppressed for a long time, the demon power burst out!

  After a few rounds, Kunpeng will show signs of defeat.

  On the other hand, the nine-tailed demon fox incarnation of Qing'er is more and more courageous.

  (End of this chapter)

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