Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2037: Warlord

  Chapter 2037 Lord of Battle

   "Also, in such a poor country, I don't know that the city of Fire is also normal."

   "Let's tell you so! The scale of your Tianfengfengcheng is less than half of mine. You are just a low-level city!"

   "Or, my grandfather is a strong saint, do you understand?"

   "Well, I understand, so please get out of it."

  Qing'er is not too annoying at the moment, and the tone is also very bad.

   "Why don't I?"

  Wrinkle, seeing strong in the sky, is also very unhappy, "Sister Qing'er, what are you talking about with this person."

   After speaking, he rushed up with a stride. However, Wutian had only practiced for a few days, and had not fought before, so they fell to the ground after a few strokes.

   "I don't know what I can do, and I have to fight with me, looking for death." Said that the young man will do it, and when he looks at the posture, he will be cruel.

  Qing'er is not silent anymore. During this period of time following Chen Xuan's practice, coupled with the awakening of the blood of the nine-tailed divine fox in his body, he is already a powerhouse who enters the Dao realm.

  I saw Qing'er teleporting to the side of Wu Tian to support him, then escaped from the place, dodged aside, and escaped the youth's attack.

   Seeing that the boy couldn’t see it, he was a little frustrated, so he flicked the law decision and shouted

   "The power of fire-burning fire to the sky!" A heat wave was as turbulent as sea water, slapped towards the two Qing'er.

  Qing'er immediately used the seven swords of the gods and demons taught by Chen Xuan to greet him.

  After all, the young man was just a strong man who entered the Dao realm, a step shorter than Qing'er's realm. He was knocked to the ground by the Seven Swords of the Gods and Demons, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

  At this moment, a person appeared beside the arrogant young man, that is, the man named Mo Ni. After supporting his young master, Mo Ni turned and stared at Qing'er.

   "Uncle Mo, killed him for me, so he dared to hurt me." The boy yelled.

   "Girl, it seems that the start is heavier!" Mo Nai said.

   "Huh, she was the one who spoke badly, and he did it first. He asked for it." Qing'er also said very upset.

  I have never seen such a brazen person, and I have to ask others for their own faults.

   "In this case, then I can teach you a lesson."

  After speaking, waved together, and suddenly the wind blew.

   "The Way of Wind, Wind Sweeping Clouds."

  A terrible hurricane thinks of Qing'er coming with an aura of destruction.

  Qing'er immediately pushed away Ruotian, backed up quickly, and shouted at the same time

  "Spiritual decision, the soil becomes a mountain." Suddenly, a small hill emerged from the ground, blocking the hurricane.

   "I really didn't expect that this small place has such a genius, and it is already a powerful Daoist at a young age. I am really surprised!"

  Qing'er knows that he is no match for the man in front of him, and this man is at least a Taoist monarch.

   "No, you have to send a message to Brother Chen Xuan."

  The hurricane suddenly started again. This time it was a bit more vigorous than the one just now. It seems that this is a real skill.

  Looking at the attack on the shop floor, Qing'er hurriedly stepped away. Seeing this momentum, she definitely can't resist.

   dodges east and west, avoiding these attacks, Qing'er finds that it is a little strenuous. The other party is also a powerful Daoist anyhow, is it finally defeated?

  Qing'er was hit by the hurricane and was defeated.

  Chen Xuan finally arrived, and a few came to Qing'er.

  "Fortunately, the injury is not serious. It seems that this person is not without a killer."

  "Who is your Excellency, why did you hurt my sister?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "This young man is not simple, he can't see his cultivation base, but his momentum alone is very strong."

   "It was she who injured my young master, so I made the move."

   "No, Brother Chen Xuan, it was his young master who tuned me in, and he did it first."

   "What about you, you ignorant village girl, why are you still tender? Kill them quickly." The boy ordered.

   Chen Xuan's momentum suddenly exploded after hearing this, a force of death sprayed out, turned into a giant hand, and grabbed the boy.

   "Master, teach him well." Rutian also agreed.

   "What, it's not good," Mo Xin had not had time to reflect, his young master had been caught by the giant hand.

   "Boy, what did you just say to kill us?"

  A breath of death enveloped Fang Jin. He was really scared at this moment, and said tremblingly:

   "You can't kill me, my father is the lord of the city of fire, and my grandfather is a saintly strong man, you can't kill it." Speaking of his father and grandfather, Fang Jin felt a little emboldened.

  This is what Chen Xuan is most afraid of, and the person who is most discussed is this kind of person, a fox and a fake tiger, who have lived under the gospel of his predecessors all his life.

   "Boy, the thing I'm not afraid of is threats. You are the son of the king of heaven and I still die."


   Just when Chen Xuan started his hand, Mo Ni’s attacking voices were directed at Chen Xuan.

   "Reincarnation Dao Jue, Extinction Void,"

  "God and Demon Shadow Appears"

   is also an old trick, but compared to before, the ghost shadow of the gods and demons is more solid, and the reincarnation Dao Jue is also adding the power of Yin and Yang to a higher level.

  Faced with a powerful Taoist monarch, Chen Xuan did not dare to take it lightly. After the two moves were issued, he quickly used the Seven Swords of the Gods and Demons.


  In the air, several terrifying forces played against each other, making a loud noise, and the surrounding crowds hurried away. The aftermath of this level of battle is still terrifying.

   "A little girl who has attained the Dao Realm has some abilities. This young man is so strong, shouldn't he be a disciple of any major sect!" Mo Ni was very surprised. She is a Daoist, and she can't help this kid.

   "I don't believe it. Zaiqiang is just a realm of attainment, the way of wind, the remnants of the wind, the wind and the angry kill!"

  The battle was fierce. After hundreds of rounds, the two were inextricably fought.

   "Sure enough, the Dao Sovereign Realm is still in a world of difference!" Chen Xuan murmured.

  "Your Excellency's means, I admire Momou. It is really an enchanting evil to be able to fight with me for hundreds of rounds without losing the wind."

   "But, you shouldn't provoke my young master. You have fought several Dao Monarchs in strength. Fang Jia has no less than hundreds of Dao Monarchs alone. There are even more titled Dao Monarchs, as well as powerful men of the Saint level."

   "These have nothing to do with me, I have to pay the price if I anger, don't talk nonsense, let's fight!"

   "I can't help myself, do you really think I can't beat you, let you see what Daojun's power is."

  Chen Xuan didn't leave his hands anymore, he took out the Yin and Yang to cut Xiao Xiao, mobilized the life and death power and Yin and Yang power in his body, based on the power of reincarnation, and integrated this great power of great power.

  Suddenly the world faded, and the four powers in Chen Xuan's hands merged into a huge sphere, exuding a terrifying aura that eclipsed the world.

   "This, what kind of power is this."

  Don’t be scared.

  (End of this chapter)

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