Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2250: Dressing

  Chapter 2250 Fitting

  Why don’t I go with you tomorrow, what do you think? "

"The two of you are clumsy. It's not good if you make a mistake. Besides, I understand this kind of thing better, so I can make friends with a few rich people by taking you along the way!" He immediately started. She planned to plan, including her own clothes, tomorrow's topic, and asked about the address by the way. It was a pleasure. It seems that she still likes this kind of thing very much.

   "How do I feel that you are not going to save someone? It really seems to be a matchmaking?" Chen Xuan from the side looked up and down the full house, thinking to himself that he was really a monster.

  The next day they were all ready to go, and they were well-dressed. Yan Keyun personally picked the clothes for them. The colors are very bright, but they are dignified.

  Fang Che, prepared a white gown, fluttering with fairy spirit, very beautiful, she said that her a little thin figure is very obvious, showing beautiful shoulder blades and butterfly valley on the back, the whole person looks full of youthfulness.

   Chen Xuan tried his best to refuse, Yan Keyun chose a slightly more dignified one for her. He is always young and mature. Originally, he chose a bright blue dress for Yan Keyun, which was the same style as him, but he didn’t wear it to death. He felt that he should be a little mature, so Yan Keyun had no choice but to Whatever he wanted, he picked a dark green one for her. The color is quite old, without the liveliness of a teenager.

"Yeah, this is suitable for me. A person with such a strong ability like me should look a little more stable!" She put on the dress and looked around, as if she felt that she was already a mature and stable person with power and ability. Old man.

  "How old are you now, little yellow-haired boy, don't be anxious to get old, when you reach my age, you will understand how young it is!"

   "What's the matter? Are you very old? You are not a few years older than me!"

   "I'm already 28, and you are only 25!" I must be older than you, what's the comparison! Yan Keyun sometimes dislikes him very much! Roll your eyes at her at every turn! Sometimes it feels so difficult to take a child!

   "It's okay, don't quarrel!" Fang Che, clear from the onlooker, grabbed the two of them in time.

  After negotiation, Yan Keyun changed them to another suit. Anyway, he likes it very much. Fang Che's style has not changed much. The sky is gray and it seems to be foggy this morning.

  The three people got up early, and Yan Keyun was responsible for dressing them up.

  After discussing last night, the three of them decided to set out together for today's banquet.

  Yan Keyun, what she prepared for herself was the sky blue gown, cute and lovely color, and very regular style, showing his maturity and stability, and at the same time with a touch of playfulness. He was originally beautiful, with white skin and big eyes, which is very suitable for this slightly feminine style, but she is like a designer herself, and his clothes are usually made by him. Sewn, because it is very strong for these things!

  Don’t ask them why, their entire siren is like this! As a seed full of clothing cells, he usually comprehends by analogy. He is exquisite for one thing, and has done one or two for another. Moreover, his aesthetics are not the same as others, it is just like a monster. How can you tolerate collisions between yourself and others? As long as he can show his different temperament from others, he will choose any means, even unscrupulous!

  Fang Che was selected as a white shirt with some ribbons that he would not wear under normal circumstances. It was not too much, but it served as an embellishment. The clothes themselves are very thin and the weight is very small, showing his beautiful figure.

  He is very tall, very thin, white and clean, with black hair, not particularly short, but very neat and tidy. Being young, coupled with such relaxed and elegant clothes, shows what a young Master Pian Pian should look like. It can definitely make you believe that he must be a child cultivated by someone who is very educated or has artistic cells! Both of them were very satisfied with their clothes, only Chen Xuan. Still not satisfied.

"Can you give me a change?" He looked at his body and their light-colored youth gowns. Both eyes were resisting. The muscles on his face were twisted together, his face was full of unwillingness. .

   "What's wrong? This is good!" Yan Keyun walked over to help him organize his clothes. "Appearingly young! Thin and tall! At first glance, he looks like a vigorous young man!"

   "I'm not a big or small man! Why do you want to dress like this!" Maybe no one knows, in his heart, she wrote another script for herself.

  In his own, no one shouldn’t be an ordinary teenager, so he shouldn’t wear such clothes. Who is he? He Chen Xuan, it should be said that he is a young and promising Taoist priest with a bright future and very high mana!

  So, I’m that kind of person, usually you come, all kinds of troubles, if the clothes he wears seem to be too young, then there will be all kinds of people around who want to provoke her. After all, this world is a world of the weak and the strong, and there are many people willing to challenge themselves, but he does not like others to look for her when they are bored, so he chooses to make others believe that he is an older and promising young man!

  Baby is just a simple little kid, so that there will not be too many interventions to rush ahead, at least in terms of her relatively high score, I believe it is a person with this ability, and it is very reasonable. So all he does is for one thing, to avoid conflicts, especially unnecessary conflicts!

   "Okay, let me finally figure out what you think! You said that you are so young, why are so many problems, when you and I were so old, I didn't think so much."

  (End of this chapter)

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