Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2051: Star Dou City Storm

   Chapter 2051

   "It's okay, it's just a matter of effort." Chen Xuan said lightly.

   Chen Xuan was about to turn around and leave after speaking, but the woman suddenly blocked the way.

   "Benefactor, I don't know your name yet, I'm so good."

   "Then, there is no need to repay your gratitude. I have something to do. See you if you are destined!"

  Chen Xuan turned around and left happily.

   "Miss, everyone has gone far." This called the woman's **** back.

   "Miss, you can't sneak out like this without a guard. If you didn't meet this young man this time, I'm afraid..."

   "I see, Xiao Lan, I am too naive. It seems that the outside world is indeed very dangerous!" The woman who was crying just now has not cried anymore, and her heart's ability to bear it is still acceptable.

   "Let’s go back soon too! Otherwise, the master should worry about it."

  In Star Dou City, Chen Xuan took Xiao Hei around aimlessly. Xiao Hei was like a country boy entering the city, pointing to Chen Xuan everywhere.

   "Xiao Hei, have you walked enough, we have to find an inn to settle down."

   Xiao Hei didn't seem to hear it, and the little paw pointed in another direction, meaning to go there and take a look.

   Chen Xuan had no choice but to follow.


   "Who raised this little monster, it's so cute!" A crisp female voice sounded.

   Indeed, the smaller version of Xiao Hei, without the mighty power of a giant beast, especially its eyes, is indeed very smart.

  This girl is wearing a white dress, looking at the fabric, she should be a big family.

  The girl wanted to grab Xiao Hei with her hands when she was talking. Chen Xuan had it! If this little guy is unhappy, the girl has to peel off her skin.

  Sure enough, Xiao Hei felt that someone was about to catch him, and his lovely eyes became less friendly in an instant, and he let out a deep growl, as if to warn him.

   "Xiao Hei, what are you doing, come here!" Just when Xiao Hei was about to go crazy, Chen Xuan's voice came over.

  Xiao Hei heard Chen Xuan's yelling, so he turned his head reluctantly and walked towards Chen Xuan's side.

   "You raised this monster?"

   "No, we are friends, brothers who share adversity, not me to support him, but to depend on each other!"

  And the woman didn't seem to hear her, she looked at Xiao Hei at Chen Xuan's feet, her eyes like torches.

  "You make a price! I bought this monster."

   Chen Xuan was a little angry when he heard this.

  "Have you not heard what I said? He is my friend. Will you sell your friend?"

  Women are still the same.

   "A thousand top-grade energy crystals, how about it?"

  Chen Xuan was completely angry at this moment. The good man did not fight with the woman, and was about to turn around and leave, but this woman just refused to forgive him.

   "Too little, I said, you make a price!" The woman said very proudly, as if I had taken you.

   "I said you are sick!"

  "I’ll say it again, don’t sell! How about you sell me to you for a price?"

   "You, don't know what is good or bad, this lady is blessed by your monster beast, such a high price is too small!"

  "Do you know who this lady is? Those who dare to talk to me like this won't see the sun tomorrow!" The woman looked gentle and gentle, but she couldn't think of being so pungent and so unreasonable!

   "I'll say it again, I won't sell, and please let me go!" Chen Xuan tried to suppress his anger, not as knowledgeable as this person.

   "Today you have to sell it, or if you don't sell it, Zhang Qian, catch this monster beast for this lady."

   "Well, miss, or forget it! I'm looking for a good one for you."

   "Shut up, my dad paid you to hire you so that you should be my subordinate, not for you to disobey me."

   "Otherwise, you are pretty."

  The man named Zhang Qian looked embarrassed and turned to Chen Xuandao:

   "Brother, or you..."

   "I said, can you not understand people like him?"

   "In that case, I'm sorry, brother."

  Speaking, this person named Zhang Qian suddenly made a move and grabbed Xiao Hei with one hand, but he didn't even catch Xiao Hei's hair.

  As soon as Chen Xuan saw this man, he immediately exploded with the majestic momentum of Dao Sover's peak, staring at Zhang Qian steadily.

   "If you are doing it, don't blame me, you're welcome!"

  Zhang Qian was surprised at first, and then as if he was facing an enemy, his face was heavy.

   "I didn't expect such a young man to have the cultivation level of Daojun's peak." Zhang Qian sighed.

  But she is not afraid, even a titled Daoist herself is afraid that a Daoist will not reach the peak.

  "Little brother, I don’t want to do it either, but I can’t do it for life."

   "Then fight!" Chen Xuan didn't say much.

   "The power of reincarnation, extinction of the void!"

  "God and demon ghost, death is coming!"

   Chen Xuan is a big move when he comes up. After all, the opposite is a titled Daojun, although it seems that he did not understand Daojun's true meaning.

   "The way of ice, thousands of miles are frozen."

  The black power of reincarnation and the snow-white ice power are playing against each other in the air. This black and white scene is truly spectacular!

   "Underestimate the enemy, this kid is a genius at the level of evildoers."

  Zhang Qian began to pay attention to it. From the two Taoist skills of Chen Xuan just now, he felt a pure power.

   "The Way of Ice, Wan Bing Thorn!"

   "The power of reincarnation, the side of yin and yang."

   was another bang. Both of them took two steps on their hind legs to stabilize their footsteps.

   "I don't believe it can't help you!" Zhang Qian couldn't hold back his breath. A titled Daoist himself was actually blasted back several steps.

   "The way of ice, the ice breaks!"

The void around    seems to be frozen. I thought Chen Xuanyin should not be able to borrow this trick, but

  I saw Chen Xuan escape from yin and yang, his eyes condensed, and even if the first and second swords of the Seven Swords of Gods and Demons appeared, the two swords were sent together and headed towards the ice in the void.

  After a few loud noises.

"What! This is too enchanting!" Seeing that one of his assassins was pierced by Chen Xuan's two swords, Zhang Qian regretted doing it with Chen Xuan, but he couldn't make it. He was already so obvious, so he had to insist. On the scalp!

   Seeing Zhang Qian charging towards him, Chen Xuan immediately dodged and evaded. After dozens of rounds, the two of them still played regardless of the outcome.

   "Stop fighting, stop fighting, anyway, they can't help each other." Zhang Qian said.

   "Really? But I haven't tried my best yet?"

   "We have no grievances and no grudges, there is no need to do this!"

   "If you say you do it, do it, if you say you stop it, stop it? It's too cheap for you."

  Chen Xuan didn't want to care about it. Since the other party doesn't rely on it, let's do it to the end!

   Obviously, Chen Xuan does not intend to waste time any more.

  I saw that Chen Xuan mobilized the power of reincarnation in his body, and once again merged several forces. The energy sphere that ruined the earth flew towards Zhang Qian, and he couldn't afford to throw his head.

  (End of this chapter)

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