Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2047: The Great War

   Chapter 2047

  Xiao Hei shook his head.

   "It means you never left that jungle?"

  Xiao Hei nodded.

   "Haha, now you follow me, brother takes you to see the big world outside, how about?"

  Xiao Hei nodded again, a trace of longing in his eyes.

   "It's strange to say, such a large jungle, and I haven't seen monsters along the way. I thought there were some precious species, and I would kill them to exchange cultivation resources or something."

  Along the way, Chen Xuan was a little disappointed inadvertently, but there were still a few decent medicinal materials as comfort.

   Just when Chen Xuangang was about to step into the valley, suddenly in the deep valley, a very violent energy fluctuation appeared.

  Moreover, they continued to make a muffled thunder-shaking noise, even if Chen Xuan was at the gate of the valley at this time, he could still feel the terrifying pressure.

  Intuitively told Chen Xuan that there seemed to be a terrifying battle in it.

   "This energy fluctuates, so strong, I'm afraid it's a powerful person at the holy level." Chen Xuan had seen the battle between Fang Youwei and Xiyemen, and so did the power.

   "But how come there are humans here? If they are not humans, are they?"

   "Go to Xiaohei, let's go over and take a look, don't make a big noise, be careful to be caught!"

  Chen Xuan and Xiao Hei cautiously entered the valley and headed towards the place where the energy fluctuated.

  From a distance, Chen Xuan saw the blue sky, one yellow and one red, occupying half of the sky, and it looked so spectacular.

   "No, this is not a battle at the holy level, it is impossible for the holy level to be so spectacular!" Chen Xuan was dumbfounded.

   Chen Xuan swept his gaze into the air, and saw a huge monster beast. The monster beast was so huge that Xiao Hei was nothing short of it.

  The surface of the beast's body, which is seventy to eighty meters long, is actually covered with a layer of red crystal, which looks radiant and dazzling under the sunlight like a red crystal.

On which giant beast’s head, there are several very weird-looking lion heads connected together, and in which scarlet is the huge beast pupil with dazzling red light, which is several times larger than Xiao Hei’s, which is full of them. The huge mouth with fangs seems to be able to swallow the sky. There are two fiery red horns above the continuous lion head. Red flames dance wildly on the two horns. There is a pair on the back of the huge animal body. With red wings, clusters of scarlet flames splashed around.

  The huge monster beast stood in the void, and an invisible coercion fell from the sky, making Chen Xuan's heart tremble. This is the most powerful monster Chen Xuan has ever seen.

  "Is this the nine-headed magic lion recorded in the Qibaolu? This is too powerful!"

  Chen Xuan looked at the big monster beast that had been destroyed in one, and Chen Xuan whispered in a low voice.

  Chen Xuan cast his gaze on the human race that confronted the nine-headed demon lion.

   "It turned out to be a human race? There are other human races here besides me." Chen Xuan was incredible, and he hadn't seen anyone for months.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the person again, Chen Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect that there were still strong people who dared to compete with the nine magic lions.

I saw that in the sky, the man was wrapped in a black robe, holding a slightly strange-looking knife with a yellow light in his hand, because it was wrapped so tightly that it was so far apart that he couldn’t see the man clearly. Age.

  This mysterious man also stands in the void, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

   "This is at least a powerhouse at the Saint Lord level! Otherwise, dare to challenge the nine magic lions?" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  Above the sky.

   "Humanity, why did you break into my territory? Give you a chance to fade away quickly, and I can forget the blame."

  I saw the huge nine-headed demon lion actually spit out loud words. Hearing that the demon beast could utter wild words, Chen Xuan was shocked again, and then he was relieved again, as if he understood something.

  This level of monster beasts, apart from the few big beasts, I am afraid that there is no monster beast that can be compared with it. This level has already opened up agility, and the wisdom is not lower than that of humans.

  "Nine-headed magic lion! Be scornful, and look at Haihan!" The mysterious man said.

   "I said, as long as you leave the lion king's territory!"

   "It's true, I want to borrow your magic crystal from Lion King to use it!"

  The man stared at the nine magic lions, but his faint voice was like that loud noise, which made people's hearts tremble.

   "My magic crystal?"

  "Do you know that my family of nine magic lions can only produce a small piece in a hundred years, you say you want it?"

   "I can exchange other precious things of the same level with you, what if I don't know?"

   said the mysterious man!


  "Are you sure you have such precious things?

   "Let’s do it! If you can give me a transforming pill, if there is no transforming pill, then the transforming array is fine! If there is, I will exchange it with you, how about?"

   Hearing this, the man was very upset and said:

   "Sure enough, the lion opened his mouth, and the transformation Dan is Qi Dan. Use it to exchange a piece of magic crystal, unless I am an idiot."

  "Since there is no such thing, there is nothing to talk about. Where do you go back and forth!"

   "Practical point, such precious things as transformation pill, transformation formation, you are embarrassed to speak!"

   "Except for the sacred beasts and the formation sect, where is there in this world?"

   "Then there is no need to talk about it, please go back! Don't force me to do it!"

   "If this is the case, then I have to..."

   "Hahaha! Is this always the despicable human race? Come on!"

   Seeing this mysterious man's actions, the nine magic lions suddenly let out an angry roar.

  After a while, the war started.

   "I know that you are the strong saint king of the human race, but if you really want to fight, you can't ask me for the slightest advantage, and whether you can walk out of my monster valley alive is a question."

   "Oh~Is that so? Let's try it! I'm going to see if the nine-headed magic lion is as powerful as the legend."

   After a faint response, the mysterious man raised his hands lightly and ran Dao Jue.

   "Holy Way-Landslides!"

  On the ground, the ground began to break, and the surrounding giant trees collapsed due to the powerful movement.


   "My Monster Beast Valley is not a human territory, nor is it a place where you came to go wild!"

  Looking at the increasingly large fracture zone, the nine-headed magic lion also shouted angrily, and then in its huge mouth, a low roar and whimper resounded through the valley.

  Chen Xuan's side, watching from a distance has also been affected.

   "This kind of powerful battle, there is still such a mighty power so far!"

  Chen Xuan hurriedly ran Daojue, working hard to resist the aftermath of this battle, if he didn’t pay attention, this energy would surely fly out!

  (End of this chapter)

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