Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2101: aggressive

   Chapter 2101

  Looking at Fang Youwei who had fled, Chen Xuan had intended to catch up immediately, but after thinking about it, let’s forget it. This house is probably going to call someone, and Chen Xuan’s first task now is to save Wrinkle first.

  Chen Xuan immediately removed the stone formation, and then quickly loosened the tie for Zou Yi, and asked worriedly.

   "Senior Crinkle, are you okay."

  Wrinkle also looked very weak, but his eyes were not vain because of the weakness of the body, but were shining with joy, excitement, and excitement.

   "Haha, old man, I know that little friend Chen Xuan has a big life, such an excellent person, even God is not willing to accept it." And as he talked, tears of excitement flowed in his eyes.

   "Senior Zou, the younger generation is sorry for you, I am tired of you, and made you suffer." Looking at this shaky old man, Chen Xuan was full of guilt and moved.

"Xiaoxuan, please allow me to call you that, because I think we are also friends of life and death. Aside from your kindness to me and my care for you, you are willing to recognize this bad old man as my big brother!" Looking at Chen Xuan very hopefully.

At the beginning, Zou Yi only thought that Chen Xuan was a very mysterious and enchanting genius. He wanted to have the heart to make friends. Although now I also want Chen Xuan to be the number one, the nature and difference between the front and the back are big, the former. It is somewhat driven by gratitude and interest, but the latter has no other thoughts in it. After so much, Zou Yi really wants to become brothers with Chen Xuan, without any interest or gratitude. It's just pure thinking.

  Chen Xuan was of course also very willing, so he dared to come forward desperately after hearing his own news. Zou Yi, the eldest brother, also had to recognize it.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly clasped his fists to salute,

   "Brother, of course I would."

   "Haha," Zou Yi also laughed loudly, where there is still a little bit of tormented and weak appearance, he is already radiant at this moment.

  "Okay, okay, Xiaoxuan, I can be a brother with you, I Zou Yi is enough at this time!"

  "Okay, brother, this is a healing medicine. You quickly take it and kill it with me."

"it is good!"

  Zou Yi sat cross-legged and took the pill to heal his injuries. Chen Xuan was guarding him. Unfortunately, Fang Youwei, who had escaped, was bringing a large group of people and approaching him murderously.

   "Chen Xuan, I am not with you!" Fang Youwei yelled as soon as he came in, like a mad dog barking all the time.

  Looking at the disheveled and disheveled Fang Youwei, Chen Xuan looked at him like a clown.

   "Why, isn't it a long time ago? Your grandson was scrapped by me, and your son..."

"Oh, yes, your son said to me before he died, um, the original words are like this-Uncle Chen, forgive me, it was Fang You who asked me to do it for the old man, and I don't want to be your enemy. Ah, you should not come to me to seek revenge. I also know that he spreads rumors and wants to deal with Zou Yi. This is really none of my business. Pass me!" Chen Xuan said pretentiously, looking at Fang Youwei's already pale face, and couldn't help but want to sprinkle salt on this promising wound.

  "Well, I would take the liberty to ask, that, Fang Youwei, did you pick up this dialect?"

  Fang Youwei has reached extreme anger, his eyes are red and he looks at Chen Xuan.

"I am going to kill you!"

   "Come on!"

   "Cut, look for such a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, and want to kill me, you are afraid you are a fool!" Chen Xuan was also very disdainful.

"Haha, I have long heard that Brother Fang, your enemy, is very arrogant. When I saw it today, it turned out to be unusually arrogant! I looked like I wanted to pinch him to death." One of them, Fang Youwei, the nearest old man, said. These people also wanted to humiliate Chen Xuan and killed him. They gathered people into groups according to their similarities. These people were just like that Fang Youwei, they were very sordid, and they were all despicable villains.

   "Hey! Old man, come here if you want to kill. Where there is so much nonsense, you really deserve to be the person invited by Fang Youwei, then he is a virtue." The old man was instantly irritated by Chen Xuan's words.

   "None of you move, the old man is going to personally smash this kid into ten thousand pieces!" Pounced towards Chen Xuanfei.

  Looking at the flying old man, Chen Xuan also said lightly.

   "It's another mad dog who doesn't know what to do. It's just a realm higher for that old trash. What are you barking at?"

   Then Chen Xuan remained the same, took out the stone formation and threw it over.

   "What?" Looking at the stone thrown by Chen Xuan, it instantly turned into a formation. Everyone present was shocked, exactly the same as Fang You's original expression.

"What about the formation, let's see how the old man broke your little trick." The old man was blocked by the formation, and couldn't help being a little angry. There was a blast against these stone formations. Sure enough, Chen Xuan's stone formation faced this The monks in the early days of the Holy Lord still had difficulty in forming damage, they were only broken by the old man after blocking for a while, but Chen Xuan didn’t panic.

  But looking at these people with incredible and a little fanatical eyes, Chen Xuan suddenly had a plan. Another stone formation was thrown out, the old man was temporarily stopped, and then he called out loudly.

"Everyone, Chen Xuan knows that Fang Youwei's behavior is a completely despicable person, so I believe everyone must help him out of Fang Youwei's benefit. In that case, I think I can too. It’s a benefit to you. It’s definitely more valuable than Fang Youwei. What do you think?” Fang Youwei suddenly felt bad when he saw this, so he quickly interrupted.

"Everyone, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. He is what valuable things a casual cultivator with no background can bring out. He is a master of formations. He must be delaying time to arrange formations. Come on, everyone. "

   Then, some of them planned to follow Fang Youwei, but some of them were indeed hit by Chen Xuan, but because the other party had the conditions to drive them, they unconsciously stopped them.

   "Brother Fang, you guys, it's still not too late to wait for him to finish speaking." One of the middle-aged men said.

   and Fang Youwei yelled,

   "Zhang Xiong, why do you want to turn to war. Don't you want that thing anymore."

   "Haha! I think Brother Zhang is right. I'll wait for this kid to finish." Another middle-aged man said.

   "Yeah, yeah." Half of the other people also spoke in support.

  When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he was delighted in his heart. As expected, it was almost the same as Chen Xuan thought. At least this part of the people did not really want to help Fang Youwei, but for profit.

   Then quickly spoke.

  "Everyone sees it. The little stone I threw out just now is called Stone Formation. It's a gadget that I poured myself upside down, but everyone can see how powerful it is!"

  (End of this chapter)

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