Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2128: Stone array future

  Chapter 2128 The future of the stone formation

  If Chen Xuan knew that Han Bing had a bad attitude towards him because of this, he would have to die unjustly.

   "You, you are not qualified to offend me, I just don't want you to disturb Qing'er's cultivation!" Han Bing said lightly.

  Chen Xuan was so angry, and he said so much calmly, even if you don’t appreciate it, it’s not a good look anyway.

   "I said you can be a little polite, Qing'er, we have already said it before, and don't underestimate Qing'er, he understands the truth no less than some people, I am not worried, what are you worried about!"

   "Chen Xuan," Han Bing's voice became even colder. This Bing Bing is also a holy lord at any rate. With such a sound, Chen You seemed to have fallen into the abyss.

   "Chen Xuan, I'll say it again, don't disturb Qing'er's cultivation, and that is, pay attention to your identity, don't think that it is great to build a stone formation."

  Chen Xuan decided that a good man would not fight with a woman, so he didn't even look at Han Bing, turned his head and left, leaving behind an angry Han Bing.

  Looking at Chen Xuan turning his head and leaving, Han Bing regretted a little.

   "Am I talking too much?"

   "Forget it, who told him to affect my Qinger, no, I have to find a way to let them meet less in the future, so that after a long time, the relationship will fade."

When Han Bing thought about this, he suddenly felt less angry. In fact, Han Bing is still a girl who has not yet entered the world. The reason why she has such cultivation and strength at a young age is because she has a good family, don’t Seeing as a deputy suzerain, in fact, there is no real power. It is just a name, and it is just a means for the Frost Sect to cultivate outstanding juniors.

After Chen Xuan left, he did not go back directly. Instead, he had a long-term plan in his heart. He had already completed the construction of his chamber of commerce, so he had to find outstanding talents for his chamber of commerce. Bingxin City, a big city like the city of Bingxin, must have all kinds of people, so Chen Xuan intends to stay a few more days to see if he is lucky enough to find a few suitable talents.

   Find an inn to stay, Chen Xuan enters the tower.

  "Tao, you just said that the depiction of Stonehenge can really be taught to others?" Chen Xuan asked

"Little master, I know what you think, but if you want to grow this stone formation business, you can't rely on you alone. Once this thing comes out, the demand will definitely be great. If there is no dedicated team that portrays the stone formation , How big can you be?"

   "But, this is a unique technology! If it leaks out, it would be a shame!"

  "Furthermore, can we hold on to our current strength? I mean to sell a small amount first, and then we can expand other businesses. Is this not good?" Chen Xuan expressed his concerns.

   "Yes, little master, your development direction is the most stable and conservative, but, have you ever thought about it, how long will it take, five years, ten years, or a hundred years?"

   "But, be steady and steady, isn't this bad? I still think this method is too risky."

   "Haha, little master, I know that you are not strong enough, and I am worried that you will give up your child and you will not be able to cope with the wolf. I have already thought about these problems!" The old man seemed to know all the thoughts of Chen Xuan, and said confidently.

   "Quickly talk about it," Chen Xuan also said at the moment. The old man Talar had prepared for hundreds of years to build power for his old master, and he must have thought of these things a long time ago.

   "Haha, don't panic the little master, wait for me to speak slowly."

"First of all, we have unique resources in this world, so we have unique advantages. Secondly, the chamber of commerce must develop rapidly. It is indeed safe to rely on ourselves, but the time cost is too great, so we need some external forces at this time. Not only can it be safe, but also our interests can be guaranteed, but it is just a matter of spending money to buy some time."

   "External force?" Chen Xuan was still in a daze. Ta Lao continued,

   "Little master, what is our biggest disadvantage?"

   Chen Xuan replied after thinking,

   "There are too many. The Chamber of Commerce starts and needs a large amount of money to maintain. Besides, there are no other resources besides the stone formations, insufficient strength, insufficient reputation, and insufficient output."

   "Yes, so at this time we need to use external forces to solve these disadvantages, and then take advantage of the wind."

   "Oh! Old Ta, don't sell it."

   "If we don't have capital, we will earn from the stone formations. If the reputation is not enough, we will borrow their reputation. If the output is not enough, we will increase the output."

   "Isn't this nonsense!" Chen Xuan did not have a good air.

  Ta Lao was not angry, and continued,

  "We can buy the technology of the division into the superpowers in this world, teach them how to portray them, sell them the right to sell, and then make a profit of five to five cents. I just sit back and collect the money, and then develop myself."

   "This is feasible? Buy this power, what about other powers, what if the jealousy unites against us?"

   "Then it depends on how you sell it."

"In fact, it's very simple. Each power has its own scope, so even those super powers can only sell in their own place at best. If you want to step into the scope of other powers, you must pay a price, and this process is also It's complicated and changeable, so we just..."

   Chen Xuan suddenly realized when he heard this,

   "Oh, I see, we sell to every force, let them sell on their own territory, so that they can quickly make money and ensure the confidentiality of this technology."

   "Of course, after all, such a good cake, you still have to keep it yourself. Although this way, this technology will no longer be unique, but after all, it is still in the hands of a few people."

  "Furthermore, we don’t have the ability to swallow this cake. Even if we do, the price we have to pay may exceed our benefits. Isn’t it worth it?"

  Actually, Chen Xuan didn't want to do this, but this is indeed the most effective and fastest method. If you follow your own terms, it will take too much time and too much difficulty. Chen Xuan can only accept this suggestion.

   "Tara Lao, the stone formations are all taught to me by you, and I will listen to you what you say."

   "Haha, little master, I know you are a little unwilling, but trust me, you will not regret it, and there is another advantage to this."

   "What's the benefit?"

   "That is, we can sell one level by level!"

  Hearing this, Chen Xuanzhichun's unwillingness has disappeared.

  This shows that you are still unique, why? Chen Xuan can sell you a Dao-level stone formation first. If you taste the sweetness, you will definitely want the next Dao-level, Holy-Master level...

  In this way, the initiative is still firmly in my hands, and my technology is still rising in value unconsciously.

  (End of this chapter)

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