Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2124: Parliament successfully concluded

  Chapter 2124 Parliament successfully concluded

  "The next thing I want to reward is the great hero of my Sky Chamber of Commerce, our vice president."

Zuiyi has been sitting on the side with a smile on her face, because Zuiyi treats the Chamber of Commerce as her own home. Seeing that there are more members in her own home, she can't hide her happiness, and she doesn't want to be disturbed. This happiness, so I watched everything silently,

  But when Chen Xuan said to reward him, he hurriedly stood up, waved his hand and said,

  "Chairman, why reward me again? What I do are small things and I can't talk about any contribution. Besides, you just gave me a high-level sacramental skill."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, and it was an advanced holy way. When did this level of holy way skills become so common, everyone's mood for wanting to contribute to the Chamber of Commerce increased a little.

"Haha, our vice president is humble, you see, if it weren't for you, we could have such a big meeting place, if it weren't for you, our chamber of commerce could be built to the present appearance in such a short time, so ah, you Don't be modest." After speaking, Chen Xuan went on to say,

"Big brother, so many people have watched it, but it’s not good to refuse. I am also the president, and you can’t tell that I was deliberate. I want them to know that doing things for my chamber of commerce is not for nothing. There are rewards for what they do, so that they can stimulate their enthusiasm!" Chen Xuan said this, and Wu did not postpone it anymore.

   Then Chen Xuan continued,

   "So, in view of the fact that the vice president has worked so hard to contribute to the Chamber of Commerce, I hereby reward it and enlighten it."

The whole audience was blown up, and even Wu Yi himself was stunned. Needless to say the value and preciousness of the Taoist Flower, Wu Yi was surprised that Chen Xuancai gave it to his second, fourth, and fifth brothers. Enlightenment Flower, given to himself today, he is increasingly unable to see through this brother who is so much younger than himself, it is like a mystery existence.

  And the people sitting still a bit can’t do it. Someone asked,

   "Master, is it possible for ordinary chamber of commerce disciples like us to get such a precious reward?"

Chen Xuan knows the meaning of these words, because in many sects and big families, the more precious things are often prepared for those with high status in the sects. Even if the disciples of ordinary backgrounds are talented, many things are worth more. Less than.

  "I, Chen Xuan, hereby promise you that as long as you are a member of our chamber of commerce, regardless of your background, we will speak with strength and credit. As long as you have made contributions to our chamber of commerce, you can get corresponding rewards."

   "Okay, the president is wise!"

   Chen Xuan’s words won everyone’s cheers, and because of this, Chen Xuan’s Sky Chamber of Commerce became the real overlord of the wild world in the shortest possible time. After everyone calmed down,

  Next, Chen Xuan began to announce the second thing.

  "The second and most important thing is that our Chamber of Commerce will soon usher in a peerless powerhouse."

  Everyone cast their eyes on the Cang Shi beside Chen Xuan, some were curious, some were surprised and scared.

   "Yes, as everyone wants, it is the old man beside me, a peerless powerhouse of the half-step saint. Although his strength has declined due to some reasons, it still does not affect the fact that he is a peerless powerhouse!"

   "Cang Shi, why is this name so familiar?"

   "Yes, I also feel as if I have heard it somewhere."

  "Cangshi, Cangshi, is it?" Then the scene was deadly silent.

  Chen Xuan knew that most of the people present were locals from Tianfeng City. Who knew this butcher, the devil who had been rumored by Tianfeng City?

   "I know, everyone is wondering why I recruited him and how I would let such a person into our chamber of commerce."

"But, Chen Xuan, I can guarantee with my personality, Cang Shi, he is definitely not what you said. As for the things he did, it is true. However, none of the people he killed was innocent. They should all be killed. People!" Chen Xuan said sonorously, and then Chen Xuan cast his gaze on Cang Shi, as if asking, after Cang Shi nodded silently, Chen Xuan told Cang Shi's experience.

  Everyone was dumbfounded and tearful, and some people apologized directly.

  "Senior Cangshi, I want to apologize to you, because I used to hear my elders talk about you, but I don’t know why this is the reason. I am still chewing your tongue behind my back and ask for forgiveness!"

   "Yes, so am I, sorry! Senior Cangshi!"

  Always silent, he finally spoke.

   "Hahaha, old man, I'm not that stingy, and I really don't care what you think of me. The reason for saying this is that I don't want you to grow up as an adult. It's that simple!"

  "We admire the amount of the sea of ​​the old man,"

   "Yes, we admire it. I will still dare to chew my tongue in the future. I am the first to kill him!"

   Then there was another fierce speech, which seemed to be flattering.

  "Okay, I announce that from today, Cang Shi will be the elder of our chamber of commerce, in charge of the criminal law of the chamber of commerce, and shoulder the task of cultivating outstanding juniors for our chamber of commerce. The status is equal to that of the vice president. What do you think of it!"

   "Obtain your orders, the guild leader, please see the elder!"

  Everyone got up and bowed deeply to Cangshi.

This meeting was successfully completed, and the Chamber of Commerce was also on the right track. With Chen Xuan’s help, Cangshi quickly recovered his strength. It has reached the late stage of the Holy Lord. I believe that within a year, it will be able to return to the original stage, and even It is possible to break through the Holy Lord and reach the Holy Emperor in one fell swoop. Of course, the Holy Emperor is not so easy to break through. This is just a beautiful fantasy.

Chen Xuan’s Japanese character is very fulfilling. After introducing Ta Lao’s devil training every day, he went to the devil to train his apprentice Zou Tian, ​​and Zou Tian lived up to expectations. He had broken through the title of Daojun and caught up with Chen Xuan’s cultivation level. Still confidently approaching Chen Xuan to learn from each other, but he was beaten by one move, and then he refused to accept the tone, and started practicing desperately.

Chen Xuan has to cultivate both formation and space power, so his cultivation is slow, but for a monster like Chen Xuan, his cultivation is not equal to combat power. Today Chen Xuan can easily defeat ordinary holy masters in the early stage. The Sage Lord who is slightly weaker in the mid-term is not an opponent either.

  This day, in the Hongmeng Tower,

   "Tarlao, the power of this space is so powerful, it's no worse than my gods and demons!"

"Haha, of course, you think that the power of space is to hurry, and then use it to escape. If you want the old master to tear a space, you can instantly destroy a plane, turn your hand to crush the stars, the power of space , Powerful!"

  (End of this chapter)

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