Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2076: Mysterious sect

   Chapter 2076 Mysterious Sect

  The scene in front of me is really shocking.

It was still pitch black just now, and it seemed like the sky was changing here. When the sun was really scorching, Chen Xuanqing couldn't help looking up. The night sky with the moon just hung disappeared. He lowered his head and looked in front of him. Another palace was built against the mountains. , People come and go, and lively, this is simply a scene that a big sect should have.

  Beside Chen Xuan, a few men and women who were uniformly dressed as if they were disciples of the sect were really discussing something fiercely.

   "Have you heard that the pavilion owner has already risen through the catastrophe."

   "What, where did the news come from, when did the pavilion master soar."

   "You don't even know, too. I also went back to Tongtian Island. My father asked me."

  "How is this possible, would the elders not say anything about such a big thing?"

   "Yes, I am also very strange, so I asked you you guys."

   "It is mostly true. Although the pavilion master is mysterious and rare on weekdays, he will preach for us on the third day of every month. This has been for several months, and I have not heard the pavilion master’s words.

"You guys, why don't you cultivate and discuss the affairs of the lord of the pavilion? It was not rumored that the pavilion lord had soared a few years ago. After a period of time, did he still open the lecture to preach? It's better to cultivate yourself, don't Some of these are gone."

   "This time is really different, even the outside world is rumoring."

  These words can be heard in the fog of Chen Xuanyu,

   "Hey, may I ask this fellow Taoist, where is this? What barriers did you just talk about. What kind of sect are you?" Chen Xuan had to ask the nearest person next to him.

   However, those people seemed to be unable to see him, and they couldn't hear him, so they started a heated discussion on their own.

  This surprised Chen Xuan again, but he stood in front of her and asked questions. There was no reason to see and hear his own voice!

   Chen Xuan didn’t give up, he immediately walked over, walked into the crowd and watched everyone ask loudly:

   "Hey! Fellow Daoists are so rude, which disciple of which sect you are, is so unkind. I don't know if ignoring the other party is humiliating the other party, don't blame me for doing it if you don't speak."

  These people are still silent, and they are still talking about themselves as always.

  Chen Xuan was angry and hated others to ignore him.

   "The power of reincarnation, reincarnation punch!"

Chen Xuanlun raised his fist and smashed at these people who ignored him. However, the fist that buzzed around the void was like a punch on the cotton. Chen Xuan felt nothing, nor did those people feel it. The fists passed through the bodies of these people.

"This is, phantom, is it another phantom formation?" However, Chen Xuan quickly rejected this idea. In a powerful formation, there will be fluctuations in the formation, but if there is no formation fluctuation, it means that this is not at all. Formation.

   "It's not the formation, what else is it, and it's so real, it's simply immersive." Chen Xuan asked himself inconceivably.

Suddenly, the picture in front of him disappeared, and the people who had just been discussing intensely were also gone. He only heard a few loud bells and remembered, and then Chen Xuan saw that a group of clothes and the people's clothes suddenly appeared next to him. The same people, including men and women, old and young, all rushed toward the direction of the bell.

  These people said while running:

   "What's the matter? Zongmen's emergency assembly bell hasn't been ringing for hundreds of years. Is it an enemy attack? It's impossible. If it's an enemy attack, there is no fluctuation in the guardian formation."

   "I don't know, no matter how many of him, anyway, things are not easy, don't you know if you go, hurry up, if you are late, you will be punished by the elders."

   Chen Xuan was very curious when he heard it, so he followed.

After a while, dense crowds gathered in a huge circular square. Chen Xuan was also in it. The men and women around, old and young were still discussing in whispers, the content is why this sect that has not been heard in hundreds of years is urgently assembled. The bell will ring.

  "Everyone is quiet!" A majestic voice resounded throughout the square.

   "Look, it's the great elder and several guardians."

  After that, the whole audience was silent, and then the originally chaotic crowd lined up in an instant, row by row, row by row, just like the army before the expedition.

  Then all the crowd bowed and saluted, and said in unison:

  "I have seen the great elder, I have seen the guardian!" Chen Xuan saw this huge scene, and could not describe it in words.

  The old man and other men and women standing on a square platform nodded in response: "All disciples are exempt."

  Then, the white-clothed old man standing in the middle spoke:

   "The Zongmen emergency assembly bell has not sounded for more than 300 years. Today, everyone is gathered urgently to read the pavilion master's dictum!"

  Speaking and took out a token.

  And everyone present at this time, including the guardians, all knelt on one knee, clasped their fists in both hands, and replied in unison:

  "Please follow the instructions of the pavilion lord!"

   "The pavilion owner has orders. My Tianji Pavilion has been established for more than a thousand years, and now it is a super power of all parties."

"But I have to admit that Xu Tianji is the master of the Tianji Palace, Xu Fusheng’s disciple, and many of the core Dao Laws of the Tianji Mansion were originally from the Tianji Mansion. Now, the Tianji Mansion has come here, although we have the strength. Confronted with it, but it is destined to be destroyed, and it is not easy to practice. I can't bury the great prospects of my Tianji Pavilion disciples for my own selfishness in vain."

   "So, disbanding the sect on the spot, everyone can go to the Tianbao Building and follow the sect's contribution in exchange for the corresponding items to leave the Tianji Pavilion."

  As the last letter of the Great Elder fell, it was like thunder in the crowd, causing a wave of fluctuations.

   "All the disciples take orders! Let's go away!" After the great elder said this sentence, blood spurted out, and an elderly man had tears in his eyes.

  And just as the elder was about to turn around and leave, a voice came from the crowd:

   "No! Great Elder, we will not go, we will co-exist and die with the sect."

   "Yes, we do not leave, we will live and die with the sect."

  The voice is even more resounding through the world, straight to the sky.

  Even if Chen Xuan was an outsider, he couldn't help being in awe when seeing this scene.

  Because, among these people, none of them did what they meant. This shows that this sect is very remarkable. It is really unprecedented for all the disciples of the sect to do this.

  After that, the voice of the great elder rang again,

   "I, Xu Xun, was adopted by the pavilion lord since I was a child. The pavilion lord taught me the teachings, guided me, entered the path, and changed my fate against the sky for more than 200 years. I am more sad than anyone."

  (End of this chapter)

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