Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2144: The growth of wrinkled sky

  Chapter 2144 The growth of wrinkle sky

  Chen Xuan is a little embarrassed, go to the Ice Sect? That's impossible. Chen Xuan didn't want to be inexplicably criticized by a woman in Frost Bing. It was not Chen Xuan's little belly, but Chen Xuan hadn't figured out where he had offended that woman. He really complied with that sentence. Then, a needle in the seabed of a woman's heart!

  But Chen Xuan was embarrassed to refuse Rutian, so he said,

   "Let's do it! If you want to go, go! You know the way, too."

   "Ah! Master, are you not going?"

   "I won't go, your sister Qing'er is important to practice, and I will disturb her practice when I go." This is also one of the reasons why Chen Xuan did not go.

   "And I have other things to do. Don't play for too long. Cultivation is the most important thing. Only with enough strength can you do what you want to do." Chen Xuan said again.

"Ah, then I'm not going anymore. I can't disturb Sister Qing'er's practice. There will be time in the future." How could Wutian not know what Chen Xuan meant. If he went, then he could not go with Chen Xuan. The ones who came out to practice, didn't come out to play, he knew this very well himself.

  "Really not going?"

  Wrinkle Tian was a bit unwilling to give up, but he nodded and said,

   "No, I'm out to experience, not out to play, there will be time in the future."

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised. When did this kid become so enlightened.

   "Well, let's go! The place we are going is a bit far away, we have to hurry up."

   "Master, where are we going?"

   "Go to Tianjin City!"

   "Sky Formation City, isn't that the headquarters of the Formation Sect? Where are we going?"

   "Of course it's going to do business, and it's a big business."

  "What big business." Ruotian was very excited.

   "Haha, just leave, you will know when that happens." Chen Xuan said mysteriously.

  The two masters and apprentices were all in the dust, and finally rushed to Tianzhen City on a sunny afternoon.

  Looking at the gate of the city with a few big characters written in front of him, both the master and the apprentice were dumbfounded.

   "Master, this is Sky Formation City?"

  "If I read it right, is the plaque of the gate of the city gate cold iron?"

"I think so too."

   "Is it so extravagant? Tianwaihan Iron is used to make a plaque, isn't it overkill?"

"Yes, such a good material, if used to create a Taoist artifact, it must be a high-level sacred artifact, maybe it can be advanced to the level of the noble artifact." The master and apprentice entered with a pity. city.

  The high-class city is always so prosperous, the streets can be said to be overcrowded, Chen Xuan can’t help thinking in his heart,

   "When can Tianfeng City be like this, no, it should be more prosperous than this."

   "Master, where are we going next?" Xu Tian's question brought Chen Xuan's thoughts back.

  "What do you mean?" Chen Xuan asked back. During the more than a month's journey, Chen Xuan and Zou Tian had also passed more than a dozen cities, so Chen Xuan wanted to hear Rutian's opinion.

   "Ah!" Wutian was obviously a little surprised, but still replied in a serious manner.

   "Master, you said that there are two ways to understand a city the fastest, one is to ask, the other is to listen!"

   "If you ask, the cost is too high, so the best way is to listen, so we have to find the inn with the most traffic in this city."

   "Haha, yes, it seems that there has been some progress over the past few months." Chen Xuan said with an educated look.

   Then continue to ask,

   "Then how can I find the inn with the largest passenger flow in this city?"

   "Haha, Master, you have also said that the type of people who know this city best is the gatekeeper, so just ask the gatekeeper."

Doormen are a kind of profession, and they are also some small vendors, but they are not selling real goods, but news. As long as you want to know, and they happen to know, you must pay them a fee, and then they will sell Speak out what they know.

  Furthermore, every doorway has been sworn with Tiandao before entering. You must not lie, or you will be condemned by God, so guests will not worry about lying at the door.

Chen Xuan was very pleased. It seemed that he remembered everything he said, but there were many things he couldn't practice. But after this period of time, Chen Xuan reminded again that many related things in Wutian's mind were lost. Out.

   "Yes, very good, then you will start to practice the things in your mind! Just knowing is not enough, you will use it, and you have to use it proficiently."

Then the next step is to take Kuitian as the protagonist. Chen Xuan followed without saying a word. He thought he was a dumb man who didn’t know, because Chen Xuan wanted to see if Kuitian could successfully complete this work without himself. thing.

