Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2263: War

  Chapter 2263 War

   "What's the matter? Only such a little attack makes me scared. Shouldn't you let you see the true power of your attack?" He held the black sword in his hand again.

Again? Before she could react, the other party launched a new wave of attacks.

Ling Hui, as he was just now, stretched his feet, jumped to the top of the water column, pulled and lifted the water with his hands, and lifted him up. Now he is high above him, looking down at Yan Keyun below. , The moment the two people met their eyes, Ling Hui raised his hand and attacked!

   "Guardian of the Holy Water!" With a clatter, her hands seemed to set off two waterfalls, and the water flow rushed through his body at once. He had already very clearly felt the feeling of her hair being soaked in water.

  It turned out that it felt like this after a girl fell into the water.

  He finally realized it today. The billowing water kept hitting her body for more than ten or a few seconds. He couldn't breathe at first, and he could only endure as hard as he could, until he found a water pill in his hand.

   "Huh—" He can finally breathe freely, like a fish in water, long drought and rain!

  He took a few breaths, adjusted his state, and raised his head again.

  "It’s not so easy to beat me down! Thanks to my being in the sea, isn’t it just for others to see jokes!"

  Can still stand up!

  Linghui stared at him from the outside of the water plants, watching his every move very carefully. Originally thought that this move could directly defeat the enemy, he should have no power to fight back, but he didn't expect to adapt to the new environment so quickly! And it seems to be still in luck! Why can he breathe? Is it an aquatic organism?

  Impossible! He should be an ordinary human! It's not a mutant beast! Then why can he breathe?

  Is he also in the sea? This idea has been lingering in his mind, it is very skeptical, but he is not sure.

  Until, he saw the pill.

  Water avoidance pill! It turns out that he has this thing in his hands. It seems that he is not a simple person! The experts among them know how rare this kind of thing is! I thought he was just a little maid who could get such a valuable thing! What is the sacredness of their master?

  He just reflected for a second, Yan Keyun had already rushed out of the water column and came towards him. His whole body was soaked, his pants and shoes were hung on his body, his hair was a little messy, but he was **** by it. The little girl now has really become a chicken, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he is pretending to be deaf, and he feels guilty and checks quietly.

  Thanks to her makeup has not been washed away! Yan Keyun silently thanked God in his heart! Thanks to the blessing of the gods, let him escape this disaster! If her makeup is washed away and she becomes a man after she comes out, then she must die today! But fortunately, it is not bad thanks to his skills! Specially made today a stronger skin lift than yesterday! I also used a lot of medical glue to make sure I had no problems with my face before I went out!

  He stroked his hair again, and he was grateful to himself that he spoke louder, just screaming proudly! Although others don't know what he is happy about!

  "How? Unexpectedly, I can crack my own tricks!"

   "Oh, my little girl is really capable!" He showed a very hypocritical and treacherous smile, just mocking! "It's nice to come out of the water so quickly, I thought I had to play with you a little longer!" Then he narrowed his smile, "But, what if I crack it? I can continue!"

   "Huh! Ice technique!" The ten fingers moved forward. Unexpectedly, he released the trick of yesterday!

   "How is it? I didn't expect it, I will also have many kinds!"

  He showed the little girl's exclusive playfulness. What do you think? My acting skills are better than you!

   "And I can not only crack my own tricks, but I will also learn other people's tricks! It depends on what you do!" He kept shouting at others!

  He was suddenly shocked again. Unbelievable, full face instantly!

   "Why does he still do this? Doesn't everyone have only one attribute?"

  Forget it, this is not important, he tried to keep himself calm and put aside his current thoughts!

  Now is not the time to care about this, let’s talk about it after defeating this little girl, otherwise he won’t be able to hold on to his face!

   "How is it? Unexpectedly!" All his little expressions just now were all caught in Yan Keyun's eyes.

   "You will imitate other people's tricks, and I will read books. These are all from the book. I don't read books when I have time! Just thinking about crooked ways!" She can be considered polite now! The human set also collapsed, and the phenomenon of the good girl just now has been thrown out of the sky by him!

   "It seems that just using your method is useless, I have to use someone else's!" Ling Hui once took some black swords for himself and transformed other methods.

   "You shouldn't have thought of it!" Ling Hui is very proud every time he talks about this, even his proud face is full of evil!

"This sword, he not only has the function of on-site copying, but also has the function of recording. You children should never think of it. That is to say, I can record the tricks you use now, and if you need to use it at that time. It's time to talk about the input and output process of this period. After years of accumulation, after a long time, no matter what tricks others use, you can easily counterattack!" Is he lightly showing off his housekeeping magic weapon? As if this is nothing at all. However, in the eyes of Yan Keyun, who was dressed in a little **** the opposite side, it was creepy.

  Continuous input and output...If this is the case, does it mean that every skill he has entered is left by people who fought with him? What about this person? Are you still alive now? Can you escape its grip alive? Will he use his own method to hurt others next time? Or is it directly hurting yourself?

  Every time he thinks about this, he always wants to be more scared! She is afraid that one day she will become who she is no longer herself! Becoming a move recorded in her swordsman is like a person who becomes a star in the sky after death. He is not even as good as the star in the sky, and can only be a knife to help others kill! However, once this is the case, the reason why others remember her is no longer because of how many contributions he has made, once done brilliantly,

  But because there was such a person, he was first severely defeated by others, and finally because of his own ability, more people were hurt! If this is the case, he would rather not be born in this world, not walk around in this world, and leave these traces! Instead, he jumped straight and ran to other worlds. He believed that there is always a place better than this, and there will be so many nightmares, even if it is another city...

  After all the hairs on his body stood up, he forcibly interrupted his thoughts.

  (End of this chapter)

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