Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2199: Strange play

  Chapter 2199 Strange play

  "Have the two guest officials discussed it?" Ge Hua asked with a smile

  Well, let’s listen to him this time! Chen Xuan was finally defeated by Yan Keyun.

   "Since the old gentleman is so loving, then we won't refuse, I thank you Chen Xuan here."

   "No need, no need to be so courteous, then the guest officer, please come with me!" The old man stretched out his hand very elegantly, his cane dangling on the ground, making a crisp sound

   "It's ok, it's all gone!"

  Everyone dispersed after hearing this sound, only one person still stood there

  "Father?" It was Pueraria who couldn't understand the reason anyway. At this time, all the people had dispersed, and the empty hall only left her alone, and the back of the three people walking away side by side.

  Walking to the corner, his father seemed to finally see him and smiled at him as if he was finally comforting, and then disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

  The two of them were led one after another, until the highest third floor did the store begin to finish turning into the corridor. And the doorway where he stopped made the two people's eyes shine even more.

   "The two guest officers, please!"

  They were sent to the most luxurious suite.

   "The dog has offended just now, you guys are resting here tonight, which is regarded as my apology." So he let the door out to let people enjoy the decorations inside.

  Luxury! Two words are enough to describe! It is simply too luxurious, not to mention that the hundreds of candlesticks in the house are all high-quality candles. The inner bed should also be a Simmons mattress. The room, bathtub, sandalwood, etc. are all available, and there are large windows nearby. The scenery on the building is very beautiful, put it in modern times, it is simply a super invincible viewing room! Two people, the more they look, the more they feel strange, the more they look, the more they feel strange. Although it is said that others have offended themselves, such a luxurious configuration should be too heavy. It is not like an apology at all, and it seems to be a welcome!

  Of course, the old man saw the doubt and surprise hidden in the expressions on their two faces, and explained to them with a smile.

"Two little friends, don’t worry. This is because the dog is disrespectful to you. As a father, he can only use this action to compensate in case. Therefore, I hope you will accept this kindness and don’t get angry. !"

  Everyone has explained this, can it work if you don’t listen? So, isn't it just staying in a store? We live! The two of them walked into the room together!

  Anyway, he Chen Xuanwu is outstanding, Yan Keyun should also be able to defend himself. Both of them are truly masters. Even if there is any problem, they can deal with it!

  He, Chen Xuan, originally had a daring personality, so he wouldn't even dare to live in a room anymore!

  So after bidding farewell to the old man, the two of them stayed at ease tonight. Just in case, they still set up a magic enchantment. As a result, there was nothing wrong with the night, which was a waste!

The next day, Yan Keyun woke up early, but Chen Xuan was still lying in bed like a child. He didn't feel embarrassed to open other people's curtains, so he had to wash first. Unexpectedly, halfway through the wash, someone knocked on the door. He immediately became vigilant and opened the door a little bit, only to realize that a girl came in.

   "Sorry, bother to bother you objectively, I am giving you breakfast on the orders of our shopkeeper"

  Breakfast? Are you really so kind? 80% is poisonous!

  "Thank you for helping me, we accepted the shopkeeper." Yan Keyun has perfect acting skills, and starts to study after breakfast

In fact, he is already erudite, and his own qualifications are not shallow, knowledgeable, he has seen many things that Chen Xuan has not seen before, so he faces two breakfasts and wants to use his 18 martial arts. .

   "Take this as an exam! Until you get out of the drug and products!" Yan Keyun said to himself. But a long time later, whether it was silver needles, pearl powder, or various drug testing drugs, he proved that these two bowls of porridge were not poisonous, but because of his tossing, there was a lot less. Even if he is so experienced, he can't test it out, so there should be no problem! So he wisely stopped the loss in time and started enjoying his own breakfast.

  After both of them have drank it, it proves that this bowl of porridge is indeed non-toxic!

   "The heart of defense is indispensable" Chen Xuan still reminded very calmly.

  After breakfast, it was the old Gehua again. He bowed down and invited the two to go out again.

  "This time, take two young masters around our city"

  The two people are at a loss. If someone fights with him, can they get a tour guide? This treatment is not too good! They still know how much money the two of them brought with them. Although Yan Keyun is a person who can spend 30,000 yuan at the auction, he only knows after all! Does this suit on him look expensive? If it's not expensive, they really don't know why!

  "The old man thought about it last night, and thought it would be better to accompany the two young masters, saying that it would be better to relax the mood." This old man always has a lot of reasons.

  The two looked at each other again, thinking about whether they should go.

   "Why don't you go, it's rare for someone to ask us to play!"

  The other person was still winking hesitantly.

   "It's okay! I can still do it! I'm not afraid when I really meet danger!"

   "The little master said this is extremely true, just relying on the strength of the old man, I must be unable to move you! So please relax and come with me!"

  The two people thought about it for a while, and felt that they would be based on it for a while. After all, if they didn’t want to kill you, wouldn’t it be a missed opportunity to play!

As a result, three people wandered around in this city. This city is called a dungeon city. It is named after a large number of mountains and rivers. The economy here is developed, but the folk customs are very simple and even some retrogressive. Without paying attention, the whole family didn't see it, so they went shopping on their own.

The old man took them to the best scenic area, the best theater, the best acrobatics amphitheater, but even if they tried to avoid contact with others, they still had a dispute. They didn’t know who was careless when they were watching the show. , Splashed the water from the audience next door. Nervous emotions are on the verge!

  "What are you doing? Don't you have eyes?" Then came a mouthful of swear words and a brutal attitude.

   "Everyone is an audience, can you respect me?"

   "You touched this glass of water, didn't you? Are you not going to compensate me?"

   "I don't think you two are dressed like people here! Since you are not from here, why do you want to show off here?"

  He was a swarthy, brawny man. He should have participated in manual labor. He had a little cocoon on both hands, but looking at his current clothes, he should be a rich man.

This made Chen Xuan even more puzzled. If it was an ordinary farmer or someone who had not received any education, she could still accept this reality. After all, the quality was there, but in front of him People are well-dressed and don't look like ordinary people. Why are they still so arrogant? So he has to reason with each other!

"I said, this brother, I think you are also unusually dressed, you should not be an ordinary person participating in labor! Since you are not an ordinary person, then your income should not be low, I just ran into your glass of water, you Just yelling at me like this, isn't it your manners?"

  Chen Xuan's scolding made him speechless, but this kind of person has to fight for three points even if he is unreasonable. It is him who is in the wrong, but he will never lose with his momentum! A person like him can't do anything else and scolds people, but one set adds another set. You have to do it just now!

  (End of this chapter)

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