Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2268: law

  Chapter 2268 Laws

   "No." This sentence came out of his mouth sincerely. Because she has also met many people who are very business-minded, but they did not do a good job, because sometimes once the business becomes bigger, there will be all kinds of people who will burn, kill and loot, and you will take care of them. People are not counted in the real market, but the harm they cause to the industry is indeed not easy to transport, and there has been something recently that there is no certain punishment for these people in this world, because there is only a spiritual convention in this world. ! These are the rules that everyone has agreed upon. That's why this world maintains a basic order, and it won't really degenerate into a barbaric wilderness.

But if you want her to improve, it is impossible, because most people come to this world not to perfect him and develop him, but to develop themselves. Once you reach a certain peak, you can leave at any time. ! Therefore, the level of development in this world will remain stagnant!

  "What about the people in this world? Can they only live in such an environment and life and such a low-level social state in their entire life?" Yan Keyun still couldn't understand. He frowned by himself, showing a very low look.

"Maybe it's like this." Chen Xuan didn't lie to him, and took a sip of the wine in front of him. "But you have to think about it, how could it be a lifetime life? Like me here, there are many halfway through Yeah!"

   "V has a lot of people like you, but he still has a lot of people who will not leave." Yan Keyun didn't even want to refute that she was in an emotional state and couldn't hear anything.

  Chen Xuan, you already seem to have not cared too much with him on this issue. Because he knew it was not the time to reason with him! He turned his head and raised it three minutes later.

   "But I will!"

  He looked at the big eyes on the opposite side very sincerely, and even acted like a baby, like a big white rabbit full of toffee! Try to dress yourself as sweet as possible, and want to share the sweetness with others!

"I came from somewhere else, and I will leave too! But during the time I am living here, no matter if my life in this world is good or bad, I am living happily! Isn't it?"

   "Puff..." Yan Keyun was amused by his funny and cute appearance.

   "How?" Chen Xuan asked him playfully, "Aren't you happy living here now?"

   "Don't say no!"

  Yan Keyun is still laughing, her voice is full of laughter. "Yes..." He felt it. At this moment, he was really happy! It turns out that the villain said all lies!

  He is still closing his eyes and curling the corners of his mouth. He still has so many happy things, and someone else is willing to comfort him and enlighten him.

  This is really happy!

  He remembered what Chen Xuan said just now,

"So, did you really decide not to live here for the rest of your life?" When he asked this question, his eyes widened unconsciously and his body leaned forward, just like a little girl in a kindergarten asking a teacher. Simple and curious.

   "Yes!" She answered without thinking. "But I have to go through a few more things before I leave. This is something later." Seeing it finally got better, she also relaxed.

   "Then what are you going to do? It's not just cultivating yourself here!"

   "Of course not, what do you think? Am I such a low-level person in your heart?" She pretended to be angry and gave him a brain boom, and the two wrestled together.

   "Okay, okay, listen to me!" In this small battle, it was Chen Xuan who took the lead in admitting his mistake and ending it.

   "The plan is not without people, but it is very big. Now it hasn't been realized by one step. I am too embarrassed to tell others." When he said this, he would still be embarrassed.

   Turned her head shyly, "But you and I can still talk about it!"

   Then Chen Xuan, I will explain my short-term life goals to him.

   "Actually, in my magic treasure house, do you know that there is a tower master?"

   "I know this. When you drank with me the first day, did he command it from behind?" He hit the key in a single stroke, and then poked him hard with the pain, without leaving any affection!

   "Ah, you know about this!" Chen Xuan didn't expect at all. He felt that his acting skills at the time were already good enough.

"Well, there is him! Then he is a very high-ranking old man. He used to assist a very good leader and a very big official, but later because the age is too long, that The person is no longer there. He met me by chance, and he began to assist me."

   "So what you mean is... these life plans are all he helped you come up with?"

   "Almost, I haven't thought about it before!"

   "Only after she came did she help me plan Charlie's various things, and I began to gradually have goals. Before, I didn't even think of my apprentices!"

   "You mean your apprentices?"

   "Yes, that is all later, I just received it not long ago when I met you!"

   "And then?" He held the wine glass to one side and tasted it gently.

   "And now I also have a very clear plan!"

  "The plan for the two of us was like this at the time! He asked me to accept a few more apprentices first, because he said that a bunch of people is better than one person! Then he said that he would take me to the central kingdom of this world."

   "I've heard of that place too, my dad told me before!"

  The two of them are like little boys who have discovered a new world. When talking about this, the chatterbox is not easy to close!

  (End of this chapter)

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