Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2189: Enemy base camp

  Chapter 2189 Enemy Base Camp

  "Recoverable power! Extinction of the void!" With a shout, the warm and peaceful atmosphere in the house was broken, and everyone put down their chopsticks and turned their heads to look.

   "What to look at! What's so beautiful! I am here today to take care of your nest!"

  The group of people instantly understood what the other party was coming from, and no longer cared about him. Started one by one.

  Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun are paired with 20 people. There is a big gap in the number of people, but fortunately their 20 people are not high in ability. After all, they are not thugs in the street, but mice walking in the dark. Everything is better for hiding, and they don't like being dragged into the sun.

   Now Chen Xuan was relieved, it can be said that defeating him was a breeze.

   "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation fist!" Chen Xuan attacked and beat the next person, sometimes hit two at once.

  Yan Keyun was not far behind, playing foil by the side.

  Recoverable power! Extinction Void! "With a shout, the warm and peaceful atmosphere in the house was broken, and everyone put down their chopsticks and turned to look.

Chen Xuan, followed by a new blow, Yan Keyun was behind and contributed his own strength, although he could not defeat Chen Xuan in a frontal attack, after all, the two people have different magic levels and the direction of magic cultivation is also different. It's different, but everyone has expertise. He has his own skills and specializations. In some respects, he can still play a pivotal and even vital role! So his two, one advances and one retreat, one offense and one defense, he worked hard to keep the other side from being hurt, and the other side also worked hard to open a way forward for her.

  Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun were paired with 20 people. The difference in the number of people is a bit big. Chen Xuan still has some concerns, but after all, they are not thugs in the street.

   But even so, 20 people against two, the difference in personal strength is still not to be ignored.

  The opponent is not a kind-hearted younger generation, they are all ruthless characters.

   "You guys don't look at the proportion of people. You still want to smash our place. There is no way!"

  The thing that Chen Xuan is most afraid of is that others fine-tune her.

   "How? We just want to break through! What can you do with us?"

  As soon as the words came out, the leader couldn't sit still.

  He stood up with teeth and claws. Brandishing his weapon. "Brothers, take them for me."

  "They can't get out of this door!" The crowd swarmed up, they were different from ordinary wizards! They all have weapons in their hands.

   "Then don't blame me if this is the case!"

  Chen Xuan took out his piece as he said, it was the yin and yang cut off.

  He and Yan Keyun stood back to back. Were greeted by attacks from all sides.

   "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation punch!" With a shout, the two separated and each rushed to a wave of enemies. The scene was messed up in an instant.

  The cyan sword was waving in the air, leaving behind afterimages. The air was full of the sound of colliding soldiers and sparks.

   Suddenly a person took a long spear and aimed at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan turned his head back and confronted him with the sword with dexterity. The man continued to attack forward. When approaching Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan bounced and jumped behind him. Pushing on the wall again, giving him a blow! The man can't get up anymore. Chen Xuan attacked and beat the next person, sometimes hit two at once.

The two of them cooperated in a tacit understanding. There were more than 20 people who had nothing to do with them. More than 20 people, that group of strong men, like a group of headless flies, chased two planned and organized assassins. Seeing them at a loss, on the contrary aroused Chen Xuan's feeling of fighting, not to mention that she was very arduous in this way, he was only beating those who should be beaten! So he increased his horsepower and rushed to the forefront.

   "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation fist!" His moves were connected together, and those people could not resist it at all. The public was a little stronger, and it could stand firmly, and even slightly worse, it was directly overturned to the ground.

   "A fight, why are you so happy?" Yan Keyun asked him between the fights.

  "Because these people should be beaten! It's a good thing to beat them!" She couldn't help laughing anymore.

  Yan Keyun was not far behind, playing foil by the side. "Come on all of you!" He was still very happy, his face full of confidence.

  She is as light as a swallow, and she jumps high with a single leap. Then he attacked from top to bottom, hitting others by surprise. The people below all threw up the weapons in their hands, but he took advantage of his strength, and by the way concentrated all the weapons in his hands, and then the unification happened. In the end, it looked like a goddess scattered flowers. The people standing below can only run away.

  He fell to the ground and resumed his normal attack. Speaking of this attack, the attack power is very large, and the huge sound wave shook everyone in a trance, and there was no way to fight back. Their ears seemed to be deaf, and the sharp tingling dared to touch their nerves. They had to kneel and beg for mercy.

  But this trick is good everywhere, but it’s not good at all, it’s not the enemy or the enemy! As soon as his amazing high pitch came out, the penetrating power was extremely strong, as if the rocks were shot on the coast, washing everyone's mind, even though the group of men all lay down. But Chen Xuan's small heart was going to be frightened to break immediately.

   "Okay, okay, stop! Stop!" Chen Xuan saw that all of them were dead, and quickly stopped the Sea-Monster Clan.

   "Is there no other way when you attack?"

   "What can I do?"

   "Oh, do you think I am too messy? Then I can't help it." Yan Keyun really looked innocent.

   "Why don't you add a layer to your magic circle, add a layer of sound insulation. So that people outside can't hear it."

   "What? You mean that everyone in the vicinity heard the sound you just heard?" Chen Xuan didn't know why he wanted to find a seam to get in.

   "Of course I heard it all. Our group's offensive power is still very strong!" When it comes to this, he is very proud.

  Chen Xuan didn’t think so. It’s not a vast ocean here. You just yell and nobody cares about you. This is land, there are so many people, he should seal this up quickly!

   So he hurriedly released a layer of sound-proof closed array, which kept his strange sound inside! Otherwise, this is the end, and the battle is over, and his name can't be hidden.

  You still have to do business after complaining. The two of them, each with a rope, **** all of the more than 20 people. The next thing is to dig out the question about Qinger's identity from their mouths.

  The two of them stunned the more than 20 people with drugs to buy an hour for themselves, and then they all locked them in the cabinet, and then the two of them turned the big yard upside down.

  In other words, this yard is really big. The standard is a base camp with all the facilities inside. Including kitchen, storage room, study and bedroom. It seems that this is where they usually work, but Chen Xuan has searched for a long time and has not found anything of value. There are a lot of cook stuff, but half of them are vegetables and white paper, as well as some daily necessities, such as iron hooks and nail shoes. There are also many notes filled with words in the study, but they are all insignificant words.

  Chen Xuan became more and more surprised.

  Impossible... They must have hidden everything here!

  (End of this chapter)

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