Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2204: restore

  Chapter 2204 Recovery

  Yan Keyun coughed, and even coughed up a mouthful of blood! ! ! She no longer had the strength to stop, she fell directly to the ground, and the blood continued to flow from his mouth.

   "What???" Chen Xuan couldn't believe the scene before him! But the next second, his actions were messed up.

  Yan Keyun vomited blood? How could he vomit blood? He is obviously better than me! He instantly turned into a mess when he arrived in the sea, and thousands of thoughts floated by. After a moment, only one idea was the most determined: take him to the doctor!

  At this time, it is impossible for him to go by himself, but Chen Xuan did not dare to touch it. After all, she had seen various injuries on the battlefield, but it was the first time she was conspired by others! So he didn't know anything about poison.

  How about memorizing it? Chen Xuan chose the fastest way. He was about to get started, Yan Keyun Qingqing held him

   "No...this will happen faster..." Yan Keyun felt that his throat was full of salty when he spoke, and he had to swallow a mouthful of blood.

  Chen Xuan looked at his current state, sweat on his head kept flowing

   "Can you hold it then?"

  Yan Keyun nodded weakly.

  Chen Xuan immediately lifted her up sideways. In order to prevent him from recurring again, she didn't even let her waist and belly bend together! But just like a tablet, hold it up flat! He has a higher martial arts skills than others, otherwise he would suffer a lot of flesh and blood.

  Yan Keyun now knows what he is like, he didn't think much, and he didn't have the energy to think too much, so he let the other party send himself to the door of the doctor, I hope he will have a breath at that time!

Although Chen Xuan tried his best to maintain his balance, he was running fast and wanted to fly, so Yan Keyun felt bumpy all the way, which made his stomach more uncomfortable, and the blood was still pouring up from his stomach. Straight to her throat! A stream of hot blood rolled over his throat, and then came out of his mouth. Following the rhythm of Chen Xuan's running, it sprinkled little by little on the ground, on his and his opponent's clothes. He couldn't open his eyes anymore, he felt that something sticky was stuck to his eyelashes and his eyelids.

  It may be sweat on the head.

  He thought, because he was sweating constantly on his head, cold sweat! Part of it hurts.

  He didn’t know how long it had passed, but he finally felt that he was let down from the air, and then he heard a lot of people talking.

  Should be found a doctor! He thought silently in his head.

   "Yan Keyun, can you hear me? The doctor asked how old you are this year!"

  I am twenty-eight years old this year.

  He answered silently, answering in his heart, because he could not speak now. Then he heard Chen Xuan say

   "The doctor, I don't know about this, but this is not the point, you hurry up and find a way to save him!"

   Then he felt someone touching his wrist.

  I cannot lose consciousness. Yan Keyun said this to herself.

Then he felt that someone had lifted him onto the bed. The distance between the bed and the place where he was staying seemed a bit far away, because during this process, his stomach was very painful. Originally, his stomach acid had stopped rippling, but by this movement, he began to stir again. Up.

  Suddenly, he could cough violently. The first few moments hadn't happened like that, but his throat was very simple and very painful.

Immediately afterwards, he felt another heat in his throat, he coughed instinctively, and coughed up a mouthful of blood. He frowned with pain, and tasted the salty taste of blood, which spread across his tongue, and part of it It choked directly into his throat, and it was extremely uncomfortable. He only had a constant cough. At this time, his five senses were very sensitive. He tilted his head and panted on the side of the pillow. With constant stomachache, his body shrank together, and then he felt someone wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, but this didn’t work. His body was like a coquettish child. The more someone took care of him, the more fragile he felt. He seemed to have vomited a lot of blood, originally he coughed it up, and in the end it was spit out directly from his mouth. It should be with his saliva. He always felt that opening his mouth would be more comfortable to breathe, but the bigger he grows, The easier it is to choke on...

  This feeling is really uncomfortable. he thinks.

   Then, he suddenly felt dark in front of him, something stopped in front of him, and he stopped for a while.

  Although I close my eyes here and I can’t see anything, people still have a keen sense of the outside world.

  "You can hold back for a while, and it will be fine after a while!" It was Chen Xuan's voice.

  He was right, he should stick to it! So he tried his best to control his throat, held it back, and kept his eyes full of tears.

  Then, the black thing seemed to have left.

   Then he heard the voice of Chen Xuan and the doctor talking. She couldn't hear what he said because the distance was too far. Suddenly, his lips became wet, followed by sour and bitter bitterness.

  So bitter... Yan Keyun’s first reaction. It turned out to be feeding me medicine...

   Then, it was Chen Xuan’s voice, "Yan Keyun, now you can sleep with confidence!"

  How does he know that I am not sleeping? Yan Keyun is very alert in reflection.

   "That's because your brows are frowning." Chen Xuan said something.

  Oh, it turned out to be the eyebrows.

  Solved the problem, Yan Keyun went to sleep with peace of mind.

  When she woke up again, she felt as if she was doing it, and her back was warm, as if someone was giving him luck.

  She opened her eyes hard, and found that the blue piece in front of her was a protective cover covered with blue energy. His limbs gradually felt, and the head was seen slightly backwards. It was Chen Xuan's movement.

  Yan Keyun wanted to speak, but was stopped by him. Instead of using his mouth, he directly sealed his acupuncture points, and he couldn't say a word now.

  They still have a lot of questions, are they okay? Why are you giving him luck here? Where is he now? But these questions can only be answered after the movement is over. So he justified a little bit to make himself more comfortable, and at the same time, he also mobilized his accumulation to cooperate with him. But this time he was a little bit powerless, and his body was still very weak, and the true qi was condensed in his body, and he would not be able to pull it out for a while.

   "You sit quietly." Chen Xuan said with his mouth this time. After all, it can seal her acupuncture points, but he can't seal his true energy!

  So, he was honest. About a long time later, Chen Xuan lost all his skills to him. She felt warm all over and her hands seemed to feel more vigorous, so he asked Chen Xuan.

   "Where are we now?"

   "At the doctor's house! Go back and lie down now!"

   Before he could refute, Chen Xuan threw him back to the bed at the moral price of binding, watching him lie down and covering the quilt before agreeing to continue chatting.

   "So am I okay now?" Yan Keyun stared wide, with water in his eyes, as if blaming the other party and regaining its usual dull state.

   "Nonsense, how can you still use me to lose your anger when you are better?"

   "Oh, that doesn't seem to be good!" He turned his head back up again, looking at the beams above his head.

  (End of this chapter)

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