Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2151: Promotion of the circle

   Chapter 2151 Promotion of Magic Array

   "The reason why the younger generation went all the way to the Tianzhen Inn, it was naturally related to the formation."

   "Oh? Then you want to get the best formation here?" This aroused Yan Qing's curiosity, after all, there was an evildoer sitting opposite


   "Then you are here for the best stone formation?"


   Now Yan Qingmeng is here. He is neither here to seek Dharma nor implements. What's the use of coming here?

   "I really don't want to conceal each other, the younger generation came here, in fact, I want to cooperate with the Tianzhen Inn." Chen Xuan finally expressed his intention.

"Cooperation? How do you want to cooperate with me? My place is the most subtle place in the entire prehistoric formation. All the best codes and artifacts in the world are with me, and the development method is also with me. What do you take? Work with me?"

  This shocked Yan Qing. In this regard, he has no doubt about his status, and no one else doubts it. If it hadn't been for the power of this kid 20 minutes ago, I'm afraid he would have turned his face again now.

  But he held back and did not turn his face.

  He deeply knew that this kid’s madness was indeed derived from other people’s capital, otherwise he would never say this. So while calming down, he was also curious about what precious things this kid could bring out.

   Chen Xuan watched him calm down, and suppressed his unhappiness. Although he was used to it, his violent temper had to be changed. Otherwise, many troubles will be caused. He didn't say much, took out a stone formation and threw it on the ground.

  The stone formation once again took root on the ground. And burst out beautiful colors, several forces hovered up, diverging close to the ground, and in a short while, a complete system was formed. And accompanied by exclusive patterns. This is an isolation array, and it is in the level.

  Wrinkle Tian was the first time to observe Master’s magic weapon at such a close distance, and he dared not blink his eyes.

   "It's too amazing..."

  You can't help but admire Wutian. In fact, he also said the voice of Yan Wangye. Because Yan Qing has never seen it either. But Yan Qing soon discovered that it was wrong.

   "Isn't 2D a fellow apprentice brother? Why hasn't this little brother seen it?"

  This is just a very simple question, anyone will ask.

  "It's the treasure that my master and I have just developed, so it hasn't had time to spread it out." Chen Xuan took the lead and finished.

   "That's it, it turns out that there are such treasures in this world."

  Yan Qing nodded, he was afraid to say how many good things he had seen in his life, but he could answer any questions. But this was indeed the first time he saw him in his life. Surprised, it is an honor. And there was a hint of rejoicing, because he probably guessed what the other party was coming from. If this thing can be popularized, it will certainly benefit the world. And when the other party came to find himself, he must have spotted his own strength. You can also get a share of it.

   "So the intention of fellow Taoists on this trip is to join forces with the old man to promote this thing?"

   "That's exactly what I meant!" Chen Xuan immediately began to write his own belly draft for a long time.

"It's true that the production of this product is still in the early stage, the process is extremely complicated, and the success rate is low, so the price is expensive. Therefore, it is difficult to promote it with meager power in the future. So it is not far away. I hope you can help. Ruolai There will be a surplus every day, so you will definitely not lose your predecessors!"

Yan Qing had been waiting for these words a long time ago. After listening to this, he quickly said, "It's so good. I'm a guest in the sky formation, and nothing else, only this formation is a treasure of the house. If you can go with Xiao Xiao It will be a different story if you join hands! The old man is very happy!"

Ruotian noticed the details of these words. Before, he admired Master and only praised Daoist friends. But now he kindly calls him a little friend, and he condescends to call himself an old man. It seems that the master's things are not a small temptation for him! That's a joy in my heart!

  Chen Xuan also heard that he was sincere in this matter, so he discussed the next plan in detail with him.

   "Senior, then I will talk about my views!" Now that you have mastered the initiative, you should be proud when you should be proud!

"First of all, let me introduce you to the system of this stone formation! The formation stone is used to engrave different formation symbols on a special stone so that the stone can emit a large formation. In fact, it is very simple. This kind of stone is not particularly scarce, and the price is It's not too high. The key lies in the portrayal method.

   "According to the level of each Taoist, the energy level that can be used is different, so the drawn arrays are also different. Daoists can not leapfrog the use of arrays, but can use their own level and below."

"Because there is no one before, so in the process of research and development, I only researched and developed to my own level." This sentence was made up by Chen Xuan. In Tarao, he can actually have various levels of formations, but for safety. For the sake of this, he decided to sell only the formation stones below the titled Daoist level, and the others waited for him to discuss with the old man.

  So when I sell, I can only sell to this level. When my cultivation base improves, there will be better development. "

  Yan Qing listened quietly, but he finally couldn’t help asking, “So my friend, how do you plan to sell it?”

  "It's sold to the titled Daoist level!" He thought about it and added, "And kill, magic and defense, three functions are sold together! Different levels have different prices! It's that simple."

   Chen Xuan said that the clouds are light and windy. Yan Qing heard the stormy waves in his heart.

  Is he really correct? This kid is too arrogant, right? Don't leave yourself a little back? To be safe, he still spoke.

   "My little friend, now you are only a titled Daoist. And you want to sell this stone town to the titled Daoist level, and you have no reservations. If you fight to the death with others in the future, wouldn't it ruin your own back?"

   "Hahahahahahahaha!" Chen Xuan Yangtian burst out laughing

"Thank you, seniors, for your concern! Naturally, I know these. It's just that monks like us are all acting against the sky! Besides, I cultivate the way of reincarnation, and naturally understand that everything has two poles. If I want to get more, I have to pay the same. Price. Only with this kind of cultivation path can you continuously improve yourself! If everything goes smoothly all day long, wouldn't my enchanting strength be in vain?"

  In fact, these words should not be said to the old man like this, after all, they are too arrogant. But Chen Xuan could see that the old man cared about himself sincerely! Seniors are businessmen. Not knowing that the more profit the better, but he still does it for his own safety. Remind yourself to stop, it's enough to stop, not for profit, blindly encourage yourself to develop higher levels, or even higher than yourself

  Level. Chen Xuan saw this very clearly. Sure enough, Western businessmen have sworn to heaven.

  "Okay, the little friend is really bold! Yan admires it! Then as for the pricing and manufacturing process, what plans should I make?" Yan Qing saw that he was so bold and did not hide him with him.

  As for the manufacturing process, I will write all the stone books in the past few days. As for the pricing, as long as it is reasonable, the seniors will consider everything. "

  Okay, then I will immediately order people to collect rough stones first, and then recruit fellow daoists as craftsmen. Dedicated teaching in life! Within a month, it will be ready for production! "This Yan Qing is indeed a business genius. He explained all the procedures clearly in a few words, saving Chen Xuan bother.

  (End of this chapter)

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