Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2060: Miracle, leave

  Chapter 2060 Miracle, leaving

  However, Chen Xuan has not finished speaking. Just listening to a loud bang, the Great Array has been forced.

   Then I heard Liu Kun's laughter.

   "Chen Xuan, I didn't expect your formation talent to be so high, I underestimated you, but don't be too proud, I will hold you back even if I die."

  Speaking, a very dangerous force suddenly erupted from Liu Kun's body, and this force was still rising, as if to burst Liu Kun's body!

  "Little friend Chen Xuan, run! He wants to blew himself up!"

   "Run? Can you run?"

   "Come on! Chen Xuan, on Huangquan Road, let's be company together!"


  The laughter was mixed with the huge sound of the explosion, which made it extremely creepy.

  Everyone thought that Chen Xuan was in danger, and they closed their eyes, but at this moment, Chen Xuan’s unsalty and undiminished voice sounded again.

   "Get up!"

  The words fell, and then only Liu Kun's very unwilling voice was heard.

   "How is it possible! How is it possible! No, why, hasn't the formation been broken by me? How can it be like this? I am not reconciled, not reconciled!"

  "You are not the only one who can use this natural formation, I, Chen Xuan, too!"

  In this way, the famous bandit leader—Liu Kun,

  The superb master of the acupuncture formation was passed down—Liu Kun,

  This malignant tumor that has plagued Star Dou City for hundreds of years-Liu Kun,

   was so removed by Chen Xuan with the help of one person, it was incredible, incredible! This is also a miracle. To commemorate Chen Xuan's contribution to the city of heaven, later generations called this battle-the battle of miracles.

  Chen Xuan was also called by posterity as a miracle creator. Of course, these are all things to follow.

  Shang Feng and others are already stunned. They are the witnesses of this miracle. Every time they recall, they still think it is so incredible!

   "Senior Shang, are you all right!"

  Hearing Chen Xuan's call, he came back to his senses.

   "It's all just skin injuries, no big problem, then little friend Chen Xuan will be fine!"

  After all, this is the self-protection of a pinnacle titled Daoist! Even if it is Shang Feng, the peak power of the Saint, if he doesn't pay attention, he will have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die.

   Then, Chen Xuan rushed to the cottage with a surprised crowd.

  After Liu Kun died, the bandits who lost the protection of the formation can only be captured with their hands. There are few fish that slipped through the net, and they were also killed by the formation reformed by Chen Xuan at the mountain pass. They won a great victory!

  After the victory of the war, Shang Feng presided over the celebration of the whole city, and celebrated this important day with the whole city for three consecutive days and three nights.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, are you leaving?" Shang Xin'er asked very reluctantly.

   "It's up here, it's time to leave!" Chen Xuan replied calmly.

In fact, Chen Xuan knew that Shang Xin'er, because of her life-saving grace to her, and at this age of ignorance and ignorance, regarded her gratitude for herself as a feeling, but this is destined to not have good results. Will suffer its chaos. Chen Xuan only hoped she could understand.

   "Then Brother Chen Xuan will come to Star Dou City? Xin'er will miss you." Shang Xin'er still couldn't hold back, sobbing quietly.

  Xiao Hei saw it, and quickly jumped into Shang Xin’er’s arms and looked at Shang Xin’er with their lovely eyes, as if to say something more,

   "Don't worry! I will definitely come again, I haven't eaten enough yet!"

"Xin'er, there is no permanent banquet in the world. The origin and the demise, you and I only need to cherish the fate and let the fate go!" Chen Xuan couldn't help it, although he had no other thoughts about Shang Xiner, but After getting along these days, this innocent and kind-hearted girl is indeed very lovable, and Chen Xuan has also treated her as a younger sister.

  "Okay, Xin'er doesn't cry, it's ugly when crying!" Or because of the ugly words, or something else, Shang Xin'er stopped crying as soon as Chen Xuan said this.

   "I see, Brother Chen Xuan!"

  "Brother Chen Xuan, can you tell me, where can I find you?"

  Looking at this stubborn girl, Chen Xuan wanted to refuse, but the hearts of the people were always fleshy.

  "Xin'er, I don’t know where I will be in the future, but my most demanding is the endless avenue, so..."

  Shang Feng looked at his daughter very distressed, so he also interrupted and said:

  "Xin'er, cultivation is endless. Your brother Chen Xuan is so talented that he will not stick to one place. Well, if you want to get what you want, you must become a strong one!"

  Chen Xuan Yitian said Shang Feng's words, suddenly speechless, this is to encourage his daughter...

  But Chen Xuan didn’t know that one day in the future, they would meet at a higher plane. Today, the innocent and kind girl who wants to follow in his footsteps has become a powerful and powerful person!

   "Senior Shang, thank you for your hospitality during this time. The mountains and rivers have met, and the juniors say goodbye!"

   "Take care!"

   "Take care!"

   "Xiao Hei! Let's hit the road!"

  One person and one beast, in the afterglow of the sunset, gradually disappeared into the sky, leaving only a touch of sunset red.

  "Xin'er, go back! It's better to forget him! He is destined to be extraordinary, and we are not in the same world."

  Shang Xiner remained silent, still staring at the direction of Chen Xuan’s departure. After a long while, she spoke slowly.

"Brother Chen Xuan told me that there are too many people with extraordinary talents in this world, but there are a few who have truly become peerless powerhouses. It is impossible to practice one path, so you must have a firm mind. My Dao Xin is to follow in his footsteps, so, father, I will not give up!"

  Looking at Shang Xin'er like this, Shang Feng was very pleased.

   "Xin'er, you are grown up!"

  A few months later.

  The endless sea, the blue sky, two leisurely figures dashing across the sea unhurriedly.

   "Xiao Hei! There seems to be an island in front, right?"

  Xiao Hei nodded.


   "Finally I can take a break again. It's been more than a month, I'm almost exhausted!"

  It was Chen Xuan who had left Star Dou City. This other one was naturally Xiao Hei.

   "Xiao Hei, speed up!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was sitting on Xiao Hei's back and said to Xiao Hei.

  Xiao Hei rolled his eyes, as if he was saying, “You’re tired, I’ve been flying all the time, okay? I’m too slow, so I can fly by myself.”

   "I know you are tired, you are suffering, the big deal is up, you rest, I ask you to eat, please eat enough."

  This little black had something to eat as soon as he heard that, and he had enough, it was as if he had been beaten up with chicken blood, without panting.

  咻咻咻~ galloping in the direction Chen Xuan said!

  "Hey, Xiaohei, I said you slow down? Can you tell me in advance when you accelerate next time,"

   Chen Xuan complained.

  (End of this chapter)

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