Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2064: On Tongtian Island

  Chapter 2064 On Tongtian Island

  However, this Cao Fei seemed to be very unwilling to do so, too. After working for most of the day, it turned out to be nothing, and it was uncomfortable for anyone to leave it alone.

  "Brother, I think we can try again. What if he doesn't have these formations anymore? Then we are at a loss."

   "Okay, don't mess around. If you don't leave, it's really too late. Leave the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood. The big deal is to keep this account in mind, and you can get it back later."

   Cao Fei is very reluctant, this person belongs to the kind of people who want money and don't want life.

   So Sun Jin pulled Cao Fei away quickly, and disappeared into the sea in a short while.

  About an hour passed, and the tide of beasts gradually receded. Chen Xuan and Fu Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Admire, Brother Chen Xuan admires you, Fu Yong, I have never convinced a few people in my life, you count as one of them."

"This is simply a miracle. I didn't expect that I would be able to survive a beast wave of my level. Moreover, Brother Chen Xuan, your formation is really too powerful. It has been more than an hour. It still looks like that. Signs of unscathed."

   "Brother paid the prize. If it's more than half an hour, my formation won't be able to hold it. Fortunately! I still hold it down before the end of the beast tide."

  Suddenly Fu Yong seemed to have thought of something.

  Only heard a buzz,

  Fu Yong has disappeared in place, moving in the direction just now.

   Then, there was Chen Xuan’s shout

  "Brother Fu, don't chase, I'm afraid they will leave as soon as they are there. Unless they are fools, they will stand in place and wait for you."

  Fu Yong stopped then and yelled in the direction where the two had just disappeared:

   "Two bastards, don't let Lord and I meet you, or you will be better off dead."

  Chen Xuan and Xiao Hei also followed at this time.

   Then I heard Fu Yong talking to himself:

   "I heard at home that this chaotic star sea is extremely dangerous. I didn't believe it before, but now I have learned it."

   "This human heart! It's really not a good thing."

  "Brother Fu, don’t care too much, after all, we are all fine. This is also a blessing in misfortune." Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "Yes, I just sigh with emotion!"

   "Let's go, it's getting dark, you have to hurry to Tongtian Island, otherwise it may be where the beast tide will erupt. This thing is really not a joke."

  The two quickly rushed to Tongtian Island.

  On the way, Chen Xuan was not lonely either. He was asked by Fu Yong to ask this question. Don't look at the image of Fu Yong as a big man, but this character is like a little girl.

  Not long after, the two finally arrived at Tongtian Island, and they saw the brightly lit city on the island from a distance.

  The journey was quite calm, and I only met a small beast wave. Compared with the one just now, it can’t be compared. It’s simply a world of difference.

   "Brother Chen is not grateful for his great kindness, and I will always support you wherever I can be useful in the future, and I will do my best to Fu Yong."

   "Brother Fu is polite."

   "I have time in the future. Go to my house to be a guest, and you will be satisfied."

   "Okay! Go there if you have time."

   "Then let's leave it alone, there will be a period later."

   "There will be a period later, goodbye bye."

  So the two separated at the gate of Tongtian City.

  As soon as Chen Xuan entered this sky-passing city, he was attracted by the sight of the city. This place is noisier and more prosperous than many cities in the mainland. It can be seen that there are street stalls in exchange for goods. It is not like the cities in the mainland. It is fixed in one place. Moreover, it is not forbidden to fly here, even defending the city. There were no guards, and Chen Xuan sighed as he looked at the cultivator flying freely all over the sky:

   "Hey, it's so messy!"

  Chen Xuan didn’t think much anymore. When he first arrived at Tongtian Island, he first had to find a place to stay.

   Early the next morning, Chen Xuan, who was still practicing, was interrupted by a loud noise.



   "It seems to be the sound of fighting."

   Out of curiosity, Chen Xuan wanted to find out, so he opened the door of the room and walked out.

  Sure enough, in the lobby of this inn, only two people fought, and a lot of people were watching.

   "This place is really..." Chen Xuan saw this, and was speechless. The inn began to do things, not afraid to demolish the inn.


"No, it's such a powerful enchantment. It must be arranged by a powerful person at the Holy Lord level. These two people, looking at this battle, are at most the level of the titled Daoist. They still haven't understood the true meaning of Daoist. That kind of titled Daoist." Chen whispered to himself.


  The two people are fighting hard, Chen Xuan is very curious, why on earth is this, as for this...

   "You liar, pay my brother's order," one of the handsome men said angrily.

   "I said, this is none of my business, he wants to go, what can I do?"

   "If it wasn't for you, a liar, who was confusing, my brother would go back?"

"This little brother, everything will be justified. You were there that day. He took the initiative to ask me where the situation was, and there was indeed an enlightenment flower in it. I have seen it with my own eyes. I kindly told you this secret to brother, You are still so kind and revenge."

  "Secret, you villain, isn't it just for a few money? Knowing that my brother is in urgent need of enlightenment, he even made up a lie to deceive him, you are a liar, killer for your life, take your life~"

   "Boy, I'll say it badly, why are you so ignorant of praise, I know your brother feels distressed, but you can't put a hat on Lao Tzu, I am an old devil in business, and I have always been honest, so you don't want to inquire."

  "Stop talking nonsense, pay your life~~"

  咚~ The two of them started again.

   "Oh, it's not easy to do anything these years!"

  Beside Chen Xuan, a middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.

  "Why did fellow Taoists say this?"

   "Isn't there anyone older than that grade? He is a famous news seller in our city-the old ghost, and his news is almost accurate. This young guy can understand."

"This is how the same thing?"

   "Oh, it's actually this young man's brother who spent money on this old ghost to buy news. Enlightenment flowers, dare to inquire about this thing, and see how many catties you are! It's true."

   "Meaning that this young man's brother is looking for the Enlightenment Flower?"

   "It should be! That kind of treasure-level medicinal materials, he said he could find it."

   "It is estimated that the place is dangerous and people can't come back if they go there. Who can blame this, I can only blame myself for being overwhelmed."

   "This young man is not at fault either." Another person watching the show joined Chen Xuan's discussion.

   "This old ghost didn't tell lies, but this Secret Realm is basically known to everyone. This young man and his senior are obviously outsiders, and it should be the first time to come."

  What is the pestle doing here, if they come out, the two of us will definitely not be able to eat. "

  (End of this chapter)

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