Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2169: Siren's attack

  Chapter 2169 Attack of the Sea Monster

  Chen Xuan spoke to the old tower and told him to return to the tower first, and then let Xu Tian hide aside to see the situation.

  Xiantian had to obey his master's command, develop his acting skills, and give his master a hand!

  The two walked into the tavern side by side, and Chen Xuan asked each other to sit down and sit down by himself. Called the shopkeeper again.

  "Do you have any good wine here?"

   "Objective! We have a lot of famous wines here!" Xiaoer of the shop couldn't wait to recommend the best wines to the two

  "What do you like to drink?" Chen Xuan first asked the other person's wishes.

   "You order first, I can do it." The cool voice of that person is really nice! It gave Chen Xuan a feeling of being immersed in natural spring water, which was very relaxing. So Chen Xuan ordered a glass of wine with a nice name---When Xiao Er from the "Xinglan" shop came up, Chen Xuan was really surprised. The wine is really beautiful, just like its name.

  Half-year-old luminous cup, inside a cup of sapphire blue liquid, there are silver particles floating on it, the water is rippling, it looks very beautiful in the cup.

  Chen Xuan took a sip, first with a cold feeling, gliding across people's throat, and then a bit of spicy alcohol, filling people's nasal cavity! Chen Xuan wanted to cough a little, but he held it back. Finally, the sweet back sweet.

   "It really is a good wine!" Chen Xuan admired the cup.

  Yan Keyun’s order is very normal. He ordered a glass of "Jinsha" which is the kind of golden sparkling wine. The kind that everyone drinks.

  But the name is really artistic. It absorbs the characteristics of the wine and the taste of the wine. Under the wine is a yellow liquid, and above it is a white foam produced by contact with air. A sip will have a slight graininess, but it is very plain, so the store combined all the characteristics of this wine and gave him a plain and warm name.

  The two people started to chat while drinking.

  "As a rich Sea-Monster tribe, you also dress differently from ordinary people, but why do you like to be so plain when it comes to drinking?" Chen Xuan kept looking for topics.

  "Do you know why he is called Jinsha?" The man did not answer the question, his big eyes were like a stream of spring water. Looked at him faintly.

   "I don't know." Chen Xuan answered him truthfully. In front of him, he always felt that he was inferior to others.

The man smiled softly. "It's actually very simple. The raw materials used in the fermentation of this wine are taken from the golden beach near the seaside of our Sea-Monster tribe! That's why there is such a simple and straightforward name." When he said this At the time, there was a little pride in his eyes.

  Ah, it turned out to be like this. Chen Xuan suddenly felt a gentle touch in his heart.

   "So you like this wine, completely because it is produced in your hometown!" This is not a question, but a statement. Chen Xuan was completely moved by his feelings for his hometown. He couldn't help thinking, this person must be a very gentle person, and also a little sheep who hasn't been deeply involved in the world! Even wine likes his hometown the most!

  "Excuse me, if you open an auction house here, is this also your hometown?" This time, the other party asked the question first.

  Hometown? Chen Xuan was puzzled. Although this is the place where he fell for the first time in this world, he likes to be home from all over the world. He really doesn't know how to answer this question and how to define his relationship with this land. To be honest, this was something he had never thought of before.

   "It doesn't matter if you don't know now," the gentle voice of the man began to speak again. "Slowly understand, one day you will know!" He is on your wall to relieve him, maybe this has become a habit.

  Two people were drinking in silence. The man suddenly jumped out.

   "Sometimes, it is more difficult to understand yourself than to understand a planet!"

   After speaking, he lowered his head and smiled. His big eyes narrowed into two arcs.

  Chen Xuan thinks this is very reasonable, and it comes to his heart. He really has to work hard to understand himself!

   "Look at your dress, you are not a professional in business, but a martial artist?" Yan Keyun looked at the person opposite

"Yes it is."

  He laughed again, "What is your level? How about we compare!" His voice was bubbling, and he looked very happy with a young boy.

   "Okay." Chen Xuan just wanted to learn about the opponent's strength.

  As far as he knows, the way the Sea-Monster family generates power is different from others.

  Chen Xuan used his magic power to cooperate with the formation stone to create a magic circle, keeping everything out, so as not to kill the innocent indiscriminately and cause unnecessary losses.

  "Then what is your level?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Well, if you use your calculation method, it should be a titled Daoist."

  He is at the same level as Chen Xuan! But this time Chen Xuan couldn't guarantee whether he had any unique advantages.

  The man has stood, luck, and ready to go to war. It seems that he is very serious when doing business!

   "Do you have your own measurement method?"

   "Of course! Our mana system is different from others, and our attack and defense methods are also different. Of course the dosage method is also different."

   "Then let's start!" Chen Xuan was straightforward and began to exert his power.

   "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation fist!" Chen Xuan struck him with a big move, and the attack made him stunned!

  He is singing!

   "Ha~ ah ah ah ah"



  His singing voice is very sharp and high-pitched, but the melody is very beautiful, giving people a kind of boundlessness and purity from the clouds. People can't help but want to calm down and appreciate it slowly.

  But Chen Xuan knew these songs, and every piece of clothing was a weapon for murder. The louder the singing, the stronger the penetrating power, and the greater the lethality! For the time being, it’s just a gentle singing, he can resist it, I don’t know what else is next

  Yan Keyun looked intoxicated when he sang. He stood very straight and his pronunciation was very standard, as if he was not killing people, but really performing! Moreover, he still played freely, but he was very rhythmic. Chen Xuan had never heard this song.




  Ha~hahahahahaha. "



The pitch of this paragraph is higher than that of the previous paragraph. Chen Xuan can hear it with his ears, and it seems that there is such a sound all around. He doesn't know how the other party did it. He can only go in four directions. Send an attack.

"The power of reincarnation! Exterminate the void!" As soon as this move was released, its energy was all around, and the sea monster's song was resisted by him a little bit, and he could no longer harm his body. Although he temporarily saved his life, he Also unable to fight back.

   "Hmph!" Yan Keyun stood opposite Chen Xuan with a smirk on his face. He has already changed his breath again, it seems that the next move is not small!

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha-ha-ah-the sea monster finally made the strongest sonic attack. With a trembling high pitch, he shook other people’s ears and attacked other people’s bodies at the same time. .

   Chen Xuan felt that the attack was no longer possible. Immediately mobilize all the power of life and made a protective cover for himself to prevent his physical body from being harmed.

  But that person’s voice seems to have infinite energy, and its pitch rises higher and higher, and rises higher and higher. There seemed to be countless sharp blades across the air. All hit Chen Xuan on the protective cover. Accumulated more and more, and finally reached the peak in an instant.

   "Ah!" Chen Xuan suddenly felt a splitting headache. The protective cover around it was like glass, shattering piece by piece, and the sound went directly to his ears, shaking his nerves. Chen Xuansheng was inferior to death in just that moment!

  The person stopped immediately.

  The sound of falling mountains and seas disappeared immediately, and he walked to Chen Xuan's side. Looking at him a little embarrassed.

   "Are you okay? I seemed to have tried too hard just now."

  Obviously it was a game, but he made people very embarrassed and seemed to be injured.

  Chen Xuan slowed down for a while, moving his ears before getting up.

   "It's okay! Your voice is very powerful, you deserve to be a siren clan!"

  His praise is from the heart, and he has a natural yearning for the strong! Especially when he thinks he is invincible every time, there will always be one or two people who come out and tell him that he is not the best, and there are many people who are better than him!

  (End of this chapter)

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