Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2164: Qinger's identity

  Chapter 2164 Qinger's Identity

  Who made this rumor? Who spread it? Who diverged? Why do you want to spread such rumors? Say! "Chen Xuan will be so angry when he talks about this! He is in a good mood if he doesn't beat the opponent again at this moment!"

   "I, I, I...I made it...oh no...I made it together with my father...The spread and divergence are also people hired by us...As for why..." He suddenly couldn't continue.

   "Why! Say! I hate you people who speak bad words behind your back!"

  "Because...because since you opened the auction house...our business has become worse and worse...we can't do"

   "Who made this rumor? Who spread it? Who spread it? Why do you spread the rumor? Say!" Chen Xuan would get angry when he talked about this question! He is in a good mood if he doesn't beat the opponent again at this moment!

   "I, I, I...I made it...oh no...I made it together with my father...The spread and divergence are also people hired by us...As for why..." He suddenly couldn't continue.

   "Why! Say! I hate you people who speak bad words behind your back!"

  "Because...because since you opened the auction house...our business has become worse and worse...we can't do"

  Chen Xuan finally heard the answer he wanted to hear! Only when everyone hears this sentence will everyone be convinced! Although everyone knows this truth, there are some things that need to be said! So he continued to ask.

   "Just because we grabbed your job, you came to frame us, does that mean?"

   "Yes, yes... we are not good... we should not frame you for our own benefit..."

  Ying Xiao is now better than dead. The intestines are all regretful, and to such a downfall, their family should not be able to lift their heads in the future. But now it's too late to regret. He really doesn't know what to do in the future!

  "It's not over yet!" Chen Xuan yelled, and pulled him back to reality.

   "Let me ask you again, is the matter between me and Qing'er also spreading rumors?"

  Ying Xiao then remembered that there was still this one, and he immediately admitted.

   "Yes, yes! This is also a rumor we made."

  "If you make my business, why do you still spread rumors about my friends?"

"Well... it's simply because this is a rumor... more people are willing to believe..." Ying Xiao Sese shivered. He knew that what he said was true. This is also a common phenomenon in society, but he said it in front of others, and it is still With so many people, he really deeply felt that this was a sin!

   "So, this was created specifically to make others willing to listen to my rumors! Does that mean?"

   "Yes...what you said is right..."

   "Okay." Chen Xuan's irritable heart finally calmed down. He is actually not that alone, but because he knows that the general public has everything to say, only by putting the simplest and most straightforward truth in front of him and admitting it can they understand it. As the saying goes, "spread rumors with one mouth, dispel rumors and run off their legs." It is not so easy to take this opportunity to eradicate this thing completely! But now, he was relieved. Although the incident this time could not be so simple to end, at least everyone will no longer say bad things about Sky Auction House and Qing'er on the table in the future! His goal of fanfare has been achieved.

   "In that case! I will give you a size today! I will do my best in the future and don't provoke us again! Can you hear me?"

   "Yes, yes, yes!" The father and son knocked their heads like garlic. I was afraid that Chen Xuan would regret it in the next second.

   "Okay, let's go, I still have something!" Chen Xuan saw that the matter was already gone, and asked people to let it go. This rumors-making drama is just the last step to come to an end!

  Looking at the backs of the two hurriedly fleeing gradually disappearing into the crowd, Chen Xuan felt that it was time to deal with another matter.

  When he was in Frost Ice City the day before yesterday, Han Tian told him about the appearance of Qing'er and Frost Ice Sect. This kind of woman’s problem is the hardest to explain, and the best way is to give someone an explanation on the spot.

  Chen Xuan felt that this was a good way. After all, Qing'er had to practice quietly and could not be disturbed by the outside world every day.

   "So about me and Qing'er, I think I must explain it to everyone, and I won't let others talk about it again in the future."

  Qing'er heard this sentence, her heart was already pounding.

what? Her brother Chen Xuan actually wanted to hold justice for her himself! Saying that he is still very important in his heart!

   "Qing'er!" Chen Xuan called Qing'er to his side.

  Before Qinger took a step forward, Hantian held her hand tightly.

   "Don't worry, master, I will be fine! Brother Chen Xuan will protect me!" Qing'er smiled sweetly at the cold sky, turned and left, and ran towards Chen Xuan without hesitation. His good brother, Chen Xuan, the best brother in the world!

   "Come to Qing'er!" Chen Xuan took Qing'er's hand. Face everyone.

  Qing'er’s heartbeat speeds up instantly, and her breathing is difficult to control, but she hasn’t blushed this time. He has grown up and will no longer blush at will, nor will he express his emotions to others at will. This is his master but his, no matter how turbulent the heart is, keep his face calm.

"About the relationship between me and Qing'er." When Qing'er heard this sentence, she turned her head vigilantly. "I think we still have to give him a title today and confirm it. If anyone talks about his rumors in the future, I will take him. Just ask!"

what? Qing'er's heart is now turbulent and uneasy. Brother Chen Xuan is a person he likes, but he has never told him! Does he know? Will there be a response? She can only wait, waiting ignorantly.

  Chen Xuan paused after saying this. As if making a lot of determination.

Qing'er must have felt it too. She squeezed his brother's hand harder, and cheered herself on. At this moment, two people, holding hands closely, are enough to remember a lifetime!

  Chen Xuan pulled her hand in front of her, in front of her body, and gently lifted it upwards for everyone to see.

   "Qing'er, the disciple of Sect Master Hantian of Frost Ice City, Frost Ice City," he put down his raised hand and let go.

  Proclaim to the world with a voice that sounds very proud.

  "She is my sister Chen Xuan! She is now, and will be in the future! If anyone dares to talk about him again, and it falls into my ears, I will definitely make them pay!"

  A promise, in everyone’s ears, it sounds so solemn and so loving, as if an older brother poured out the love of the whole world in this sentence! But in Qing'er's ears, she seemed to hear a thunderbolt in the blue sky. The sound was so loud that her ears couldn't hear any sound for a moment.

  But, she knew in her heart that she really heard it

  (End of this chapter)

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