This is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do. Because the profession of doorman is a mixed bag, there are many doormen who don’t know much, but because the doorman’s rule is that as long as you ask, you have to give something, so there is Many such people like to do this, so it is easy to meet the kind of doorman who asks three questions, and has to pay for it.

  So, how to identify the door-goer is something that a person who is away from home must learn.

Sure enough, Zou Tian spent a few medium-grade energy stones after asking a few customers. The answer he got was either he didn’t know, or he gave three or four companies, saying it was one of the three or four. And it's not sure yet.

  This made Zou Tian a little downhearted.

  "Master," Ruotian yelled a little embarrassingly, perhaps because he was a little ashamed of not asking what he wanted.

"Xiaotian, you are still there. I think it took you two days to ask a teacher who was really talented and learned. This is actually a talk of experience. I'm going to give it a try." Chen Xuan said.

Then Kui Tian started to ask one by one again, but in the end he didn't ask what he wanted. On the contrary, the money was spent a lot. Kui Tian originally wanted to give low-level energy stones, but he saw that almost everyone was medium. The product has the bottom line, so I just bite the bullet and gave it.

  Chen Xuan really couldn’t stand it anymore and reminded,

"Xiaotian, if you search one by one like this, you may be able to find it in two days, because two days are enough for you to ask all the people in it, but you have to think about how you can find it the fastest, and It’s not a place with a lot of people, so the doorman must have real talents and learning. You see, didn’t you also ask so many questions."

  "You have to think in another place, what would you do if you were a person with real talents and learning."

   Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Rutian fell into deep thought. After a while, he suddenly thought of something, and then said happily,

"I see, Master, if I am a disciple with real talents, first of all, I will not yell at soliciting customers, so I can exclude this group of people. Second, generally people with real talents have their own. Pride, then among this group of people should be full of confidence. In this way, the scope is smaller."

In the end, Kuitian targeted a small group of dozens of people. They neither yelled for soliciting customers, but also seemed to be jokes with other people around them who had a prosperous business. Such people are either out of jealousy or that. People who have real talents and learning joke that these people can't recognize heroes with insight.

Then Kuetian asked among these houses, the first one, no, Kuetian was not discouraged, and the second one did not, Kuetian continued to ask, until the tenth one did not ask, Kuetian was a little panicked. ,

  "Is my judgment wrong?" Rutian still firmed up his thoughts, until he asked the last one, Rutian couldn't help but feel a little dejected.

There is a small room for the doormen. This is exclusively for the doormen’s street, so there are rows of doormen’s stores. The rooms are the kind that is just two people and not so crowded. There is a table with a table inside. The doorman, a chair outside is used to entertain guests, and at this time, there is no one else in the last family.

The doorman inside    was an old grandmother, which made Ruotian a little dazed. He was all men coming all the way. Suddenly there was an old grandmother. Ruotian was indeed a little confused, but Chen Xuan's eyes behind him lit up.

   "Young man, do you want to ask me? I'm going to close the door and go home if I don't ask the old lady."

  Wrinkle Tian only noticed that the sky was getting darker, and she asked this question all afternoon. Wrinkle Tian was so disappointed that she forgot to answer the old grandmother's words.

  "Young man, young man!" The old grandma yelled twice, and then the genius wrinkled replied in a panic.


  "Young man, is it impolite to ignore an old man like this?" The old woman was a little angry and continued.

   "Don't stand stupidly at the door without asking, there are others behind."

  Obviously, the grandmother regarded Chen Xuan as a guest.

  Wrinkle Tian realized that she was distracted, and quickly apologized,

   "I'm sorry, grandma, I didn't mean to not answer, but I asked this for an afternoon and didn't ask what I wanted. It is inevitable that I was a little disappointed, so... Please forgive me!"

  Hearing this, the old woman eased her expression a little and said,

   "It turned out to be like this. It seems that the old lady misunderstood you. It seems that you are here to ask the door for the first time! It's already pretty good. Ask the old lady and you will be over."

   "Let's talk about it! What do you want to ask, the old woman thinks she still knows something."

   Suddenly, Sui Tian became a little nervous, because he felt that the old woman in front of him was the kind of door-goer with real talents, and quickly asked, I want to know the inn with the largest passenger flow in Tianzhen City.

  The old grandma thought for a while, and then replied,

   "No wonder so many customers don't know that they can. If there is no fixed and updated information source, there are really few that can answer accurately, because this is the information for the whole process."

   "You asked the right person."

  (End of this chapter)

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