Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2141: Contest

  Chapter 2141 Contest

  "In the future, you will be under the same roof, you can figure it out by yourself!" Then Chen Xuan went straight to Ta Lao.

   "Haha, old man, I brought two little guys here, you are a little busy."

   "You only dig two in a month? It means that except for Xiaofei on the first day, you only found one in twenty-nine days." The old man was a little disappointed.

  Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed and said,

   "Can you blame me? You don't know that young people nowadays are impetuous, they are all with good eyes and low hands. Besides, without you by the side, I can find one that is pretty good." Chen Xuan complained.

  Then the attention of both of them was attracted by the three of them.

   "If you want to be my uncle, I will recognize me if I win." Zou Tian said coldly.

Chen Haonan was a little panicked. He thought he was Chen Xuan’s little brother anyway. No matter how this wrinkled sky would give a bit of face, I didn’t expect that Zou Tian’s reaction was so intense, and what disappointed Chen Haonan most was that Chen Xuan actually acquiesced. It seems that this beating is inevitable.

"Well, Brother Wu, it was just a joke just now, don't take it seriously!" No way, not against a titled Daoist monarch, the cultivation base of the Dao Realm is not enough for others to punch, freely admit. I hope the other party can start lightly.

  But Xiaofei was full of fighting spirit, staring at Ruotian, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

   "Little Master, who do you think will win?" Ta Lao asked.

  "It should be Xiaotian! After all, the realm gap is too big, and under your guidance, Tian'er is no longer what it used to be."

   "That Chen Haonan is definitely unwinnable. Although the cultivation base has already reached the late stage, the battle strength of the formation is very weak before it becomes the formation master. I am talking about Xiaofei!"

   "Xiao Fei, although Xiao Fei's combat experience already has more combat skills than Xiao Tian, ​​but a titled Dao Monarch has a Dao realm, besides, Xiao Fei can't even advanced Dao skills, how could it be possible."

   "That's not necessarily true. Although Xiaotian has great combat power, he has almost no combat experience after all, and you don't remember that I told you that the little guy Xiaofei has hidden his strength?"

  Chen Xuan then recalled that there was such a thing, and at the same time he looked at Xiaofei meaningfully and muttered to himself.

   "Xiao Fei, do you really hide your strength?"

   "The Way of Death-Death Bloom!"


   Rutian could not help but make a move, but Chen Haonan, who is Rutian’s opponent, could only dodge in an embarrassing manner, while hiding and saying,

   "Well, Brother Wu, if you have something to say, I can't apologize!"

   "Yes, I won't care if you stand still and get punched by me. What do you think?"

  Chen Haonan was a little annoyed when he saw that the clothes were soft.

   "Brother, if you are embarrassed, just hit it! You are a titled Daoist bullying me and a good little monk. If you are not afraid of being laughed at by others, I will let you hit and let you hit enough."

  These words actually worked, Rutian no longer continued to attack Chen Haonan, but stopped in place and hesitated.

   Chen Haonan saw this, overwhelmed the drama, and quickly continued.

"Senior Brother Zhou, if you really want to beat me, then beat me upright. When I have reached the same level of cultivation as you, then I will beat you as you please, so that I won’t be laughed at, right, or else, if it’s spread out. It's not funny to say that the senior brother of the Sky Chamber of Commerce bullied the newcomer brother! You say so!"

  Wutian waved his hand,

"Okay, today I will let you go, just follow what you said, otherwise it would be a bit ugly to say that I bully people." After all, Rutian is also a child, and weakness will inevitably occur. Chen Haonan said that Rutian is big Brother, Wutian is obviously very useful, so the anger has disappeared a lot.

  But at this moment, something unexpected happened,

   "Senior brother Xiaofei, ask him how to do two tricks."

   "I'm going, Xiao Fei, aren't you! Titled Daoist cultivation base, are you going to find a beating?" Chen Haonan hurriedly persuaded.

  But Xiao Fei was obviously unmoved, looking at Wutian with full fighting spirit.

  Chen Haonan saw that he was persuaded to stop, and ran away quickly. He didn't want to be injured by mistake.

  Especially people of their age, who are full of enthusiasm. Seeing others challenge themselves, there is no reason not to accept them.

  "Are you sure?" Kuten asked.

   "OK, thank you brother for not letting me know!"

   "Okay, you challenged me yourself. I was forced to fight. If I lose, don't say I bully!" Obviously, Wutian is already at the mercy of what Chen Haonan said just now.

  Xiaofei is not talking too much,

   "The Way of the Earth-Earth Crack!"

   "The Way of the Earth-Landslide!"

  Wrinkle Tian was surprised at first, and then hurriedly used Dao skills,

   "The Way of Death-Reaper's Scythe!"

"Junior Brother, you are very good. It seems that Master’s vision has been so unique. Two Dao skills have been activated at the same time. I have been practicing for more than half a year. I can barely try it out. I didn’t expect that the fourth brother can use it so easily. I admit that I underestimated you, so I will take it seriously next."

  Xiaofei smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and did not speak.

   "The Way of Death-The Song of Death!"

   "Hey! Not bad, when did this kid understand this trick?" Chen Xuan praised.

  "Little master, if I were you, I would be ashamed to say, as a master, you have been a decent master one day."

"Isn't I very busy? Besides, if you teach by yourself, how much do I need to take care of. Mr. Ta, your old man personally teaches for a day, which is better than I teach for a month." Chen Xuan quickly defended, although there was flattering Suspicion, but this is true.

  However, the old man didn't care, his eyes were always on the battle between Zou Tian and Xiaofei.

   Xiaofei saw that this technique was so powerful that he could not resist, and then quickly avoided.

  Zou Tian saw that the blow was unsuccessful, and was surprised at Xiao Fei's speed, but at the same time the attack in his hand did not stop.

  In this way, Rutian attacked like crazy, while Xiaofei desperately avoided, chasing and fleeing one by one.

   "This kid is consuming Xiaotian's power!"

  Chen Xuan after watching for a long time finally saw a clue that Xiaofei already surpassed Gutian in speed by virtue of his footwork advantage.

   "Yes, little master, your reaction is a little slow. It seems that I have to give you some lessons in two days." Ta Lao said lightly.

  Although Chen Xuan has ten thousand people who are unwilling and dare not to rebel against the old tower! Otherwise, he would have to be confined again.

  "Junior Brother, what's the point of you hiding here?"

   "Haha, brother, speed is very important in combat. You have to practice your speed a lot. Otherwise, if you can't beat people with powerful Dao skills, it's futile, isn't it?"

   When Xiaofei said that, Ruotian's face was a little bit awkward. He was indeed inferior to others in speed, and he did have powerful Tao skills, but he couldn't beat him.

  (End of this chapter)

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