Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2278: Fork in the road

  Chapter 2278 Fork in the road

   "Why?" Chen Xuan really couldn't tell in this respect. She feels that the place on the right is more like a place to kill people!

   "Don't ask, you'll know then!"

  The three of them walked along a bushy road on the left.

  The environment for the Luohe high-speed rail is the same, with wet weather and even running water. After walking for a while, there was a strange smell in the air.

"what is this?"

   "I don't know, but we must be right!"

  The smell in the air is very strange. They want to vomit after they finish, but they also know very well that this is definitely a smell that humans can create!

  Chen Xuan, I understand, because there are people on this road!

The place where humans provoke me, she must have a water source, so this road is full of water, covered with plants, and the air is very humid. If the ticket is exchanged for another one, then the drinking water alone will have a lot of water. difficult.

  In this way, there is a certain pattern when there is not something to go to, just see if you find

  The admiration for him in his heart increased by another point. It turns out that he knows such a knowledgeable person, which is really his luck.

  The three people walked in quietly, because they knew there was someone inside, so they didn't dare to light the fire too brightly. The two fires that Chen Xuan's force extinguished should actually be sealed! Then the rosin and honey left behind became very dark, only enough to see the way in front of me.

  They don’t know why, and their mood has become severely frightened, afraid and excited. Fang Che even took Chen Xuan's arm with his hand. The other party responded to him with gentle comfort and gentle touches. Finally, she directly pulled her forward.

After a few turns, the atmosphere became more and more intense, and the fineness inside was beyond their imagination. They couldn't think of a small Huangshan with such a rich and luxurious configuration behind, it was like a top-notch blue silk. The back of the building! Although he is not as good as the sophomore there, but the weapons are well-arranged and reasonable, and they are indistinguishable from the kind of mansion in front of them!

  The only difference between them is that one stands in the light and the other hides in the darkness. A continual economic benefit created by busy traffic every day, but an unknown place...

  Recovering their thoughts, they saw small rooms constantly along the way, some of which contained necessary supplies, and some of them put handstands and tiger stools in them! It makes them feel vaguely uneasy.

  They are light-handed, one room, one room inspection, the previous few days were empty, but the next one suddenly had footsteps.

   "Shhh, someone!" Yan Keyun raised his hand to block the two behind, and then sealed the torch.

  "Who is it? Is it the head?"

  "It should not be, it should be just a small soldier! We will find a way to bypass him and avoid conflict!"

  The three people nodded, and instantly moved in three different directions. The original fire was turned into a starry sky, each hidden in the dark. The little soldier came here leisurely turning around again, walking step by step, and found nothing, but when it passed by, he didn't know that the three people behind him had gathered together again and had already arrived. He successfully avoided him at the door he came out just now!

  She felt as if there was something behind, she turned her head weirdly and saw nothing, so she left weirdly.

   Where Yan Keyun arrived first, he quietly looked in from the crack in the door, his vision was limited, and he kept turning his head around. Watching the inside of the room inch by inch.

  According to his initial judgment and the furnishings in the room, this should be a torture room. Her bed was covered with various instruments of torture, and the floor was also covered with various shackles. There were stains in some places, perhaps blood. The light in the entire room was very dim, and there was no one on the biggest torture instrument in the middle, but there were a lot of blood stains. It should have not been long since the interrogation was completed.

  The two people behind follow up one after another

   "There should be something, should I go in and take a look?" He pointed inside.

   "Let's go, isn't we here for this!"

  The three of them gently opened the door without making a sound. They stared at the huge torture instrument quietly, with the mottled blood and tear marks on it, and the smell of alcohol. It was put together under the dim light, which made people nauseous. They wondered who would have suffered such torture here just now.

  Her life must be difficult!

  The three of them were sighing for that person, and suddenly they heard a faint groan from the corner.

  The voice was very soft, muddy, and vague, but it seemed to be wrapped in a deep pain. He couldn't solve it by himself, only through the touch between the vocal cords and the whimper of the throat.

  The three people heard the sound and searched, and finally found a small body in a corner. For a while, they were all stunned there.

  There was a small person curled up on the ground. The clothes she was wearing had been torn apart, covered with dirt and blood, and hung empty on her body. He was barefoot, the shoes in his memory were gone, replaced by **** scars on his feet. The face and body are all traces of the whip, the red blood marks are shocking to see, there is a large blood on the chest, the sleeves are torn apart by the whip, and some places are beaten to the skin and the capillaries are still The blood was oozing, and in some places the blood had coagulated and turned into a dark red black, but it did not scab and did not receive any treatment. The **** little face was now white, and the eyes trembled slightly, which was an expression of strenuousness.

  You can know who this person is without even thinking about it!

  (End of this chapter)

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