Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2167: Sword Gu

  Chapter 2167 Sword Sword

   Rutian passed by with him, and after getting on stage, he only spoke a few words briefly.

   "My man is the second-in-command of the Sky Auction House. I will preside over the next auction. Please also show me your face objectively by all of you present."

  Everyone responded with very warm applause. So they lined up in an orderly manner and started their free auction.

  Chen Xuan also came together with his friends and began to look for things he likes in this auction!

  Sure enough, this auction today is full of talents! He is with Xu Tian two people. Xiaofei and Nan Hao accompanied, Qing'er and Han Tian first returned to Frozen City.

  Han Tian asked Qing'er to buy some ice skins for relieving the heat, and then came to Chen Xuan by himself and bid him farewell.

   "Are you really not staying and taking a look again?" Chen Xuan said to Han Bing.

  "Do you think Qing'er is still in the mood? It's better to go back earlier, she should be relieved!"

   "That's good, Qing'er will trouble you to take care of it!"

   "No thanks, you said so absolutely today, I admire you too!"

   "Senior, are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

   "Why? I just said that it would be good for Qing'er to do this. Does it sound like a curse?" Han Tian frowned slightly.

   "No, no, no, I didn't mean that, senior was wrong!" Chen Xuan quickly explained!

  "Finally, I guess you are also unintentional! If this is the case, then I will take Qing'er back."

  "Please be careful along the way! Please help her to guide her after returning!"

   "Don't worry, I like this kid too!" Han Tian's face was okay.

  Chen Xuan's heart suddenly fell into his stomach. It seems that the aura of this ice woman is indeed there!

  Qing'er will be back in a while, Han Tian did not give him a chance to see Chen Xuan, so he dragged him away.

  Chen Xuan didn't care about anything with him, and went shopping with Xu Tian.

  Wrinkle Tian went all the way to buy things and buy things from the west, bidding again and again, although I bought a lot, but I bought a few small things, not much money.

  Chen Xuan is different from him, and generally doesn't make a move. Only when he sees something he likes will he buy it without hesitation. So the two of them didn't find anything for Chen Xuan after a long time shopping.

   Seeing that it is already afternoon, the people have gradually dispersed, and the two continue to stroll around reluctantly.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt something in his body move. He experienced it carefully and found that it was the yin and yang.

   Isn’t that his sword? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?

   "Little Master, there are good things nearby, look for it!" Ta Lao's voice was in his head.

  He immediately closed his eyes and felt forcefully. Only then did I find that there was a heavy sword aura nearby, but it was very subtle. There seem to be many kinds.

  He followed that breath. After moving away from the crowd, I realized that this was another auction, but there were not many people, and it seemed that they were all martial artists.

  The auction item is a round vessel, not particularly large, but very delicate. It is a blue round bowl made of metal with beautiful decorations around it. There are also strange runes.

   "Ta Lao, what is this?"

   "Little Master! You don't even know this? It's called Swordsman!" Ta Lao said with an incredible voice, Chen Xuan's face. Helpless.

   "So this is a good thing? Should we bid for it?"

   "Of course! It might not happen once in hundreds of years!" The old man was crazy! The face of hate that iron can't make steel! After calming down, he couldn't help but exclaim. "

  You really have a face in this scene, and you can still attract such people! "

  Immediately after discovering that this is not a sigh, give him an order immediately!

  "Kid, listen to me, you just made money today, so no matter how much you spend, you have to buy this thing for me!"

   Chen Xuan finds it inexplicable, why is he so concerned about a small bowl? But since the old man said it, he must be right. So he also joined the ranks of the auction.




  All they used for auction were high-grade energy stones. The price has risen so high, and some people are still asking prices.

  Chen Xuan waited for a while, seeing fewer people asking for prices before he walked in.

   "Twenty thousand!" Chen Xuan waved a big hand, which was a high price. Just now, these people only captured 14,000.

  "Twenty thousand?" The seller was also a little surprised, but when he looked up, it was Chen Xuan's face, and he was very clear and relieved.

   "Twenty thousand one time!"

   "Twice twenty thousand!"

   "Twenty thousand three times!"

  "The deal! Congratulations, boss Chen! You really have a foresight!"

   "Haha, thank you, thank you!" Chen Xuan didn't know how to answer the conversation at all, for fear that he had missed the stuffing when he asked. After saying a few words, he ran away.

  When they arrived at a place with a little less people, Chen Xuan and Kui Tian bought a cold drink, and called the old man out to ask what was going on.

  In order to be able to tell both of them at the same time, it was the first time that his old man came out of his little master’s mind.

   "Speaking of this thing, then he is indeed a treasure! I have seen this thing in the Kingdom of God before! This thing should be considered more common there, and it is generally something that people who use swords can use."

   "So what's the use of this thing? Tell us about it." The kid Rutian couldn't bear a few words.

  "Oh, kid, don't you worry?! Listen to me slowly." Ta Lao even took a cold drink like the two of them.

  "This thing is called sword worm. Its main function is to cultivate sword spirit. Master, does your sword also have sword spirit?"

   "It is indeed, but only a little!" Chen Xuan replied.

  "Then did you feel a lot of sword aura just now?" His old man was still asking

   "Yes, there are indeed many kinds, so I didn't distinguish them for a while." Chen Xuan answered him truthfully.

"That's right, this thing, he is not a one-off! Of course, the older the better! According to your feelings just now, he has at least cultivated several sword spirits! How can such a good thing be let go? What?"

   "Then why do they ask for such a low price?" Chen Xuan was very confused again, logically speaking. Such a good thing should be broken!

  "Do you think anyone has such a great talent like you?" The old man didn't want to talk to him. "Even if others look at it, they only know that it is a Sword Gu. How many people know her age and her age? Since they don't know, everyone must also think. This is a new one, so there must be very few people bidding. This is what makes your kid pick up a bargain!" Ta Lao had to marvel sometimes, his luck was so overwhelming!

   "Ah, so, then I picked up a treasure!"

   "Yes, so you should cherish it!"

   "Then how do you use this thing?"

   "Very simple, take out your sword, and then lead out the sword spirit."

   "But my sword spirit usually doesn't come out?"

   "Hey!" Sometimes Ta Lao really wanted to slap him. "This is also very simple! You just have to cut your hand a bit and let it shed a little blood. Then put that blood on the sword, and the sword spirit will come out by itself!"

  Chen Xuan then remembered that the first time he had met, the sword had cut his finger.

  (End of this chapter)

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