Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2182: Mr. Yan's breakfast

   Chapter 2182 Mr. Yan's Breakfast

  After three people talked in the yard for a while. He woke up when he was busy until midnight last night. As soon as he got up, he heard the chattering laughter in the yard. When he opened the window, it turned out that there were three people in the yard, both young and old, having fun together.

   So he shouted directly outside the window

   "Hey-are you hungry?"

  In fact, he is the chef of this family! That's right, it's really like this. Since his sister Qing'er left, all the cooking matters have been left to her alone. In the first few days, he did very poorly. Either he added too much salt, or burned the pot, and if he couldn’t, he just beat the eggshells into the vegetables. But later his sister Qinger came back several times and taught him hand in hand , And gradually do it well! Now he has become a chef of a family by virtue of his amazing learning ability.

  "Do whatever you want! We can do it." Nanhao answered very simply.

   "Done a little better, I have guests today!" Xiaofei still thought more thoughtful.

  Yan Keyun has already played with the two of them, thank you for pretending to be shy. It is like a big cat that has been smoothed, showing his signature smile from time to time.

   "Good!" Rutian responded, and immediately got up to take care of the housework, fold the quilt, sweep the floor, and wash his face.

   "Right, Mr. Yan hasn't washed his face yet?" The two children remembered. This gentleman ran over to play with them immediately after waking up.

   "Yes!" Yan Keyun touched his face, "It's really not washed!" He was a little embarrassed, and his eyes still had the air-dried particles from last night. "But I don't know where to go?" He looked very reasonable and asked the most reasonable question.

   "Yes, we are not good, forgot to prepare washing supplies for you!" The two children also received the crime before reacting.

   So the end of the basin, the hot water in the hot water, walked away from him in an instant.

  After a while, the two people who came back from the bar last night washed their faces together this morning! Yan Keyun washed her face to look more like a small animal. She kept shaking her hands and even the long hair on her forehead. It's like a little animal shuffling its fur!

  After cleaning, Wutian will start cooking. He walked towards the kitchen.

   "Why don't I help you!" Yan Keyun **** his clear and thick voice.

   "Sir, can you cook?"

   "A little bit, I usually do it myself at home!" This is really not what he said, it is really his proficient skills. She usually has no one to take care of cooking or anything, so she can only buy it herself. After a long time, he can't stand it anymore and starts to make it himself. So over time, I also practiced a good craft.

  Two people are busy in the kitchen, attracting onlookers from time to time. Mainly to watch Yan Keyun! After all, this rarely happens, the situation of the guests cooking!

  But the craftsmanship of the two of them is really good! Don't want to go up and down, complement each other. Soon after, I made a special breakfast for everyone.

  Before the breakfast was put on the table, the two men finally got up, and they had finished washing. The wrinkle is also because of being really old, plus staying up all night, it is understandable to sleep longer, but they are the head of the family! There is no such thing as a head of the family! Even let this guest be earlier than him, and make him breakfast! If this spreads out, everyone will laugh out loud.

   However, when he knew the situation himself, "Thank you! Mr. Yan!" Chen Xuan and him were not strangers at all, and expressed his gratitude straightforwardly.

  The other four people at the dinner table almost vomit blood! This is too nonsense for him!

  Unexpectedly, Yan Keyun even lived in this kind of hospitality, and was not angry.

   "Cough! No thanks, it's a trivial matter." It seems that the two of them are really good brothers who have known each other for a long time!

  At the dinner table, Kuitian introduced to him the income of the day yesterday. After a one-day accumulation of booth fees, copyright fees, notarization fees and direct income, they have collected more than 300,000 top-grade energy stones! This is already a big number!

   Chen Xuan looked at Yan Keyun after hearing the result, and thanked him very "sincerely". "Thank you! I spent so much money on my own, and helped me stir up the market."

   "Oh, what's the matter! No thanks!" Yan Keyun, you and him sang together, as if you were talking about cross talk! The world of the two of them is really incomprehensible to others! Maybe they had a heart-to-heart connection after drinking too much last night.

   "Little friend, do you have any ideas about the next development plan?" Chen Xuan finally returned to business.

   "Of course there is!" Chen Xuan can't be idle for dinner! He has already thought about it, and the follow-up plan is very simple for him.

  "Next, this sky auction house. It will soon be my big treasurer. After clarifying all his rights and shares, I decided to keep my shares. All the execution rights will be handed over to you, the negative treasurer!"

   Chen Xuan said this seems very grand, but in fact everyone’s heaven is out, and this is the rhythm that he is about to choose!

  "My little friend, I’m afraid that’s not so good, right?" Wu also paid attention to the question of whether he had obtained the administrative power of the entire sky auction house, but whether the auction house could survive! How can there be a shopkeeper who can delegate all his rights to his hands! This is simply nonsense!

   "There is nothing wrong with this, what's wrong?" Chen Xuan asked him very rationally and gave him an analysis.

  "First of all, I am not good at doing business, you know this!"

  The people at the dinner table nodded frequently, except for Yan Keyun.

  "Secondly, I cannot stay in one place for a long time. I will continue to roam outside to improve my ability."

  Everyone nodded neatly together.

"Besides, your old man is so business-minded, and the last auction house was in full swing. So I believe that this one will not be bad in your hands!" Chen Xuan succeeded in telling the story of this day. reason!

  But the old man sitting across from him is not an ordinary person.

"No, little friend, you have to think carefully! If this is known to outsiders, the power of the sky auction house such a large enterprise is not in the hands of its own boss, and it will cause trouble!" Ruei also tried to control with the power of public opinion Live him.

   "Oh, I said old friend! This is even simpler!" Chen Xuan seemed to feel that everyone's brains are not in the same state today! Could it be that the charm of this guest is so great that they have taken away their souls?

   "You just need to tell a lie to others, is all this wrong?"

  Well, Wu Yi really has no way to stop him this time, so let's do it! She is confident that she can manage this auction house!

  (End of this chapter)

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