Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2227: asphyxia

  Chapter 2227 Choking

After another day of hard work, Fang Che was so bored with this kind of life. It shouldn’t even be said to be hateful, but rather disgusting. He hates this, and finally lives without dignity, playing with the life that is about to be retired, every day. Holding that little hope in the deep quagmire, he boasted that others were different and insisted on his nobility, but the more expensive he was, the more painful he would be. He was bullied, beaten and scolded every day, bruised all over, serving various perverted guests, and confined by the boss. In this small space, he could not even see the light of the future.

  Even with Fang Yan’s company in the past, he still couldn’t see the future of the two people. They were in the quagmire, supporting each other to prevent themselves from sinking, but how to leave? Fang Yan asked him many times, he always smiled and said that he had a way, but in fact...this is just a lie. He admits that being with him will make him feel more at ease. He also admits that every time he sees his small eyes, he will feel hope close in front of him. However, at the end of each day, he looks at the sunset that announces the sunset. I always feel that the setting sun is like blood.

  The setting sun is like blood, which means it originally. Under such a sunset, she lived a purgatory life, struggling with pain every day, that little little hope, as if there was no, even the bright sun, in the eyes of people who have no tomorrow. The color of blood, depression, suffocation.

  When will this day end? Before meeting them, she asked herself this way every day, but she never answered, knowing that he met Chen Xuan...

When night fell, it was when a few of them acted. Today, their goal is a person of Taoist rank. There are four of them. This is not particularly difficult for them, because their ranks are all around here. Even more, because they have successfully cracked the poison that their boss planted for them, which is like a curse, the poison that entangles them for a lifetime.

  A few days ago, they figured out the person's daily routine and appearance. Just in time today, he fell into the hands of a colleague in their shop.

  This is a great idea. It can not only remember that he killed people easily in this situation in the store tonight, but also can pass on the disaster and put these unprovoked disasters on some evil people.

  This should be no problem! Before starting work, Fang Che silently cheered for himself in his heart.

The man had enjoyed all the treatments, and it was past midnight. He was in the store tonight. It seemed that he drank a lot and ate a lot. His mouth was full of oil and he was carrying a lot of alcohol. He came out with a big belly. , But the pace is very steady, it seems that his skill should be good.

  A few people squatted in the dark, looking for the right time. I don't know why, Fang Che always felt that this time was not quite right. There was a faint feeling that made his mind confused. Like a ghost, he couldn't erase or leave it behind. He tried to calm his thoughts and focus on one place, but the strange feeling inside was always in his mind.

   "It looks like you have to be careful this time!"

  After a while, the man walked to a secluded place. The four of them were like four wolves. They flew out of the darkness in an instant. The group of people around him couldn't retreat, and couldn't enter. Spitting alcohol and asking them "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

  None of them spoke, and they covered their heads and faces with black gauze. When one of them waved his hand, all three of them rushed on. The five people scuffled on the ground.

   They had already gained the upper hand, and felt that they were already in sight. Suddenly, a green light flashed into the sky.

  The eyes of the few people instantly shifted, looking along the inner green light, it was their boss, Ge Hua.

In the dark night, he stood in the big green light, his figure was thin and his face was haggard, like a zombie crawling out of the ground, but also like a skeleton, he smiled treacherously, and his laughter echoed in the air. It's creepy, his mouth grinned to a terrifying degree, and his mouth full of incomplete yellow teeth were exposed, just like bones that had just been chewed, sharp and rough, his mouth was very long, except for the teeth. , Like a black hole, people dare not look inside.

The four of them all got goose bumps, and their bodies were like electric sifting. They looked at each other. The expressions of consternation and the wide-open white eyes showed their panic. It was especially obvious in the evening. At this moment There was a trace of horror unexpectedly, and their inferiority expression instantly recovered, as if they had returned to their slums. What courage, what hope, was beaten back to its original form in an instant.

   "How is it? It's uncomfortable to be scared!" She smiled grimly.

   "Why can't it work now? I looked at you guys just now! It was so exciting! I even wanted to do something to my men!"

"Okay, you want to die that way, then I will fulfill you!" She opened her hands, the expression on her face was very horrible, her thin body, with a green light on her back, hovering in the air like a big **** of death. .

  Fang Che looked at him, just looking at him so quietly, not moving, he was not like other people, flustered, scared, he looked at the person in the sky, he was thinking.

   "Is this over? Is it the end?"

   "Is he going to die here today? Fang Yan also said that he was waiting for him. They also agreed to run out!"

"Sure enough, all beauty is a dream!" He lowered his head and smiled lightly. "It's worth it. At least he saw the most beautiful dawn. From then on, she saw that the beautiful sunset is not like blood. In the sky, she will no longer be anxious about tomorrow's confusion, and finally can relax herself after the day is over."

  With these, it's enough! These things have given him enough courage.

  He straightened her back again. Today, she was not wearing white clothes. She was wearing black, but she looked like the best-looking, most secretive, most calm and ruthless knight. He himself is a sharp blade, and he has already pierced into the enemy's heart now!

   "In that case, do it, I won't be afraid of you!" He raised his head arrogantly and yelled to the sky!

Those people who were originally confused and panicked seemed to have been reminded. Gradually, they all regained their senses. Fang Che was like a beacon in the storm. Although he was in the dark, he could be seen by many people. Bring light. From the initial panic, they scattered the crowd and gathered together, and then twisted into a rope.

Although    is a small stock, as long as they are united, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Fang Che looked at them gradually gathering together, and gradually revealed a brilliant smile, sincerely like a cluster of fire.

   "Thank you for your willingness to follow us and come here, and thank you for staying now!"

  They all know that they are people who chase the light. Since they have not caught up, they will stand in the dark. But when they caught up, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. But they are willing, they are willing to follow the light in their hearts. Even if they are crushed by it, even if there is no return, as long as they catch up, they are happy, at least they have seen the light!

  So, the four people are preparing separately for the last stop with Ge Painting!

   "Oh, look at the expressions on your faces that are about to die!"

   "What the **** is this expression? Am I a murderer in your eyes? I have never killed anyone!"

  Yes, he has never killed anyone, but it destroyed everyone’s hope and turned people into ghosts!

   "Huh, smelly old man, although we can't kill you today, we won't let you escape easily!"

   "Yes, although we are dead today, there will definitely be many, many people like us who will rebel against you."

"Even if you are powerful and rampant now, one day you will be beaten to death by them, and you will die miserably!" None of them mentioned themselves, but they all became more and more excited. , Because they know that they are walking a road that no one has ever walked before.

  (End of this chapter)

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