Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2207: Worsening

   Chapter 2207

  Not bad, good, you kid! Although the misunderstanding was very deep before, but after this time, I found that you are a very real person! In the course of the competition, no matter how I use the hidden weapon, you remain indifferent, but always use an upright approach! I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing your kung fu, I believe it now! In fact, Kung Fu is like being a human being. When you fight, you are open and honest, and you are also open and honest! Now the uncle believes you! "

  Looking at the uncle Luo Luosuo said so much, Chen Xuan was also flattered, but he was at ease! He obviously relied on his own efforts to change other people's views of him. Besides, he was infallible, and both of them were deliberately arranged by someone with a heart.

  In this case, the uncle even accepted his apology.

  "Since the martial arts contest is over, and you have accepted my apology, uncle, I will stay soon. My friend is still unhealed. I still need to go back and look after him!"

This time, the uncle was very enthusiastic. "Is your friend poisoned? In this case, if you have any questions, you can come to me. I still have some research in this area, and I know some people. Maybe you can’t help. After all, you two are also innocent!"

   "If this is the case, then that would be great!" Chen Xuan did not expect that Uncle had such a function! You can also help Yan Keyun cure! Chen Xuan was very worried when he thought that he was really sick and who would encounter various dangers in the future, but when he heard the words of the uncle, he was relieved again! Wandering away, without friends, it's hard to move an inch! Even if the two of them are high-powered martial arts, they can't hold back someone assassinated, but if they make friends like the uncle, instead they make a path, the journey after him and Yan Keyun will become more assured!

   "Uncle, thank you so much!" Chen Xuan couldn't help holding his hand, and solemnly thanked her!

   "No need, kid, you're overwhelmed, you are away from home, how can you not rely on one! We don't know each other, if there is anything, just talk to the uncle."

   Now Chen Xuan was even more moved, and Xie, who had been there for a long time, left.

Then she went home. He felt that it was not too late for him to come back. He went out this morning and waited all morning, that is, at lunch, before rushing back home, but when he got home, the scene in front of him almost frightened him. To.

   is Yan Keyun. She lay quietly on the bed, looking very bad.

  The doctor saw him coming, and hurriedly greeted him.

   "Oh, you are back, and his condition has deteriorated again. I am waiting for you. After waiting all morning, I am almost dying!"

   "The condition has worsened again? Why is this?"

  While speaking, he turned his gaze to Yan Keyun on the bed again. He just opened the door and walked in. He was far away. Looking at him from a close range, he really felt that he was very unhappy. The face, which was originally white, is now paler, without a trace of blood, his eyes are tightly closed, the eye rims are dark, and the eyelids are blue. All of them are symptoms of illness! Even his full and full hands, the smart hands he had witnessed in the moonlight at that time, are now crumpled, and the whole person seems to be collapsed on the bed, without a trace of vitality or vitality.

  Chen Xuan was all incredible and shocked, he couldn't understand why. Why? When he went out this morning, the others were fine. Why did she make a friend when she came back and he became like this? For a moment, he felt an unprecedented grievance and fear. Although the feeling was not particularly strong, a small needle in the apex of his heart pierced him. It made him feel uncomfortable. A heart seems to be soaked in lemonade, sour and painful, as if it had been salted.

  "Did you not transmit true qi to him today?" The doctor hit the nail on the head.

   "Yes, when I got up this morning, I saw that the man hadn't woken up yet, and you said yesterday that you want to slow down the rhythm?"

   "That's what I said!" The doctor seemed to be about to jump in a hurry, with a life in front of him. Can he not be in a hurry?

   "Yes, I said to return to the natural rhythm, but his body is so weak now, it is impossible to have no real qi every day!" He also became irritable.

  "What? Then I..."

   "Yeah, you hurt him like this!" Old Zhong saw that the man finally understood, his eyes were shining.

   "What, don't you have nothing to do if I don't give her true qi?"

  "How can we do it?" The doctor lowered his head and sighed, "Oh, you don't know how powerful its internal power is. People like us can't get in at all!"

   Chen Xuan found that it was useless, and no longer held accountable the doctor. Instead, he blamed himself more.

   "The doctor, tell me, is he still saved?"

"His current condition is very complicated. Although it is said that there is salvation, his physical condition is really very weak! If he can't find the antidote and adjust his meridians in time, he is really going to die here! In other words, he is now away from death. Only one step away! It's up to you to save it!"

what? It's at stake, it's impossible! Even if he was killed, he wouldn’t believe it. When he got up this morning, that person’s complexion was much better than before. He also went to his room to check it out and made sure that he had nothing to do. By the hour, this person became like this! What's more, he is still a man of great martial arts! Is human life really so fragile?

"This little friend, don’t worry, the poison your friend was scared of is different from the ordinary ones. No matter who is put on the ordinary poison, the effect is the same. Once you encounter people with good internal skills, It can also remove toxins, but this is different. It enters the human body through human capillaries. In this case, the higher the martial arts, the faster the toxins will be emitted!"

  Chen Xuan now fully understands that this old man's mind is so vicious! He also understood why the old man didn't chase them out later, and why he didn't rush to escape. Because he said he planned to do it early! He knew that this poison was extremely poisonous! She knew that the two of them would not be able to escape, so he fled slowly, slowly, as if on vacation!

  All the anger, self-blame, grievance, and unwillingness came to his heart again. His heart was sour and uncomfortable.

  But now is not the time to be uncomfortable.

  "Langzhong, tell me what should I do to save him? You just said that only I can save him here."

"It's this truth. It's better if you want to understand this!" The doctor is also working hard to calm her emotions. "Because he had you transmitting true qi before, he blocked the spread of poison. Close, the best way is to give him madness first!"

   "Then I only need fax gas?"

  "Not only! Not only! That is your task, I still have my business!"

  The doctor said, took off his coat, helped her up, and put a lot of acupuncture on it. All of these can be helpful to certain acupuncture points and help him detox. Now there is only so much that doctors can do. They all treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

   "There is something, I think I have to tell you first." Before he started to teach his true Qi, the doctor reminded him for the last time

  "This is only a temporary relief. If you want to really save her, you need better medicinal materials or other methods!"

   "What else can I do? You told me together!"

  This time the doctor was silent.

  Chen Xuan vaguely felt that it was a more troublesome thing this time, so he did not ask, silently praying that the medicinal materials would relieve his condition.

   "Now I just want the last acupuncture, you start with me, I give an order, you start to transmit to him!"

  Chen Xuan just nodded, now all his thoughts are on the person on the bed!

  (End of this chapter)

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