Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2082: Sacred tower

   Chapter 2082 God Tower

  Tao Lao was speechless,

"Everything you say is wrong, but, you forgot, I am a divine tool anyway, as long as you shed blood to recognize the Lord, he will listen to your instructions, is it a problem to be bigger or smaller? Also, you are the master , Everything in the tower is yours, that rule is invalid for you, and, I didn't call the master, I was the little master!" Ta Lao and Chen Xuan buttoned their words.

  Then the two began a fierce debate about the name. In the end, Ta Lao won, and Chen Xuan called it whatever he wanted.

   "Come, little master, drop blood here," Chen Xuan and Ta Lao came to the top of the tower, Ta Lao pointed to the top of the tower and said to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan did so, and there was some inexplicable excitement in his heart, mainly because it was an artifact! Hearing Ta Lao said, this divine weapon has the power to reach the sky, although Chen Xuan still doesn't know what level of weapon it is.

  A drop of blood fell on the top of the tower, and in an instant, the tower began to move.


   Suddenly, the sky began to thunder, and the thunder roared wildly with rage, as if someone was going through the nine days of thunder.

   "No, fast forward to the tower, it is the artifact that recognizes the master to trigger the heavenly path, fast, young master, fast forward to the tower to ward off the robbery!" The old man shouted loudly.

  Chen Xuan was also fast, and a dodge jumped down from the tower, and hid in the tower at a rapid pace. Just where he had just disappeared, a thunder fell, leaving a huge crater of tens of meters on the ground.

  Chen Xuanxin looked at this huge pit with lingering fear, and asked Ta Lao,

   "What's the matter with the old man, how can there be thunder robbery?"

  Ta Lao also looked guilty and said:

"I'm sorry! Little master, I forgot to remind you, because the level of the artifact has exceeded the world's rules of heaven and earth. Just now, the little master dripped blood, and the artifact recognized the master, so the momentum of the artifact erupted and shocked the heaven and earth of this world, so The thunder robbery will come down, but it's okay. The thunder robbery in this world can't help me. It just scares the little master. It's the abruptness of the old slave. Please punish the little master!"

   Kneeling on one knee as he spoke, and if it weren’t for Chen Xuan to hide quickly, this sky thunder could definitely say that Chen Xuan was smashed to pieces. This was also the reason why the old man had so much reflection.

"I said, Old Ta, why are you here again? Get up quickly, I'm fine." Chen Xuan was very speechless. Although the Old Ta is a tool, although Chen Xuan is his master, he doesn't move. He knelt down and said punish at every turn, Chen Xuan still disliked this feeling very much.

   quickly helped him up,

   "Tao Lao, next time I'm like this, I'm really angry."

  After the thunder tribulation, Chen Xuan walked out of the tower, and the old man followed by him. Chen Xuan's mind moved, and the huge tower instantly became the size of a palm and flew into Chen Xuan's palm.

  The artifact can be directly included in the monk’s dantian, so Chen Xuan introduced the small pagoda into his dantian according to the method Ta Lao said. An accident happened.

   "Hey! What's the matter, Old Man, I can't take it in!"

  Ta Lao looked at Chen Xuan speechlessly and said:

   "Little Master, have you forgotten something?"

  Chen Xuan scratched the back of his head with his hand.

"What's the matter?"

  Tao Lao was speechless again,

  "Master, you forgot how you got to the third floor."

  Chen Xuan suddenly realized that if the old man didn’t remind him, Chen Xuan had really forgotten that he was in a state of spirit and smiled awkwardly.

   "Then what, why did I forget this."

  Hurry up with a thought, enter the tower, come to a hidden place on the second floor, remove the magic array, and return to his body.

   "It feels so cool!"

  Chen Xuan moved his hands and feet all over, perhaps because he had been sitting still for too long, he suddenly made a crackling noise.

   "It's a worthwhile trip. Not only has the spirit become stronger. It also got an artifact."

  Chen Xuan was in a good mood for a while, and then called out,

   "Old tower, old tower!"

   did not respond, Chen Xuan suddenly felt bad, and then persisted.

   "That's not right, my spiritual consciousness is indeed stronger, it's not a dream!"

  However, at this moment, a silent voice came from behind Chen Xuan.

   "I said little master, I have been standing here for a long time!"

   "Ah! I didn't pay attention, who made you stand behind me."


   "I thought it was a phantom array, it scared me."


   Then Chen Xuan smoothly took the tower away, and finally looked at the remains of the Tianji Pavilion.

  In the mountains, Chen Xuan walked alone, with a small tower floating in his hand, Chen Xuan said to the small tower,

   "Talao, where to go next?"

   "The mountain pass in front, where there are spatial power fluctuations, it should be an exit to leave this space." Ta Lao's words sounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

  Chen Xuan looked at the mountain pass in front, put away the small tower, and galloped toward the mountain pass.

   "The tree on the right, if you see it, it is there." Ta Lao's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind again.

   "It's nothing special, Elder Ta, are you right?"

  Ta Lao smiled and said,

  "Don’t panic the little master, just attack the tree with all your strength."

  Chen Xuan understood his meaning in an instant. Generally, where there is turbulence in space, the space is not very stable.

   "The power of reincarnation, reincarnation punch!"

   "The power of reincarnation, extinction of the void!"

  Sure enough, the space began to turbulent under Chen Xuan's two attacks. As soon as the crack appeared, the tree was instantly swallowed by the crack.

  At this time, the old tower in the tower also floated out, standing beside Chen Xuan, and asked a little excitedly:

   "What Taoism does the little master practice?"

  Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then pretended to be mysterious in reply.

"you guess?"

  Tao Lao sees Chen Xuan not speaking, so he doesn’t need to say anything more. It’s not the time for chatting at this moment.

   "Let's go! Wait until the space oscillates automatically, that's not good," Ta Lao reminded.

  Chen Xuan also hurried into it, as expected, he was still the same as he was. Quite a while ago, he left by himself and entered the turbulent flow of time and space alone. This is also the case.

  The old man saw this scene, shook his head and said, "My little master, why are you resisting the power of this space! This is a good thing to polish and shape the body!"

   "Ah! The power of space is still useful, but..."

   "Every time you make a mistake, it will be life-threatening if you use it improperly, but you forgot the inheritance of my old master?" The old man looked very iron and steel.

  Ta Lao said so, Chen Xuan left and suddenly realized.

  (End of this chapter)

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