Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2155: The quality of space division

  Chapter 2155 The quality of space division

  He really didn’t expect things to be as simple as that. A group of people were walking out, and the space engineer promised her that they would give him the key after returning to the field! Thinking of returning to Frozen City so soon. Chen Xuan was a little excited. After all, who doesn’t like receiving goods?

  The three are walking out of the door of the clothing store. Suddenly the sound of chasing and running came from behind, and Chen Xuan turned his head and faced the man's mana.

   "The power of reincarnation, reincarnation punch!"

   "The power of death! Reaper's sickle!"

  The two masters and apprentices made gong at the same time, and then the palm was controlled. It seems that the comer is not good!

  Men are five big and three rough, they are thugs at a glance! Or it's even worse if the land is busy! It seems that their goal this time is very clear. This is the key to this space station!

  Chen Xuan couldn't take care of so much, and then counterattacked! He let Ruotian stay, and the master went one step ahead. After the two of them came to break.

  According to the opponent's aura, Chen Xuan judged that he was also at the level of a holy master.

  "This is a bit difficult!" Chen Xuan couldn't understand why a holy lord would wear the same clothes as a wild man? But no matter what his clothes look like, his strength is that way! So I had to fight with him!

  It happens that Chen Xuan likes adventure and excitement! I prefer to challenge myself! This is a good mobile phone practice session for him,

   "Come on then!"

   "Black Feather Arrow!" The strong man roared and set a black arrow in the sky.

  The master and apprentice quickly withdrew back. The man shot three arrows again. The two turned a few somersaults upside down to avoid these arrows.

  At this moment, in a corner where no one was paying attention, the space division chose a good angle to observe the battle.

   And the brawny man was chasing after him, a somersault leaped in front of them again.

   "Two little fur boys! Let you see how good I am."

  The master and the apprentice looked at each other for a while, and they worked together to release the Dao skills

   "The power of death, the sickle of death!"

   "The power of reincarnation, the yin and yang of life and death break!"

  The brawny man looked fierce. He evaded the combo in one takeoff and made new tricks in the air. The two of them had to push back several steps and looked down. The ground just now had been scorched black. The space division on the side also sweated for them.

  The strong man chased after him and continued to attack them. The three started a tug of war.

  Space Division finally couldn't help but join them in the battle. Summon their own power, and help them with agility.

   "Blade Yin-Starlight Arrow!" This time, the arrow descended from the sky like a star.

  The three people cooperated tacitly and each released their own moves. But the more he fought, the harder he got. After being repelled by the opponent again, the space master threw the space key to Chen Xuan.

  "At the critical moment, you can only choose one key and person."

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow passed through his shoulder, and the Space Master fell to the ground. He bent his knees and covered his shoulders with one hand, looking very painful. Han beads appeared constantly on his forehead, and he grasped the power of life. The strength was restored, but the arrow had its own magic, which had little effect. In the end, the difference between the strengths of the two sides was too large, and Chen Xuan was still holding the treasure in his hand. The strong man captured the space master and made it clear that he wanted the key in Chen Xuan's hand.

   "You two boys! Just give me that thing, and I will forgive you not to die!"

  This is what Chen Xuan is most unaccustomed to hear in his life. No matter how difficult it is, he still has to go, but the space on the side is for them to lip-synch.

   "Hey, hurry up!"

  The two were surprised.

   "Go, go! Go with the key!"

  The two became silent.

  Since the predecessors let them go with the key, the key must be very precious.

   But in public for private, it is all a human life in exchange for!

  Chen Xuan really couldn't make such a decision. He lived a casual life, and everything except life and death was trivial. He can use a thousand high-level energy stones to exchange the life of a friend, which he doesn't care at all, but this time he is really in trouble. What needs to be exchanged is not a stone, but a key to the door of space, comparable to a weapon of mass destruction.

How to do? What the **** is going to do?

  One side is the life of a person, and the other is the life of a group of people. How should he choose?

  Not long after, he made a decision.

   "Let him go and give you the key."

  "Should I be serious?" The man on the other side yelled at him rudely.

   "Absolutely take it seriously, but you have to let people go first." The two were at a stalemate.

  "Okay! Then I will count three times, you give the key, and I will substitute."

  Chen Xuan responded with indifferent eyes.




  Xiantian thought that the master would make a move at this time, and had always been confident in the master. But this time, the master didn't, and he threw the key to the opponent without even thinking about it.

   "Alright, let go!"

  The man actually cooperated to let him go. The space division came to her.

"You are very good!"

   With a "bang", the brawny man in ragged clothes was wiped out in ashes.

   "Accepted!" Chen Xuan smiled! It was a smile that belonged to a young man who had never seen it before. For nothing else, just for his partner, there is no danger! For this little thing, he showed his most relaxed side!

  In fact, he could see it halfway through. Helping, being captured, and lip-synching, this is not so calm anyway, it can be done! So he was suspected of fraud, and thinking that the predecessor had said that he would go back and teach him the formation, he could be sure.

  But Kutian always needs to learn, so Chen Xuan patiently told him.

  Just like in the current world, pilots are always more important than airplanes. In the parallel universe, a unique professional teacher is always more important than the profession itself! Because they are the profession itself, they cannot be copied or reproduced. Chen Xuan also understands this truth. So he finally chose the space division.

  "Very good, very good, and a child can teach you! Now you can serve as a space master no matter whether it is force, intelligence or morality! I am relieved to hand him over to you."

  Sure enough. High-quality people have good mobility. On the way back, he mastered the skill of space jump, and he can freely shuttle to the ice city from then on!

  He said goodbye to the space master here, but couldn't help but asked his name, but the other party just smiled slightly and still kept silent.

   "If you really want to contact me in the future, use this key." The space master pointed to Chen Xuan's key. It turns out that it is also accompanied by a contact function.

  Well, since the other party doesn't want to say, he can't ask more. Maybe such a mysterious person can come and go without a name and no problem! I won't encounter it again anyway!

  (End of this chapter)

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