Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2078: Tarao

   Chapter 2078

  Chen Xuan suddenly came up with such an idea, but if it were not, then there would be no way to explain why there is a phantom staircase, which can only be seen with divine consciousness.

This makes Chen Xuanxuan difficult, because if the third floor is really going to be up in the state of soul, it is a bit tricky. Although Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness cultivation can do this, what should he do with his physical body? Just put it here, if someone comes, then Chen Xuanke will be in trouble.

  Thinking about it, Chen Xuan decided to find a hidden place, set up an array to protect his body, and then went to the third level with his soul state.

  Just now stepping into the third gate, a mysterious and distant voice sounded,

  "Welcome to you, you are the tenth person to come here."

  After the words fell, it was also an old man in the state of soul coming to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan quickly backed up a few steps, watching the old man warily and asking

"who are you?"

   "I am the manager of this tower, you can call me the old tower."

  "Manager? What manager, are you from Tianji Pavilion?"

  The old tower was embarrassed,

  "How can I answer you? I belong to Tianji Pavilion, but I am not a human being."

   "What, not a person." Chen Xuan seemed to have heard something absurd.

   "Yes, I am the spirit, the instrumental spirit."

  "Qi Ling? No, this tower is a Taoism tool?"

   Chen Xuan said that, the old man became a little angry.

   "Boy, do you have a powerful tool in your family?"

   "Unseen kid."

  Chen Xuan knew that he had said the wrong thing, and felt changed.

   "Then what, old man, just say it!"

  "Dao implements cannot produce spirits at this level, even holy implements, that is, weapons at the holy road level, I am a divine weapon!" Ta Lao said proudly.


   "Every mistake, alas, this world seems to be my artifact. You don't know it is excusable."

   "Please also Ta Lao, please solve your doubts." Chen Xuan said as if asking for advice.

   "How can I tell you, I don't come from this world, but," Ta Lao pointed his finger at the sky.

  Chen Xuan understood in an instant, didn’t he also come from another place, besides, higher-level planes, this is not a secret in their world.

  However, Chen Xuan was a little surprised. Generally, the low-level planes ran to the high-level planes. How could there be high-level planes running to the low-level planes?

  Chen Xuan's face was puzzled.

   "Boy, now your strength is too low, you are not qualified to know too many things."

  "Since the kid chooses Daofa Daojue on the lower and second floors, according to the regulations, you can choose a magical power and secret technique on this floor."

  When Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately threw the doubts in his mind behind him, and looked at Ta Lao longingly.


"Yes, there are thirty-six magical powers and twenty-four secret arts here. You can pick it at will! Leave here after you have chosen, and then, after you go out, don’t mention things here, otherwise you are not qualified to choose magical secret arts. You choose one!"

   "This is still hesitating. Of course, I chose not to say everything here. This is a magical secret technique that the wild world can't find much." Chen Xuan said happily.

   "Yes, boy, tell you, even if you have that strength in the future and go to the kingdom of God, this magical secret technique will be enough for you."

  Chen Xuan looked at these magical secret arts dizzyingly, full of anticipation and ecstasy.

   "Hey, magic fist!"

   "Boy, you have a good vision, this supernatural power can be said to be the most powerful of these supernatural powers."

   "There are also levels of magical powers?"

"Aren't you nonsense? Of course there are levels of magical power and mystery. Forget it, I won't talk to you in detail. I will know if I have enough strength in the future." As he said, the tower veteran waved a jade medal. He flew in front of Chen Xuan.

   "Boy, take it! Magical Secret Art must be checked with divine sense, remember." He turned around and left.

   "Wait, old man!"

  Ta Lao turned and looked at Chen Xuan, wondering,

   "Boy, you have all the supernatural powers, let's leave! As for other things, I said, I will know when the strength is reached."

   "No, you have misunderstood the old man. I don't want this magical power."

   "Seriously!" An imperceptible light passed in Ta Lao's eyes.

   "I just think this is a bit like a magical power of my cultivation, I didn't say that I need this."

  After hearing Chen Xuan's words, the glimmer of light that Ta Lao had just flashed went out again, and he was still a little bit lost.

   "That's it, then you can choose it yourself!"

   "By the way, what supernatural powers do you cultivate," this sentence seemed to be asked casually.

  And Chen Xuan's next words surprised the old tower.

   "Oh, I made it by coincidence, called the ghost ghost."

   "Oh, the magical powers of the gods and demons are all possible, wait, what did you say? What are you talking about? Say it again!" Ta Lao's voice increased several times.

  Chen Xuan was startled by the sudden raising of the voice of the old tower, and replied weakly.

   "The ghost of the gods and demons, the name is a bit similar to the name of the gods and demons, so I just couldn't hold back the words, I didn't expect to be misunderstood by the old man."

   "Boy, you are sure to call the ghost ghost, let me have a look."

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what medicine was sold in this old gourd, but he still did.

  "God and demon ghosts appear!"

  I saw a huge phantom emerge from behind Chen Xuan, which looked like that sculpture of gods and demons, and exuded a terrifying breath, which made people suffocate.

  Ta Lao's eyes widened, and he watched intently, his face full of inconceivableness, and he said after a long time.

   "Okay, let's take it! Boy, I'll tell you very seriously, before going to the kingdom of God, before the strength reaches the dominance level, try to use this trick as little as possible, and remember my words."

  Chen Xuan was confused, he didn’t know any of these things.

   "So what, old man, can you make it clear?"

   "I spoke clearly enough, remember what I said anyway."

   then talked to himself,

   "Haha, search all over the world, who would have thought that such an important thing would be in this small low-level plane."

  "Tao Lao, what is the situation, what kind of kingdom, is it a higher plane? Tell me!"

   "Boy, I can't choose anymore."

   Chen Xuan saw that the old tower did not intend to say anything to him, so he could only dispel his thoughts, and then said flatly:

   "Well, Talao, you are very knowledgeable. Would you like to introduce these?"

   "No time, see for yourself!"

  Chen Xuan was speechless.

He could only pick it himself. Anyway, he didn't know which was better, he could only do whatever he wanted, but when he put his hand in front of a secret technique and planned to use it, Chen Xuan suddenly saw Ta Lao shaking his head slightly, although The magnitude was small, but Chen Xuan did see it.

  (End of this chapter)

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