Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2153: Touch porcelain

  Chapter 2153 Touching Porcelain

  Space Master said, and when he stretched out his hands, he began to turn the compass, which was spinning in the air with colorful lights. Soon the silver light pointed out a direction, and a group of three people walked along the light. Not far from this, it was obviously a busy city, but the surrounding jungle was empty. In Wutian's heart, they seemed to be the only ones in the world. Lighter!

  The sunset wind has a warm breath. They walked all the way in the direction of sunset. The smell of earth in the air is refreshing. The hawking in the market next door filled the world with fireworks. The two fight all the way! It's been a long time since I relaxed like this. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and felt that this was also good. Only by relaxing yourself properly can you keep moving forward!

  Walking with Wutian was aroused, and he started to brag with his master.

  "Master, you said, if we practice hard, will we become the number one monk in the world?"

   "Of course it will, silly boy."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's face blushed. Isn't this what the girl said? What is going on with him as a big man! So he decided to be serious and try to avoid similar mistakes. Righteously

   "Trust your brother! You and I practice the best spells in the world! It won't take long for the whole world to notice it! Maybe you can still become the king of the world!"

  In fact, this is not very serious, but boys, they are always full of pride. So they started joking unscrupulously.

  "Brother is right! When you are the number one in the world, I will be your guard! Then we will go to the world to fight together! And bring sister Qing'er! The whole world must follow our command!"

"And sooner or later we will become the Holy King! The Holy Lord! The Holy Emperor! Stand on top of the world! Let those who despised us before taste the suffering!" Chen Xuan was getting older and came to him and howled the wolf. , Sure enough, young is good!

   "Tian'er, if one day becomes the overlord of that world, we must reshape the rules of the world!"

   "Senior brother is so powerful, it must be no problem! It seems that these people are going to be unlucky now!"

   "Well, Tian'er can speak a few more words!" Chen Xuan began to tease him shamelessly.

   "Cut! Brother is not humble at all!"

  The space division listened leisurely, saying a few words from time to time, it’s not too easy!

   But when people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky, and misfortunes always fly over!

   "Stop the one in front!"

  There was a rough roar from a distance. It reminds people of a drunk man, and the foul smell emanating from him. And a dog mouth that can never get out of ivory!

   "How dare you say this at a young age! Do you know who is the number one in the world today? Let alone the number one in the world, you can't be the number one in this city!"

   Chen Xuan turned his head and saw a dark face and disheveled clothes.

   "Where the wild dog came, go home when you get drunk! Don't send it to others if you are angry!"

  Chen Xuan was anxious all of a sudden, he least liked this kind of troublemaker, and he was so unqualified! Get bored yourself, to provoke others!

   "What's the matter? I also sent it to you!" This person is unreasonable, simply unreasonable!

  Chen Xuan couldn't stand it anymore and started to do it. This kind of people don't teach me a lesson, they still keep it for the New Year!

  "Master, God, you can just step back and watch me teach him!"

   "You still dare to teach me, I think you may not want to live anymore! Don't look at who your little master is!"

   "I care about who you are, speak bad words behind your back, eavesdrop! No quality yet! What does it matter to you if we say something by ourselves!"

  Don’t say anything, just do it!

  "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation punch!"

  "Weeds——-God whip!"

  There was an extra grass whip out of thin air in the man's hand, with the smell of rotten grass, like Chen Xuan's pull.

  Chen Xuan dodged easily. The released skills hit the opponent's body

   "Haha, it's just to be holy! Is it just this skill?"

  The man was knocked to the ground by Chen Xuan's attack, and he was beaten several times.

   "You...what level are you?"

   "Title Dao Monarch, but sorry, my talent is better!"

  When Chen Xuan said this, don't mention how happy he was.

  What about it, he is powerful, he is better than others, and he can beat people who are higher than himself! If others have opinions, they can be so good. Besides, their excellence is not all talents! He worked hard the day after tomorrow with no less! Even more than others. !

   "Your uncle, I really don't believe it this time!" The man got up and constantly mobilized his power

   "Weeds-rotten mud!"

   is what stinking skill! A puddle of black mud flew over from the air like this! Although the lethality is not high, it makes people smelly! What kind of monster is his ancestor? Actually created this kind of skill! How dark and boring is his heart to make such a thing! And this person is also powerful enough to even show off this skill!

  Chen Xuan cursed wildly in his heart! Why is there such a monster this time! Stinky and tangled up! Make trouble unreasonably! What benefits can he get if he hurts others and disadvantages himself? Is it fun to fight with others like this? Chen Xuan felt it was simply unreasonable! Why are there so many perverted lunatics in the world now?

  Spring felt that he must be beaten up!

   "Boy, you are crazy!"

   "The power of reincarnation! Extinction of the void!"

  Another one was released, and the person was overturned to the ground. The man yelled pain and continued to swear in the end. Greetings from Chen Xuan's grandfather to his ancestors.

  It looks like Chen Xuan is completely angry. Just scold me, and scold my relatives! See if I don't clean up you ruthlessly.

  "Why are you still not convinced? So crazy, who is your father? And you, what is your nickname!"

  He almost yelled out, he felt that he must let this little man see his aura.

  When that person heard someone call his name, he instantly became confident and proud of nowhere.

   "Your grandfather, I, my surname, Ying, Xiao, Xiao, Ying!"

   "Heh! Ying Xiao! Isn't this a woman's name? It's kind of interesting!" Seeing this interesting name, I suddenly had another better idea.

  "God, come!" Ruantian stepped forward. "This person, you come to send him away."

  Unexpectedly! When has his master been so nasty? Hey, think about it, this person is also picking things out for no reason. After drinking, he scolded other people's ancestors. Thinking about it this way, such a person really shouldn't be pitiful!

  But he still wanted to have a try, and asked the man one last time

  I don’t want to fight because of a fight in Xia Rutian. If you are acquainted, just get up and leave here, we don’t care about you. "

  (End of this chapter)

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