Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2139: Another general

   Chapter 2139 Another General

  Chen Hao is already confused, completely subverting his cognition of the formation method,

  "Can the formation be arranged like this?" Chen Hao asked more than a hundred times in his heart.

   Soon, the array layout is completed,

   "Boy, feel the power of my formation and see if it can meet your standards." Chen Xuan said confidently from the side.

  The formation mage examines the opponent's formation avenue, undoubtedly entering the formation to break the formation, this has nothing to do with the formation level.

  So Chen Hao couldn't wait to enter the formation and began to break the formation.

Chen Hao took a step forward. The scene in front of him changed in an instant. Chen Hao is very talented in the formation, so he is already a 9th-level formation apprentice, only one step away can step into the low-level formation master, although it cannot be arranged. Formation, but it’s not a problem to break the formation, because the formation is to learn from the formation of the formation, starting from the formation theory, so the task of the formation apprentice is to break the formation, so that you can continuously improve your understanding of the formation, thus So far you can arrange your own formation.

  Chen Hao saw that the scene before him was no longer an inn room, but a large lake that was as beautiful as a paradise.

   "Magic Array, the universal trick of the Array Master!"

  "But in such a short period of time, the formation can be arranged. It seems that Senior Chen has some skills. In terms of speed, this is already the limit speed of the advanced formation master."

   "Since it's a fantasy array, everything in front of you is fake. Find the array eye first." After speaking, Chen Hao closed his eyes and began to perceive with his own microblogging power.

After a while, Chen Hao opened his eyes, looked at the center of the lake, and muttered to himself.

   "Impossible! Anyway, Senior Chen is at least an intermediate formation master, how could it be so easy for me to find the formation, and it is still such an exposed position."

  Chen Hao decided to still take a look, because if Chen Hao leaves, if it is a false front, undoubtedly Chen Hao will not have the chance to break the battle, so he will be careful to sail the ship.

  And Chen also sees these in his eyes,

"Boy, I'm quite cautious, but don't be too cautious. After all, my routine is to play cards not according to common sense. Don't be clever and be mistaken by cleverness when the time comes!" Chen Xuan looked at Chen Hao in the formation and said in a low voice. Talking to himself.

  After a while, Chen Hao opened his eyes again, and then touched his head in general thinking.

   "Three eyes, two hidden, and one obvious, which one is the real one?" Chen Hao asked himself in his own heart.

  "If it's the one in the center of the lake, this is too obvious. As a master of formation, would you arrange the formation eyes in such a star place?"

   "But if not, are there too few hidden eyes? This is not in line with common sense!"

Even if Chen Hao has broken through many phantom formations, this is the first time he has seen this formation arrangement, because this formation arrangement does not want to be a masterpiece of a master formation, the illusion formation is confusing, so if it is changed to a cultivation base Slightly stronger, attacking three formation eyes at the same time, then this formation can be easily cracked.

  Chen Hao also knew this, so he thought of a possibility, that is, since Chen Xuan was showing it to himself, it was aimed at himself, and his cultivation level could not do this, so he dared to arrange it like this.

  After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Hao moved. He decided to attack the first position, because often the most dangerous place would be the safest place.

   So I used Dao skills and attacked this line of sight, but before the fist arrived, it was blocked by a force.

   "This is a defensive array, this, a defensive array is placed on the eye of the array, how is this possible!"

   "How can an array be arranged in such a small place?"

  However, Chen Hao was relieved soon, because the stone formation was just carved on a small stone.

  Chen Hao is a little bit lost. This defensive formation is probably an intermediate defensive formation. If you want to crack it, you have to find the formation first, but he has just spent most of the power of divine consciousness, and now he can no longer use divine consciousness.

He couldn't help but doubt that there was a problem with this phantom array. What he perceives was actually a phantom array, a series of phantom arrays. Only this high-tech array arrangement method can consume a lot of spiritual power, and he can no longer use it now. Chen Hao is convinced, and this serial fantasy formation alone is already a masterpiece in the formation. This can only be achieved with a deep understanding of the formation, not to mention that it is in the eyes of the formation. The means of arranging the formation.

"Senior's formation is really amazing. The kid has taken it!" No way, Chen Hao had to admit defeat. He had already taken it, because he knew his own strength, and he also saw Chen Xuan's greatness, so there was no need to be in it. Go on.

  Chen Xuan withdrew the formation and said with a smile in front of Chen Hao in the aisle,

"Well, my ability is more than enough to teach you! Moreover, even the formation method of the formation sect is not as smart as mine." Chen Xuan is very confident, because his formation method was guided by the old man. The method of array layout is no longer the traditional method of array layout in the wild world, but from the middle, central Shenzhou, high-level plane.

"Senior, why are your formations different from what I learned? Are the ones I learned fake? But my knowledge of formations comes from the formations!" This is something Chen Hao can't understand, because the formations The method of the formation is extremely general. Although everyone's methods are different, they are inseparable from their sect. Chen Xuan's array layout methods have been separated from this sect.

"Hahaha, boy, the formation is the most unpredictable, and it is precisely because of this that the formation can become the monk’s first battle strength. It is not that your knowledge of the formation is fake, nor is it I belittle the formation knowledge of the formation sect, because even the formation method of the formation sect is incomplete, that is, it is low-level. There are many formation methods that the formation sect does not have, and this plane does not have it." Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "Is this the pinnacle of the formations that the predecessors said, the formations from the higher planes?" Chen Hao asked.

"Yes, this is where my self-confidence lies, but it does not mean that it is the pinnacle of the formation together. You are just a child and you don’t understand too much. I know you rarely go out of the house when you look at you. Right!"

  Chen Hao was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said,

  "It’s true that I rarely go out. Strictly speaking, this is the first time I have left the house. Senior, can I learn the formation from you?"

   "Didn't you just say you want to go to Zhenzong?"

   "Hey! Because in my understanding, the formation is a paradise for the formation mage, of course you have to go to the best place to practice formation. Where can you find better resources."

  (End of this chapter)

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