Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2148: Three ways to pick me up

  Chapter 2148 Three ways to pick me up

  The movement here was obviously noticed by Chen Xuan and Yan Wangye, after all, they were not far apart.

  The middle-aged man named Yan Wangye didn’t rush to do it either.

   "It seems that your situation is not very optimistic! But that little brother of yours is very possible. I appreciate his courage a little. This compensation is not a small sum!"

   "Haha, yes, but if you make a profit, it won't be a small sum!" Chen Xuan said with a smile

   "Oh, it seems that you two boys are very confident! Yes, young people are good by themselves, but don't overdo it. If this self-confidence is overdone, it will change the taste."

"Then it is not called self-confidence, but arrogance. This word is not a good quality. If one is not paying attention, he will fall into a deep abyss!" The man named Yan Wangye said in a lesson tone. .

  Since people want to be a teacher so much, Chen Xuan is not easy to take down the stage, so she also pretends to be a student who has been taught, and said,

   "Thank you seniors for teaching, juniors must keep in mind."

  "How about this, seniors deliberately released water, so I can also divide the money earned by seniors into half?" Chen Xuan suddenly turned around and asked.

  The middle-aged man named Yan Wangye was stunned for half a day when he walked.

   "Boy, you are really crazy."

   "Where and where, seniors will be exalted by that time."

  "Senior, what if you think you can give it all to seniors if you don’t have such a late night."

  The man named Yan Wangye was so angry that his face was pale, and he said viciously.

"Boy, I originally thought you were young. I was going to make you suffer a little bit of flesh and blood. Remember this lesson. Since you are so arrogant and have to be a frog in the bottom of a well, then I have to be a bad person once and let you see yourself clearly. Don't blame me for bullying me for how bad it is."

   She was about to do it, but Chen stopped it.

   "Senior, why are you so anxious, boy, I can't run, but I suddenly have an idea."

   "Say what you have, otherwise there will be no chance later."

   "Since the elders think I am arrogant, how about we also set up a gambling game?"

   "Hahaha! Boy, you are really arrogant."

   "You said, what are you betting on?"

   "Since seniors think that I am arrogant and arrogant in trivial matters, then we bet whether I am really like what you said, if I follow these three tricks, how about I let seniors do one thing."

   "Arrogant kid, do you really think you can take my three tricks?"

  "How do you know if you don't try it."

   "Ahahaha!" There are more middle-aged men of Yan Wangye, laughing unscrupulously.

   "Okay, kid, if you really take my three tricks, don't say promise you one thing, ten things, what's the matter with twenty things."

   "Let’s start, I want to see if your strength matches your confidence."

   "Senior will not ask, if I lose, what conditions will you open?"

   "Hahaha. It is inevitable that you will lose. I am a lot of age. What are the conditions for bullying a junior. If it is passed out, people will not laugh out loud."

   "Boy, stop talking, let's get started."

   "Boy, Chen Xuan, please enlighten me from seniors."

  "Remember my name is Yan Qing!"

   "Take it!"

   "The Way of the Earth-Landslides and Cracks!" Yan Qing smashed at Chen Xuan with a skill.

  Looking at the coercion emanating from this technique, Chen Xuan shouldn’t neglect either.

   "The power of reincarnation, extinction of the void!"

   "The power of reincarnation, reincarnation punch!"

   "The power of reincarnation, the yin and yang of life and death break!"

   Three moves were made, and Yan Qing's attack was barely accepted.

The audience was silent. Those who had just said that Chen Xuan could not even take a single move were stunned. Although it was a random blow to watch Yan Qing, they all knew from the coercion of Dao skills, even if they were themselves. , It is also impossible to take this seemingly random blow, which has reached the power of the Holy Lord in the early stage.

   "Is this inconspicuous Chen Xuan a powerhouse at the level of the Holy Master? Obviously looking at the aura from Chen Xuan, he has not reached the level of the Holy Master."

   Yan Qing nodded with satisfaction,

"Boy, it seems that I still have some ability. No wonder you are so arrogant. I'm afraid you haven't stepped into the holy path yet! Take the titled Daoist cultivation base for this trick. You are qualified to be arrogant, but I am more arrogant. I have come to admire you more and more." Yan Qing's eyes have gone from shock at this moment, and turned into scorching appreciation, as if he had seen some peerless treasure.

   "How about this! Boy, let's stop here! You have confirmed your strength to us, and the next two tricks are unnecessary!"

   "Are you interested in joining my Tianzhen Inn!"

   "What, this kid is so lucky! I really envy and hate!"

  "Come on, you, didn't you hear that Lord Yan personally said about this kid's cultivation base? If you can take the trick of the titled Daojun's cultivation base, you will also get the same treatment."

"Yeah, yeah, this is simply a monster, even among those superpowers, it is considered a peerless genius! I will try my best to recruit this kind of person as me, this is simply a peerless power in a hundred years later. !"

  The surrounding crowd began to discuss again. Now when people see Chen Xuan's powerful move to take over Yan Qing's trick, many people have also changed their previous views. People are arrogant and have arrogant capital! If oneself can also be such an enchanting evildoer, it is appointed to be even more arrogant than Chen Xuan.

  Wrinkle Tian saw that these people had turned one hundred and eighty degrees compared to the previous attitude, and he exhaled a bit, and said to the people who had just bet with him,

  "Everyone, how is it? The big man has said nothing, and it’s hard to chase after him. Don’t want to go back on the bill when the time comes. I remember it all."

  Those people have already regretted their intestines at this moment. Some people even took out the energy stone, threw it to Zhou Tian, ​​and left without looking back.

   "Well, you two are the initiators of this gambling game, why don't you take a stand, set an example." Rutian's eyes were on the two people who had conflict with him at the beginning.

   "It doesn't count, this is the first move. There are two more moves behind. Don't be too happy. Our bet can be said that he can take three moves." The two defended.

   "You have to hit the south wall before you are willing to turn your head. Didn't you hear that the person is already soliciting my brother~brother?"

   "Tell you not to deny you, as soon as possible if you are acquainted, hurry up, don't embarrass yourself later."

  Kutian also noticed that these two people obviously did not want to admit, so he added,

   "So many people are looking at you, don't fail to lose."

"Nonsense, are we the kind of people who can't afford to lose? We clearly said that he has to take three moves. This is the first one. Why are you panicking? If the person doesn’t answer these two tricks, it doesn’t count."

  Why doesn’t Ruotian understand what they mean, but she knows her master, so Chen Xuan will definitely refuse.

  Sure enough, under the gaze of the audience, Chen Xuan refused.

   "Thank you for your kind words, please complete the next two tricks!"

  Yan Qing obviously won’t give up. He only felt that he had said this too suddenly and frightened others, so he spoke again.

   "Boy, it's like this. You may not understand our Tianzhen Inn. It will not be too late when you understand that we are making a decision, but I think the following two tricks are really unnecessary!"

  (End of this chapter)

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