Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2049: exchange

  Chapter 2049 Exchange

  "How can you not know such a rare thing as magic crystal." Chen Xuan replied.

   "Yes, magic crystals are very rare. The nine-headed demon lion clan grows stronger with this thing. Moreover, for our human race, this thing is even more useful." The mysterious man said slowly.

   "The magic crystal is not very useful for the level below the holy king." The mysterious man continued to look at Chen Xuan and said.

   "Uh~ it seems to be~"

  Why couldn't Chen Xuan understand the meaning of these words, which meant that it was useless to hold this magic crystal, so it's better to give it to him.

   "For such a precious thing, it seems good to befriend a powerful saint king." Chen Xuan thought about it again, and said again:

   "Um, senior, I understand what you mean, this magic crystal is really useless for me now, but it is not easy for me!"

  Speaking, Chen Xuan took out two magic crystals and handed them to the man very distressed.

  "Don’t worry, little friend, I won’t let you suffer. This is my storage bag. You can pick two of them."

  As soon as Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately became happy. Chen Xuan really doesn't need this magic crystal now, but Chen Xuan can change what he needs now.

  Opening this storage bag, Chen Xuan was immediately dumbfounded.

  "Tsk! It's worthy of the storage bag of the Saint King!"

  This dazzling array of things can be said to have everything you need, pill, holy tools, and Taoism.

  "This is the best energy spar! How much is this huge pile!"

  I saw a lot of things, many of which were what Chen Xuan wanted. However, he could only change two items, and Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed.

  "I now have the yin and yang of this Taoist artifact. Let's forget these holy artifacts!"

  "What should I choose?"

   "Well, the pill, I can refine it by myself, and I don't need it very much."

  In the end, Chen Xuan's gaze stayed on a piece of parchment.

  "This is a broken formation, but it is powerful and difficult to set up. Do you want this thing?"

  Chen Xuan nodded.

"Yes! My little friend has a wicked look! Although I don’t know how strong this formation is. After all, my formation skills are limited, but what is certain is that although this formation is a broken formation, as long as it can be arranged, at least Able to reach the holy level."

   "That's him!" Chen Xuan said.

   "Little friend, although this formation is very good, it takes a very high formation to learn it. Is it the way of formation?"

  The mysterious man persuaded that he was obviously afraid that Chen Xuan would suffer. After all, these things of his own were indeed worse than the magic crystal.

   "Thank you senior for reminding that junior is still very interested in formation."

   "Then I won't say more, since you are fancy, take it!"

   "However, one of my things is comparable to this magic crystal. I just want to trade this thing for the nine magic lions, but he didn't expect him to open his mouth."

   "So, seniors want to give me this thing?"

   "I said, you just pick two of these things, never break your promise."

   "I don't know what it is?"

  I saw this mysterious man take out a lotus seat from another storage bag.

  "This is the Qinglian Throne!" Chen Xuan was very excited.

   "Yes, the little friends know a lot! This lotus throne was obtained in my early years, and it seemed to be a Taoist monarch at that time. This thing can be described as a cultivation tool for people below the holy king!"

   "Now I don't need it anymore, it can be said to be of little help to me, you can take it!"

  Chen Xuan is so happy, this thing is perfect for him now, with it, his own Dao Fa practice will be much more effective!

   "Thank you, senior!"

  After the mysterious man recovered a little bit, he disposed of the nine-headed demon lion's body. Chen Xuan got another cup of delicious soup. Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  "This senior is really good. Although I follow the soup, but giving myself is indeed what I need most at the moment."

  After getting along for a few days, the more Chen Xuan admired this powerful saint, this is the demeanor that a strong person should have.

   "Little friend Chen Xuan, my injury is almost good, thank you for taking care of him in the past few days, I thank you Ma Chufan again!"

   "Senior is polite, isn't the junior also gaining some gains, seniors are leaving now?

   "Yes, I thought that the nine-headed magic lion would not dare to do it no matter what, but I underestimated it, if it weren't..."

   "Forget it, don't say anything, do you plan to leave? We can go together! After all, this place, if you are unlucky..."

   "Thank you seniors for your kindness, the kid is still going to have more experience."

   "Okay then! I'll say goodbye, goodbye bye!"

  After speaking, disappear into the sky.

   "Xiao Hei! Let's go too."

   Talking about one person and one beast, he continued to walk into the valley.

  Where Ma Chufan was, Chen Xuan learned that he was no longer in the Profound Sky Continent, but came to this place called the Starry Sky Continent, and he was also in the Star Dou Mountain Range.

  At the beginning, the cliff was actually the junction of the two continents. In fact, the cliff was not very high. It just looked a little cautious.

   "Thanks to the dialect that Old Piff didn’t have the courage, otherwise..."

After coming out of the Monster Beast Valley, Chen Xuan Xiaohei stepped into the jungle again, but the trees here were not as dense and tall as the place where Xiaohei stayed.

   "Xiao Hei, go, go and see, there is movement ahead!"

  One person and one beast passed cautiously, intending to find out.

  I saw two monster beasts fighting each other, and they were so close that they could not meet each other. Chen Xuan walked along the way, and this kind of scene was seen too much.

   "Old rules, yours on the left, mine on the right, a quick fight, the demon heart belongs to me, and the rest belongs to you!"

  Xiao Hei nodded.

  The two monster beasts that were fighting inextricably didn't know that they had been topped at this time.

With a squeak, two black shadows immediately appeared in front of the two monsters, Chen Xuan raised a big punch, and a reincarnation punch smashed the fire. The wolf-shaped monster fell to the ground instantly, and Chen Xuan chased after victory. , It was another reincarnation punch to kill him.

   "Come on!"

  Chen Xuan said with satisfaction that this kind of ordinary monster beast is at most a power of Dao Sovereign level. Chen Xuan is still invincible in the same realm, as is the monster beast.

  After all, as Chen Xuan's reincarnation power became more pure, the physical power brought by the reincarnation body was no less inferior to the monsters of the same level.

   "Xiao Hei, you are not as fast as I am this time~ uh, you are still great!"

  Looking at Xiao Hei who had already started to nibble on the other monster beast, Chen Xuan said helplessly.

  Chen Xuan became more and more aware that this little black was not simple. Although he could not speak, his intelligence was not much worse than those of the holy way monsters that had fully activated their intelligence.

   "Xiao Hei! Slow down, don't break my demon heart."

  (End of this chapter)

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