Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2187: Go to track

   Chapter 2187 Go to Track

  The place they discussed is in a forest in the city.

  All these people will be there.

  Chen Xuan took the wrinkled sky and wrinkled away together. He didn't want Yan Keyun to take this risk together, but he insisted on going. Had to bring him along.

  When we got to the woods over there, the brawny guys started today, and they hid behind them. Those strong guys didn't say that they wanted to match up with them yesterday's information. They didn't doubt either, the two of them just made an appointment to go in.

   But when the two of them had just sat down, Chen Xuan wanted to break in with a group of people.

   "Wait, the ancestors, do something else. You can't be so rampant." Yan Keyun and Wu also reminded him

   "While they haven't noticed it yet, let's set up a magic circle around here. It's like they can't run away after a while."

   Chen Xuan was pulled back by them again. After thinking for a while, he designed two super magic arrays with the fastest speed. Make sure that they will neither rush to startle snakes nor get caught in the net.

  After more than ten minutes, six people have already chatted. Not too impatient. Those brawny guys don't know how to continue, it's time to get out.

   "Stand still for me!" Chen Xuan finally came in!

  The person who had done a good job in the house instantly stood up. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

  "Who are you? Why do you know where I live?" Not to be outdone, the information dealer just stood up to protect his home.

  "Who are we? Didn't you remember it yesterday?" Chen Xuan glared at him with his glasses, wishing to punch him out.

   "I care what the reasons are for you. If you can come here like this, it is not good. If you break into my house, you are definitely not a good person."

   "Heh! You also said that we are not good people, don't call a thief to catch a thief!" Chen Xuan has never seen such a brazen person.

   "What's the matter, Lao Tzu is not a good person, but you can't get any better." That person probably already understood their purpose and purpose, and was ready to fight them.

   "Well, since you said we are all bad guys, then we will tell you our name."

   "No!" Yan Keyun still persuaded him to calm down.

   "Mr. Yan, even if we don't talk about it now, we will ask Qing'er questions later! It won't make a difference! Besides, I have already set up a circle, and they can't escape."

  Yan Keyun also felt that he had been worrying too much, so he closed his hands and was ready to fight with each other.

  "Your grandfather, I, my last name is Chen, my name is Xuan, my name is Chen Xuan! Remember?" It was definitely the last word he said he planned to say to the other party, because his patience reached the limit. There was the opening before, and now there is Qing'er after. Whether he is in public or private, he must have an understanding. Besides, as of now, no one has ever received his punch!

  Before the other party responded, Chen Xuan started beating people.

  "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation punch!"

   "I see your breath, you should also be a titled Daoist! Lao Tzu is a holy!"

  But the story did not develop as expected by the other party, and the person could not catch this punch! Was knocked to the ground all of a sudden.

  Wait for him to get up, look at the man in front, and ask him tremblingly.

   "What is your level?"

  Chen Xuan, I said a smile that was extremely contemptuous but owed.

   "I am a titled Daoist, but unfortunately, my talent is better!"

  That person realized that what he had encountered was an evildoer, and he had completely lost his guts. After all, he was rumored to be fate.

  "Then...what are you doing here for me?" His voice was trembling.

   "Don't do anything, just come to ask you a question!"

   "If you have any questions, just ask!"

  "Aren’t you the one who told us three rumors on the street the day before?"

   "Yes..." The man didn't expect them to be so straightforward, hissed in reply.

   "Very good." Chen Xuan couldn't think that this person would dare to answer so directly, and he admired it too! "Then today's information about the disciples in Frozen City! Did you also release it?"

   "What? Why did you find it so quickly?"

  "Are these all the questions you asked? I will answer whatever I ask you!" Chen Xuan scolded him without thinking!

  "Yes, yes, good, good. We found out..." The man didn't dare to speak any more.

   "Why are you leaking his news like this?" Chen Xuan couldn't understand this kind of secretive stuff.

   "We...we want to eat too."

  He is telling the truth, because information vendors who sell personal information rely on these GF websites to attract customers. Otherwise, no one generally knows their capabilities. This is actually a deformed industrial chain. But they have no other way except to obey and obey.

  But Chen Xuan would never care about that. She knew that in some things, what was right was right, and what was wrong was wrong. These things cannot be changed.

   "I don't care if you want to eat or drink, I will give you a quarter of an hour to take back all the news of the release!"

  "Yes, yes..." The man immediately agreed to him, promising that he would never do this kind of thing again in the future. And withdraw all the information.

  Chen Xuan is finally relieved now. But just before he was about to unlock the magic circle and go out, he received another message from Hantian.

   "Found traces of strangers following."

what? Chen Xuan couldn't react in an instant, you people, you said you were in his magic circle with him, anyway, they can't go out to follow.

   "So there should be other people." Yan Keyun reminded sharply from the side,

   "How come you can't fight like insects these years?" Chen Xuan is not afraid of fighting, but he is afraid of these endless meddling at this time! It's useless except to make people bothersome and laborious.

  But it’s okay now, he still has hostages on hand! Fortunately, I didn't let them go just now, if that's the case. It will be even more troublesome!

  He picked up the man’s collar again and forced him to ask, "Are you any other people or organizations?"

   "Yes..." The man was reluctant.

  "Is it their base camp? Take it over to find him!"

  That person also brought Chen Xuan to another place. This place is much neater and cleaner than the grove just now. The facilities here are all available, and such books are filled with secrets one by one. There should be a lot of people. Depending on the size of the house, there should be about 20.

  Chen Xuan definitely can't wait here and wait for death. He decided to take the initiative.

  (End of this chapter)

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