Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2146: Discriminated against

  Chapter 2146 Discrimination

   "So don't think about this now, I'll talk about it later if I have a chance." Ta Lao said again.

   "Well, I understand!" Chen Xuan also replied.

   Then Chen Xuan said to Rutian again,

  "Xiaotian, remember, don’t be limited by your own inherent thinking mode, learn to accept and understand new things."

  Wrinkle Tian didn’t know why Chen Xuan said this suddenly, but he knew that his master would not harm him. Although he didn’t understand, he nodded and agreed.

   "I see, Master."

Chen Xuan didn’t say much, and walked around with the wrinkled sky. They first came to the Dao Qi District. Looking at these many Dao Qi that they couldn’t call, Chen Xuan was very moved. The economic differences between the regions are still there. It's not so big.

What surprised Chen Xuan even more was that the same low-level Taoist artifact was only 100 Intermediate Energy Stones. In their southern region, at least 500 Intermediate Energy Stones were required. The price was five times lower, and even the Holy Taoist artifacts were also sold. Chen Xuan and Zou Tian were very surprised.

  "Master, the holy tools are all sold, is there a problem with this person's brain?" Xu Tian asked in a low voice.

  But what he didn’t expect was that the person who sold the Taoist instrument heard these words, and then the person leaned a few steps towards Chen Xuan and said,

   "Which continent in the south?"

  Chen Xuan and Zou Tian were shocked at the same time, Chen Xuan said,

  "How do fellow Taoists know?"

  The man smiled.

   "Just now this little brother said that I had a problem with my brain, so I guessed it."

  Wrinkle Tian quickly explained,

   "That I didn't mean it."

  The man waved his hand,

   "Hey, brother, it's okay, I understand what southerners say, and I don't blame you."

  "What do you say?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I have been to the south of you several times. At that time, the business was just getting started and it was a little difficult to do it here, so I also stayed with you for a while."

"I know that in the south of you, holy tools are generally scarce. Many powerful people who have entered the holy path are still using advanced tools. The main reason is that the materials for making them are not easy to find, and the holy path is hard to find. You have few refiners, after all, the overall economic strength is poor, and high-level refiners are unwilling to stay.” This sounded very harsh, and there was a sense of discrimination in it.

   "In the phrase, it speaks of the economic difference between regions, which has caused the imbalance of development between regions," Ta Lao's voice also sounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

Chen Xuan and Kui Tian only now know that this is the case. Chen Xuan understands it very well, but Kui Tian is a little embarrassed. It turns out that he is so ignorant that he is the frog at the bottom of the well. He just said that there is a problem with his brain. Makes Ruotian a little uncomfortable.

  Chen Xuan of course saw the embarrassment of Ruotian, patted him on the shoulder and said,

"Xiaotian, people are telling the truth. We have to be brave enough to accept the reality and don't care too much. Besides, you see, the reason why Tianzhen City is so prosperous is not an overnight thing. A long time ago, this place was actually a block. The wasteland may be too!"

   also said to the person who sold the Taoist device,

"Friends of Taoism, you don’t just sell goods when doing business. If you want to have repeat customers, you must have a sense of service. Also, men should be a little bit bigger. If children don’t know what to do and say the wrong thing, you have to think about it. Don’t speak with discrimination. Although our economy and resources in the South are a little bit worse, this does not mean that you people in the West are better than others. Don’t forget that there are two superpowers in the South. Do you have them?"

  "Don’t look at people with dog eyes, otherwise, your business will be over."

   "Xiaotian, let's go!"

   Chen Xuan was about to pull Rutian away after speaking.

  "Stop, kid, what do you mean? You made it clear to me." This person yelled out, so it attracted a lot of people at once.

"Why, you still appreciate what I teach you about being a human being!" Chen Xuan turned around and said playfully. In fact, Chen Xuan was already very angry. This person asked what you Southerners are like, although Chen Xuan is strictly speaking. He said he was not a southerner, but after all he was living in the South, and he had a certain sense of belonging. Therefore, Chen Xuan was very upset to see the discriminatory meaning of this person's mouth and mouth.

   "Humph." The man snorted coldly, and then said,

"Why, did I make a mistake? Everyone commented. These two southerners scolded me in front of my shop and said that I was a fool for selling sacred artifacts. I explained to them that selling sacred artifacts is very common in our place. Saying that they have insufficient resources in the southern economy, am I wrong?"

  "Is it a frog at the bottom of the well, don’t let people say it? Besides, didn’t your father teach you that it is very impolite to speak bad words in front of others?"

   "Yeah! Being scolded for no reason, I am angry even for me."

   "Hey, let's have a little belly. After all, in that poor place in the south, it's normal to say this!" The onlookers said, I said.

  Chen Xuan knew that he was at a disadvantage, and it was true that Wutian had said bad things about others first, so he endured it without saying anything, but what Chen Xuan did not expect was that his concession would be rewarded by others.

"Why, I'm not talking anymore. I can't speak well just now. He also taught me to behave in the world. Now I am dumb. I tell you, kid, I have to be self-knowing about what I am, and I will discriminate against you southerners. , I don't have much ability, don't I have no points? I still have to hit the swollen face to fill the fat man, thinking that I can be quite capable." This person was horrible again.

  Chen Xuan finally couldn't help it, and said,

   "Xiaotian was rude, it was his fault. I have already taught him a lesson and apologized to you. What do you want, don't be too tight!"

  "Did you see it? Everyone, now that you know that you are at a loss, apologize to me. Can you accept such an apology without any sincerity?"

   "Yes, I have to teach him a lesson so that he can keep his memory."

   "Yes, I think so."

"Agree!" Those who watch the excitement are always troublesome, adding fuel and jealousy to the side. If they can't see people fighting, they always feel uncomfortable at all, but even if they fight, they don’t know what they can get. ? So desperately.

"I'm saying it again. Xiaotian made a mistake. I also taught him a lesson. He also apologized to you. I don't want to be unhappy, but if anyone makes me unhappy, I promise, he will be very unhappy. Happy!" Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  Obviously, this person didn’t take his words seriously at all, and was still sarcasm about Chen Xuan and Xu Tian as always, and finally Chen Xuan couldn’t help it.

   "If you dare to say a word, I promise you will regret it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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