Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2116: Han family traitor

  Chapter 2116 Han family traitor

  The head of the Li family looked around carefully and found that everyone was rushing intently, and then replied cautiously.

   "Brother Han, you said that we have all moved here, and most of the elites of my Li family are already here, do you have to turn your bow and arrow back."

  Han Ming felt that there was a play when he heard it, because since he said so, it means that he was actually forced to be helpless, so Han Ming continued.

  "Brother Li, although he didn’t turn his head back when he opened the bow, he could find a good target, right? You can’t keep floating in the air!"

  Seeing that the Patriarch of the Li family did not speak, but was thinking about something, Han Ming continued,

"You see, our roots are in this Tianfeng City. Even if we move the family along, where should we go to settle down? Do we follow the City Lord's Mansion? The City Lord's Mansion has always wanted to swallow our two ambitions, although you It's an ally, but it's impossible to make a joke about the future of your family!"

"Haha, it seems that Brother Han has already made a decision. Then I wish Brother Han and your Han family have a bright future. Anyway, I don't want to become a vassal force. At least we are allies with the City Lord's Mansion. We are at least equal. "Suddenly the conversation turned, Han Ming was out of defense, what else he wanted to say, think about it, forget it, the Li family and the city lord’s mansion are allies themselves, how could it be possible that Han Ming was moved by a few words of his own? Ming put the goal on the several masters of the Li family.

  However, Han Ming didn't know that he had been noticed. After a few brief conversations with Han Ming, Patriarch Li quickly headed towards the direction of City Lord Tianfeng.

   "City Lord," Patriarch Li called out.

  Then the two came to the side.

"what's happenin?"

   "Sure enough, as you think, Han Ming probably has already taken refuge in Chen Xuan, and just wanted to pull me into the water. I don't want to think about it."

"How about the Qi family? Does anyone else have arranged it? We have to perform this play. I said that Tianfeng City is my place. Chen Xuan has to see if he has this if he wants to swallow it. Appetite."

   "At the Qi family, I have agreed to the conditions for them to open according to your instructions, and I have already notified the arrangement of the manpower. Chen Xuan personally led the team, right in front of Taniguchi. It is estimated that I want to ambush us."

   "Why did he lead the team personally, wrinkle? Has it come?"

   "It is indeed Chen Xuan who led the team personally, and there are only a few strong men at the Saint level, and the others are the pinnacles of titled Dao Monarchs. It seems that Chen Xuan is very confident in himself!"

   "Is there really no wrinkles?"

   "OK, I heard that Wrinkle is also in retreat, and someone has ordered it. As soon as there is news, I will be notified immediately."

"That's a pity. In fact, wrinkles are the most difficult thing. Chen Xuan, a young man, is sure to be very strong, but he is still too young. He is stunned. With such a small number of people, he wants to eat us. Some Wishful thinking."

  City Lord Tianfeng smiled sinisterly, and then said,

   "The moon is black and the wind is high, it is really a wonderful night, Chen Xuan, play with me, you are still tender, come on! I want you to come back and forth."

  Han Ming was a little puzzled. He didn't know what was wrong with these people, but all of them were determined to work with the city lord's mansion, and even the intermediate holy way skills could be rejected. Han Ming just said it, but he just didn't succeed.

  While Han Ming was still wondering, a figure came to Han Ming quickly.

   "Patriarch, the Patriarch is not good, and the people I can are trapped by the people from the City Lord’s Mansion and the Li Family’s family."

   "What, what's the matter?"

   "I don't know either. Just in front of Taniguchi, Patriarch Li and a large group of people surrounded us and said that I would call you."

  Han Ming instantly had an unknown premonition.


Then Han Ming followed this person and dashed away. In fact, it was not far away. Most of the people were walking in the front, while a few of the sanctified-level people looked at the supplies behind the large group. Han Ming was a lobbyist. But they ran everywhere from front to back, so it didn't take long before I saw a large group of people surrounding their Han family.

  "What are you doing?" Han Ming saw this situation, strode through the crowd surrounded by meteors, came to the middle position, and asked loudly.

   "Haha, Brother Han, since it's not on the same road, please come back! We are not all the same." The speaker was the Patriarch Li who had just talked to Han Ming.

   "Brother Li, what does this mean?"

"Okay, Han Ming, let's not talk secretly. Since Han Ming, you have already taken refuge in the Chamber of Commerce, that is our enemy. For the sake of so many years of friendship, where will the people with you go back and forth! Don't think I don't know, you Han Ming has already told Chen Xuan about our Xingzong. If I guess right, Chen Xuan is waiting for us in front of Taniguchi."

  Han Ming’s face is heavy,

"How did you know."

   "Haha, Han Ming, you can use money and things to buy people's hearts, can't I?"

   "What do you mean!"

   "Obviously, Brother Han is a smart person, so I don’t need to say more."

  Han Ming looked at the Han family with a gloomy expression, and asked sharply.

   "Who is it, who betrayed me."

   "Hahaha, Han Ming, it's all for this, is it interesting to ask?"

   "Do you know why I am willing to let you go back?"

  Han Ming still entered the past and stared at these family members fiercely.

   "Because, you ask how many people are willing to take refuge in Chen Xuan with you." The Li Family Patriarch smiled wildly.

  Then, the Han family, who had been surrounded, actually walked behind the head of the Li family.

   "You, you guys, horrible things." Han Ming's eyes were already red. Except for a few elders, everyone else was already the opposite of his Han Ming.

   "Patriarch, you can't help but we agreed to take refuge in Chen Xuan, we don't want to be a vassal." Someone said in the crowd.

   "White-eyed wolf, what do you know, you can see this benefit in front of you, it is really short-sighted, how can my Han family have you waste!"

  The few elders still left stepped forward and comforted,

   "Patriarch, everyone has their own ambitions, since they have their choices, why should we force it." Then he lowered his voice, and said,

   "Patriarch, let's find a way to leave first, let these people leave as soon as they leave! There is no big problem anyway."

   "Yes, Patriarch, these people are not worth a pity. Leaving is the most important thing." The others also spread the voice.

  Han Ming thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. Since their Han family couldn't keep these white-eyed wolves, then he was angry and it didn't help.

  "Li Quan, you are the head of the Li family, Han Ming admits that I have planted them. If you like these white-eyed wolves, you can take them! My Han family does not need these scums!"


  Then Han Ming took a few elders and walked out of the encirclement in a swaggering manner.

   "Patriarch, can't let him go!" The traitor of the Han family who just said that he didn't want to be a vassal said anxiously.

   "Haha, you think I really want to let him go. The friendship with him is nothing but profit."

   "Now it's time for you to perform. Go, let me see if you are worth the price." Li Quan said this to the traitors of the Han family who betrayed Han Ming.

  Then those Han traitors, led by the person who just spoke, chased after him.

   "Patriarch, Gao, it is too high, let the Han family kill each other without a single soldier!"

  (End of this chapter)

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