Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2258: rocket

  Chapter 2258 Rocket

   "Then we will prepare and go out together the next day!"

   "It's actually you two that need to be prepared. I can just dress it up today!"

  "Should you not wear different clothes if you meet different people with such a brilliant boy as you?"

"Why is this necessary? People you can't see can't wear clothes. It's just because the two kinds of people are people of different personalities, but these two are similar. They both appeared on this occasion. There shouldn't be much difference. , So there is no need to change clothes for them!" Yan Keyun still has his own bottom line.

   "It was already hard enough to become a woman for two big men, what else do they want me to do? How could it really become a yin and yang person? Doesn't exist!"

   "Okay, okay! It's OK, we know! Then how should I dress tomorrow? We don't have much experience."

   "It's okay, I will solve this!" Yan Keyun, holding a hairpin in his hand, stared at his wardrobe and looked at them.

  Let him come for this kind of thing!

  "First of all, can Fang Che tell me what kind of person is the person I want to meet? I can choose clothes according to his preferences."

   "Oh, okay." Fang Che said as he wanted to.

   "Wait a minute, the old rules!" Chen Xuan put a finger to her mouth. "As a qualified cultivator, you should first observe the surrounding environment and choose a safe place!"

   "Yeah." Yan Keyun agreed with him, "He is right. Let's chat in another place."

   "Then where shall we go? Still looking for a pub?"

  "It should be the only way so far! Or we can go home tonight and come back tomorrow! But I just don’t know when he will usually come and go. As long as he doesn’t miss it, it’s okay."

  Fang Che, looking at the Qingsi Mansion in front, thought about it seriously.

   "I think we should come tomorrow!"

   "Why we planned to catch him tonight! Isn't there a lot of people tonight?"

   "Yes, quite a lot. However, in such an environment, her personality is as changeable and very difficult to determine. If you do it with him, it will have a bad effect, and you will be surprised!"

   "I think what he said makes sense!" The three of you said something to me, and Yan Keyun also came over and sent his own opinions.

"I think Fang Che is right. We'd better pick when there are fewer people. In that case, the uncontrollable factors will become much less. Even if the scene is out of control, it will not be very chaotic. And if this is the case, remember There may be only one or two people with our faces, and it is impossible to become enemies with everyone."

"Yes, that's what I meant just now!" Fang Che is actually a little kid, young, but very meticulous in his thoughts. This is caused by his many years of living habits and environment, but he is not good at expressing, especially in When it’s true feelings.

  Chen Xuan, the two of them will make a statement tonight. They lowered their heads and thought for a while. It absolutely made sense.

   "Well, you guys are actually one way to do this, so we will come back tomorrow! Today everyone will go back and get ready! Make up lessons, or learn to speak!"

  "Okay! That's it! Let's go home now!" Fang Che said this sentence.

   "Fang Che..." Chen Xuan's voice was very low, and she just wanted to ask her what's going on. Because he doesn't believe this is normal Fang Che! If he is a normal person, then he will have a lot of emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, and he should be very impatient at this time, but it is okay if the emotions break out, and there will be tears and tears, but now this sentence No, it's the first time Chen Xuan has seen you.

  Different, too different, too abnormal! This is not the usual Fang Che! He must have received it just now, what excitement.

  She must solve this kind of thing in advance! You must not be left behind! Because you have not spoken, someone will be sick!

  But Yan Keyun was held back.

   "You are calm, I thought your kid could see a little mood swing is terrible! Will you just kiss and talk after you see it?" Yan Keyun, sometimes using this impulsive mind is really helpless. After that, the child in front walked away, and then quietly told him.

   "Don't look at him like this now, it seems that he is no longer negative," Yan Keyun said this, and then thought about it.

   "In fact, it is like this. He has a different mood now. It is easy to get angry when he is angry, easy to be anxious, and gradually calm down and become a restrained person."

   "I know these things, I can see it, I really don't want to prevent him from becoming such a person, I just came to organize him!"

   "It's not that I didn't mean that!" Chen Xuan seemed to have misunderstood what he meant. No, it should have misunderstood him!

   "I mean, although he is a little depressed now, it is reasonable, no problem, and even within a reasonable range!"

  "How do you know? Do you have any evidence?"

   "Of course I have, we have a research on these things!" He started his open class after he finished speaking.

  "Don’t look at the depression, but it’s not completely depressed. On the contrary, this is a very good performance. Although he is relaxed now, his heart is still tight.

   "Why see?"

   "In many ways, from her body shape, mental outlook, and even walking posture, you can see, do you see any changes in her walking?"

   "No, it should be the same as before!"

   "That's right, then you can see if there is any change in her body shape? For example, hunchback!"

  Chen Xuan quietly took a closer look, but there was no.

  Strong posture, strong walking!

  "Is it okay? Then you can take a look at him for the last time? Is there any trance? For example, excessive sadness or excessive excitement?"

   "No, it's just that I don't have the anxiety before, but it seems to be excited!"

  "Yes, yes, that's right, only if these conditions are met at the same time, she will become a nerve-prone person there!"

   "So it means, she has no problems now?"

  "Absolutely no problem. I told you if I didn't want to start, but you didn't believe me. I had to go around such a big circle with you to explain it to you."

   "Oh..." Chen Xuan, then realized that Yan Keyun also deliberately gave her a mental health class. The child in front of a man is the most standardized sample.

   "Actually, you used him as a demonstration for me, right?"

  Yan Keyun smiled unkindly and nodded.

  Of course, if Fang Che really had any psychological problems, he would definitely be the first to rush forward to help her solve her problems, but he had no problems at all and was a normal behavior. It can be used as teaching materials within the normal range.

Regarding his seemingly pretended excitement, he is actually sincere. He just wanted to suggest that he should talk about his emotions. Don’t be immersed in the past depression every day. You should play 12 minutes, so that there are more possibilities to go. To complete this task, she doesn't need help from others at all, and she is her own rocket.

  (End of this chapter)

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